(in-package :kira)
(defstatic '(:character-encoding :iso-8859-1 :line-termination :crlf))
(defconstant +multipart-buffer-size+ 131072 "The chunk size for multipart/form-data processing.")
(defconstant +line-buffer-size+ 1024 "The expected header line size (not a hard limit)."))
(defstruct* request
(uri #u"/system/")
(method :get)
(defstaticvar *content-buffer* (make-buffer +multipart-buffer-size+))
(defstaticvar *line-buffer* (make-buffer +line-buffer-size+ 'character))
(defstaticvar *quoted-string* (make-buffer +line-buffer-size+ 'character))
(defparameter *request* (make-request :uri #u"/**/" :address ""))
(defparameter *response-time* nil "Sent as the Date header in response.")
(defparameter *timestamp* nil "Timestamp parameter of a POST request.")
(defparameter *content-type* nil "Content-Type header of the response.")
(defmethod canonical-path ((here (eql t)))
"T is designator for the current path."
(uri-path (request-uri *request*)))
(defun make-status-line (status-code reason-phrase)
(with-output-to-vector (stream nil :external-format +header-external-format+)
(format stream "HTTP/1.0 ~D ~A~%" status-code reason-phrase))))
(defmacro defstatus (status-code name &optional reason-phrase)
(orf reason-phrase (nstring-capitalize (substitute #\Space #\- (symbol-name name))))
(let ((response-cons `(,status-code . ,(make-status-line status-code reason-phrase))))
`(setf (get ',name 'http-status) ',response-cons)))
(defstatus 200 :ok "OK")
(defstatus 301 :moved-permanently)
(defstatus 302 :moved-temporarily)
(defstatus 400 :bad-request)
(defstatus 403 :authorized-personnel-only)
(defstatus 404 :not-found)
(defstatus 405 :method-not-allowed)
(defun make-multipart (content-length)
(cons (let ((buffer (make-array +multipart-buffer-size+ :element-type 'octet)))
(make-array 0 :adjustable t :displaced-to buffer :element-type 'octet))
(defun (stream)
(loop with line-buffer = (reset-buffer *line-buffer*)
for char = (read-char stream nil :premature-end)
do (case char
(#\Newline (return line-buffer))
(:premature-end (throw 'accept-connection nil))
(otherwise (vector-push-extend char line-buffer)))))
(defun read-request-line (stream)
(with-lexer ((read-header-line stream))
(values (with-lexer-error ("request method")
(match-symbol (:get :head :post)
:case-sensitive-p t
:if-none-match :error
:terminated-by #\Space))
(parse-uri lexer-string
:start lexer-position
:end (lexer-find #\Space)))))
(defun multipart-displacement (multipart)
(check-type multipart (cons t fixnum))
(array-displacement (car multipart)))
(defun multipart-position (multipart)
(multiple-value-bind (buffer position)
(multipart-displacement multipart)
(declare (ignore buffer)) position))
(defun read-body-part (multipart delimiter input output)
(with-accessors ((position multipart-position)) multipart
(loop with buffer = (multipart-displacement multipart)
for window = (ensure-multipart-window multipart input)
do (multiple-value-bind (start end final-delimiter-p)
(find-delimiter delimiter window)
(declare (type array-index start))
(unless (or end (> start (the array-index position)))
(error "Encountered EOF before boundary: ~S." multipart))
(write-sequence buffer output :start position :end start)
(advance-multipart-window multipart (or end start))
(when end (return final-delimiter-p))))))
(defun advance-multipart-window (multipart new-position)
(multiple-value-bind (buffer old-position) (multipart-displacement multipart)
(let ((shrink (- (the array-index new-position) (the array-index old-position))))
(declare (type array-index shrink))
(let ((window (car multipart)))
(adjust-array window
(- (array-total-size window) shrink)
:displaced-index-offset new-position
:displaced-to buffer)))))
(defun read-into-multipart-buffer (multipart stream)
(destructuring-bind (window . content-length) multipart
(unless (plusp content-length) (return-from read-into-multipart-buffer window))
(multiple-value-bind (buffer old-position) (multipart-displacement multipart)
(let ((end (+ (the array-index old-position) (array-total-size window))))
(declare (type array-index end old-position content-length))
(replace buffer buffer :start2 old-position :end2 end)
(decf end old-position)
(adjust-array window end :displaced-to buffer)
(let* ((available-space (- +multipart-buffer-size+ end))
(maximum-end (+ end (the fixnum (min available-space content-length))))
(new-end (read-sequence buffer stream :start end :end maximum-end)))
(declare (type array-index available-space maximum-end new-end))
(decf (cdr multipart) (the fixnum (- new-end end)))
(adjust-array window new-end :displaced-to buffer))))))
(defun ensure-multipart-window (multipart stream)
"Ensure the window is big enough for a boundary."
(let ((window (car multipart)))
(if (< (array-total-size window) (* 2 +line-buffer-size+))
(read-into-multipart-buffer multipart stream)
(defconstant +cr+ (char-code #\Return))
(defconstant +lf+ (char-code #\Linefeed))
(defconstant +hyphen+ (char-code #\-)))
(defmacro ((stream header-name) &body clauses)
(loop for (key) in clauses for keys = (ensure-list key)
append (remove-if-not #'keywordp keys) into header-names
finally (return (with-gensyms (header-stream read-header-tag)
`(prog ((,header-stream ,stream))
(with-lexer ((read-header-line ,header-stream))
(unless (eql lexer-start lexer-end)
(with-lexer-error ("header")
(let ((,header-name
:terminated-by #\:)))
(declare (type symbol ,header-name))
(when ,header-name (skip-lws))
(case ,header-name ,@clauses)
(go ,read-header-tag))))))))))
(defmacro skip-lws (&optional class)
(let ((skip '(loop while (lexer-match horizontal-whitespace))))
(if class `(prog2 ,skip (lexer-match ,class) ,skip) skip)))
(defmacro parse-quoted-string ()
`(let ((buffer (reset-buffer *quoted-string*)))
(loop (lexer-case (char (lexer-error))
(#\" (return (copy-seq buffer)))
(t (when (char= char #\\)
(lexer-case (escaped-quote)
(#\" (setq char escaped-quote))))
(vector-push-extend char buffer))))))
(define-char-class separator ()
'(or #\Tab " ()<>\"@,;:\\[]?={}/"))
(define-char-class token ()
'(and graphic (not separator)))
(defmacro parse-http-value ()
`(or (lexer-case (open-quote)
(#\" (parse-quoted-string)))
(get-token token)))
(defmacro expect-keyword (keywords terminated-by)
`(match-symbol ,keywords :if-none-match :error
:terminated-by ,terminated-by))
(defmacro parse-content-type ()
`(progn (expect-keyword :multipart/form-data #\;)
(skip-lws) (expect-keyword :boundary #\=)
(defmacro parse-x-forwarded-for ()
"Get client IP address from X-Forwarded-For."
`(get-token (and graphic (not ", "))))
(defmacro parse-cookie ()
`(loop for cookie-name = (match-symbol session :terminated-by #\=)
for parsed-cookie-value = (when cookie-name (lexer-unsigned 36))
thereis parsed-cookie-value do (or (lexer-match t) (loop-finish))))
(defun (stream)
(let ((content-length 0) boundary)
(declare (type fixnum content-length))
(with-headers (stream header-name)
(:content-type (setq boundary (parse-content-type)))
(:cookie (setf (request-cookie *request*) (parse-cookie)))
(:x-forwarded-for (setf (request-address *request*) (parse-x-forwarded-for)))
(:content-length (setq content-length (require-type (lexer-unsigned) 'fixnum))))
(values content-length boundary stream)))
(defun make-delimiter (boundary &aux (prefix (constant-octet-vector +lf+ +hyphen+ +hyphen+)))
(concatenate '(vector octet) prefix (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code boundary)))
(defun find-delimiter (delimiter window &optional seen-crlf-p)
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) delimiter))
(with-array-data ((vector window) (window-start 0) window-end)
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vector))
(prog* ((delimiter-length (length delimiter))
(i window-start) (j 0) (start i))
(declare (type array-index i j start))
(declare (type array-index delimiter-length))
(when seen-crlf-p (incf j) (go match-delimiter))
(loop while (< i window-end)
do (when (= (aref vector i) +cr+)
(setq start i j 0 i (1+ i))
(go match-delimiter))
(incf i))
(return window-end)
(loop while (< i window-end) while (< j delimiter-length)
do (when (/= (aref vector i) (aref delimiter j))
(go find-cr))
(incf i) (incf j))
(let ((remaining (- window-end i)))
(declare (type fixnum remaining))
(when (< remaining 2)
(return start))
(when (= (aref vector i) +cr+)
(when (= (aref vector (the fixnum (+ i 1))) +lf+)
(return (values start (the fixnum (+ i 2)) nil))))
(when (< remaining 4) (return start))
(when (and (= (aref vector i) +hyphen+)
(= (aref vector (the fixnum (+ i 1))) +hyphen+)
(= (aref vector (the fixnum (+ i 2))) +cr+)
(= (aref vector (the fixnum (+ i 3))) +lf+))
(let ((end (the fixnum (+ i 4))))
(return (values start end t)))))
(go find-cr))))
(defmacro parse-content-disposition ()
`(loop initially (expect-keyword :form-data #\;) (skip-lws)
for keyword = (expect-keyword (:name :filename) #\=)
for value of-type simple-string = (parse-http-value)
if (eq keyword :filename) do (setq filename value)
else do (setq name value) while (skip-lws #\;)))
(defun (vector)
(with-array-data ((vector vector) (start 0) end)
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vector))
(when (<= (decf end 3) 0) (return-from find-end-of-header-block))
(loop for i of-type array-index from start below end
when (and (= (aref vector i) +cr+)
(= (aref vector (the array-index (+ i 1))) +lf+)
(= (aref vector (the array-index (+ i 2))) +cr+)
(= (aref vector (the array-index (+ i 3))) +lf+))
return (the array-index (+ i 4)))))
(defun skip-preamble (multipart delimiter stream)
(let ((window (ensure-multipart-window multipart stream)))
(multiple-value-bind (start end final-delimiter-p) (find-delimiter delimiter window t)
(advance-multipart-window multipart (or end (error "Expected boundary in ~S." multipart)))
(values final-delimiter-p start end))))
(defun sanitize-filename (filename)
"Discard directory components."
(with-lexer ((or filename ""))
(unless (eql lexer-end lexer-start)
(loop for position = (lexer-find "\\/")
if position do (setq lexer-position (1+ position))
else return (collapse filename t :start lexer-position)))))
(defun read-post (content-length boundary input &aux parameter)
(unless (eq (request-method *request*) :post) (return-from read-post))
(assert (and (plusp content-length) boundary) (content-length boundary))
(loop with multipart = (make-multipart content-length)
with buffer = (multipart-displacement multipart)
with delimiter = (make-delimiter boundary)
for name = nil for filename = nil initially (when (skip-preamble multipart delimiter input) (loop-finish))
for window = (ensure-multipart-window multipart input) as start = (nth-value 1 (array-displacement window))
for end-of-headers fixnum = (or (find-end-of-header-block window) (respond-with :bad-request))
do (with-input-from-vector
(input buffer :external-format +header-external-format+ :start start :end end-of-headers)
(with-headers (input header-name) (:content-disposition (parse-content-disposition)))
(assert name (name) "Invalid Content-Disposition: parameter name required."))
collect (setq parameter (list name)) into request-parameters
finally (setf (request-parameters *request*) request-parameters)
do (advance-multipart-window multipart end-of-headers)
until (if (plusp (length (setq filename (sanitize-filename filename))))
(with-temporary-file (binary-output :element-type 'octet)
(rplacd parameter (cons filename (pathname binary-output)))
(read-body-part multipart delimiter input binary-output))
(with-output-to-vector (binary-output (reset-buffer *content-buffer*))
(prog1 (read-body-part multipart delimiter input binary-output)
(setf (fill-pointer *content-buffer*) (file-position binary-output))
(rplacd parameter (decode-content-from-octets *content-buffer*)))))))
(defun parameter (name &optional errorp (parser #'identity))
(let ((value (cdr (assoc name (uri-alist (request-uri *request*)) :test #'string-equal))))
(when (plusp (length value)) (setq value (percent-decode value :plus-to-space-p t)))
(orf value (cdr (assoc name (request-parameters *request*) :test #'string-equal)))
(or (if (stringp value) (if (equal value "") nil (funcall parser value)) value)
(when errorp (respond-with :not-found)))))
(defconstant +session-days-alive+ 90 "Expire this many days from response time.")
(defconstant +session-renewal-at+ 30 "Renew cookie when this many days are left.")
(defparameter *session* nil "The active session, taken from the REQUEST-COOKIE.")
(defun handle-request (request http-output)
(let* ((request-method (request-method request))
(request-cookie (request-cookie request))
(*content-type* "text/html; charset=utf-8")
(uri (request-uri request)) (query (uri-query uri))
(*session* (if request-cookie (cookie-session request-cookie)))
object response canonical-path (*response-time* (get-local-time)))
(multiple-value-bind (status location body)
(cond ((not (setq object (find-object uri))) :not-found)
((string/= (uri-path uri) (setq canonical-path (canonical-path object)))
(values :moved-permanently (resolve-uri (make-uri :path canonical-path :query query))))
((symbolp (setq response (catch 'response (get-response object request-method)))) response)
(t (if (uri-p response) (values :moved-temporarily response nil) (values :ok nil response))))
(destructuring-bind (status-code . status-line)
(or (get status 'http-status) (list status))
(check-type status-code (integer 0 999))
(write-sequence status-line http-output)
(let ((content-length (length body))
(good-response-p (< (the fixnum status-code) 400))
(cookie (when *session* (session-cookie *session*))))
(format http-output "Date: ~/kira:822-time/~%" *response-time*)
(if good-response-p (fail-safe (commit) (rollback)) (rollback))
(when (set-cookie-p cookie request-cookie *session* *response-time*)
(symbol-macrolet ((expiration-time (expiration-time *session*)))
(format http-output "Set-Cookie: session=~36R; path=/; " cookie)
(format http-output "expires=~:/kira:822-time/; HttpOnly" expiration-time)
(format http-output "~:[; Secure~;~]~%" (eq (uri-scheme *base-uri*) :http))))
(format http-output "Content-Length: ~D~%" content-length)
(cond (location (format http-output "Location: ~A~%" location))
(t (format http-output "Content-Type: ~A~%" *content-type*)))
(format http-output "Server: Kira~%~%")
(unless (eq request-method :head)
(write-sequence body http-output))
(finish-output http-output))))))
(defun respond-with (designator)
(throw 'response designator))
respond-with (designator)
`(throw 'response ,designator))
(defgeneric handle (object)
(:method ((object-without-post t))
(respond-with :method-not-allowed)))
(defconstant +minimum-delay+ 6 "The enforced posting delay, in seconds.")
(defconstant +maximum-delay+ (* 7 +day+) "More than a week is too slow.")
(defun check-submission-time-sanity (local-time)
(let ((delta (- (universal-time *response-time*) (universal-time local-time))))
(cond ((< delta +minimum-delay+) (respond-with #u"/static/error.shtml?fast"))
((> delta +maximum-delay+) (respond-with #u"/static/error.shtml?slow")))))
(defun get-expiration-time (&aux (expiration-time (get-local-time)))
(incf (local-time-day expiration-time) +session-days-alive+)
(defun renew-session-p (session &optional (present *response-time*))
(with-accessors ((expiration-time expiration-time)) session
(let ((days-left (- (local-time-day expiration-time) (local-time-day present))))
(when (<= days-left +session-renewal-at+) (setq expiration-time (get-expiration-time))))))
(defun set-cookie-p (session-cookie request-cookie session response-time)
(and session-cookie (or (not (eql session-cookie request-cookie))
(renew-session-p session response-time))))
(define-persistent-class session ()
((log :initform nil :accessor session-log :initarg :log)
(name :initform nil :accessor session-name :initarg :name)
(authorization-time :initform nil :accessor authorization-time)
(expiration-time :accessor expiration-time :initform (get-expiration-time))
(ip-address :accessor ip-address :initform (request-address *request*))
(code :reader session-code :documentation "MAC of the session ID.")
(cookie :allocation :instance :reader session-cookie)))
(defmethod slot-unbound ((class t) (session session) (slot-name (eql 'cookie)))
(with-accessors ((object-id object-id) (session-code session-code)) session
(setf (slot-value session 'cookie) (make-session-cookie object-id session-code))))
(defmethod slot-unbound ((class t) (session session) (slot-name (eql 'code)))
(setf (slot-value session 'code) (compute-session-code (object-id session))))
(defun cookie-session (cookie &aux session)
(multiple-value-bind (session-id code) (decode-cookie cookie)
(when (typep (setq session (get-object session-id)) 'session)
(when (= code (session-code session)) session))))
(define-persistent-class input-mixin ()
((ip-address :initform nil :initarg :ip-address :accessor ip-address)
(session :initform *session* :initarg :session :accessor session)
(timestamp :initform nil :initarg :timestamp :accessor timestamp))
:ip-address (request-address *request*)
:session *session* :timestamp *timestamp*))
(defun get-response (object request-method &aux (buffer (reset-buffer *content-buffer*)))
(with-output-to-vector (*html-output* buffer :external-format +content-external-format+)
(flet ((form-entry (name) (assoc name (request-parameters *request*) :test #'string-equal)))
(if (eq request-method :post)
(let ((*timestamp* (parameter 'timestamp nil #'authenticate-timestamp)))
(when (or (form-entry "") (form-entry :submit) (not *timestamp*))
(respond-with :bad-request))
(check-submission-time-sanity *timestamp*)
(orf *session* (make-instance 'session))
(progn (handle object) (redirect object)))
(progn (render-page object) buffer)))))
(defun redirect (object &rest parameters)
"Immediately send 302 redirect to the specified resource."
(cond ((typep object 'uri) (respond-with (resolve-uri object)))
((respond-with (apply #'absolute-uri-to object parameters)))))
(defun open-log (pathname &rest options)
(appendf options '(:if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create))
(appendf options '(:direction :output :external-format :utf-8))
(apply #'open pathname options))
(defmacro with-open-log ((stream pathname &rest options) &body body)
`(with-open-stream (,stream (open-log ,pathname ,@options)) ,@body))
(defun log-condition (condition)
(let ((now (get-local-time)))
(with-open-log (stream "kira:data;error.log")
(format stream "~&[~A] ~A~%" now condition))))
(defun http-error (condition)
(log-condition condition)
(throw 'accept-connection
(defun http-warning (condition)
(log-condition condition)
(muffle-warning condition))
(defun ignore-epipe (stream context)
(declare (ignore stream context))
(throw 'accept-connection nil))
(defun http-serve (&key (port 8080))
(let ((*epipe-handler* #'ignore-epipe))
(with-open-socket (http-listener
:connect :passive :local-port port
:type :stream :local-host "")
(loop with request = (make-request)
with *request* = request
do (catch 'accept-connection
(with-accessors ((cookie request-cookie)
(request-address request-address)
(request-parameters request-parameters)
(request-method request-method)
(uri request-uri)) request
(handler-bind ((serious-condition #'http-error) (warning #'http-warning))
(with-open-stream (http-connection (accept-connection http-listener))
(setf (values cookie request-address request-parameters) nil)
(setf (stream-external-format http-connection) +header-external-format+)
(setf (values request-method uri) (read-request-line http-connection))
(multiple-value-call #'read-post (read-request-headers http-connection))
(handle-request request http-connection)))))))))