(in-package :kira)
(defstruct* (uri (:conc-name %uri-))
scheme authority user host port
path segments query alist fragment
(define-char-class gen-delims () ":/?#[]@")
(define-char-class sub-delims () "!$&'()*+,;=")
(define-char-class reserved () '(or gen-delims sub-delims))
(define-char-class unreserved () '(or alphanumeric "-._~"))
(defun uri-scheme (uri)
(%uri-scheme (uri uri)))
(defun uri-authority (uri)
(orf (%uri-authority (setq uri (uri uri)))
(let ((user (%uri-user uri)) (port (%uri-port uri)))
(unless (or user port) (return-from uri-authority (%uri-host uri)))
(format nil "~@[~A@~]~@[~A~]~@[:~D~]" user (%uri-host uri) port))))
(defun %authority (uri)
"Parse URI authority if it has not been parsed."
(when (%uri-host uri) (return-from %authority))
(whereas ((authority (%uri-authority uri)))
(setf (values (%uri-user uri)
(%uri-host uri)
(%uri-port uri))
(parse-authority authority))))
(defun uri-user (uri)
(or (%uri-user (setq uri (uri uri)))
(nth-value 0 (%authority uri))))
(defun uri-host (uri)
(or (%uri-host (setq uri (uri uri)))
(nth-value 1 (%authority uri))))
(defun uri-port (uri)
(or (%uri-port (setq uri (uri uri)))
(nth-value 2 (%authority uri))))
(defun parse-authority (string)
"Get user, host, and port."
(with-lexer (string)
(let (port start-of-host end-of-host)
(loop (lexer-case (char (return))
(#\@ (unless start-of-host
(setq start-of-host lexer-position)))
(#\: (let ((start-of-port lexer-position))
(setq port (lexer-unsigned))
(if (= lexer-position lexer-end)
(setq end-of-host (1- start-of-port))
(setq port nil))))
(values (when start-of-host (subseq lexer-string 0 (the fixnum (1- start-of-host))))
(subseq lexer-string (or start-of-host 0) (or end-of-host lexer-end))
(defun uri-path (uri)
(orf (%uri-path (setq uri (uri uri)))
(cond ((null (rest (%uri-segments uri))) "")
(t (let* ((segments (%uri-segments uri))
(start 0) (car (pop segments))
(total-size 0) path)
(declare (fixnum start))
(declare (fixnum total-size))
(loop for segment in segments
for length fixnum = (length segment)
for total-length fixnum = (1+ length)
do (incf total-size total-length))
(cond ((eq car :relative)
(setq path (make-string (decf total-size))))
(t (setq path (make-string total-size))
(setf (schar path 0) #\/ start 1)))
(loop finally (return path)
for (segment . tail) on segments
as end fixnum = (+ start (length segment))
do (replace path segment :start1 start)
when tail do (setf (schar path end) #\/)
(setq start (1+ end))))))))
(defun uri-segments (uri)
(orf (%uri-segments (setq uri (uri uri)))
(with-lexer ((or (%uri-path uri) ""))
(cond ((= lexer-end lexer-start) '(:relative))
(t (let ((leading-slash-p (lexer-match #\/)))
(list* (if leading-slash-p :absolute :relative)
(loop collecting (get-token (not #\/))
while (lexer-match #\/)))))))))
(defun uri-query (uri)
(orf (%uri-query (setq uri (uri uri)))
(whereas ((alist (%uri-alist uri)))
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(loop for ((key . value) . tail) on alist
do (format stream "~A~@[=~A~]~@[&~]"
key value tail))))))
(defun uri-alist (uri)
(orf (%uri-alist (setq uri (uri uri)))
(with-lexer ((or (%uri-query uri) ""))
(unless (= lexer-position lexer-end)
(loop for key = (get-token (not "=&"))
for parameter = (cons key nil)
when (lexer-match #\=)
do (rplacd parameter (get-token (not #\&)))
collect parameter while (lexer-match #\&))))))
(defun uri-fragment (uri)
(%uri-fragment (uri uri)))
(defun uri (designator)
(typecase designator
(uri designator)
(t (parse-uri
(defun %make-uri-from-string (string)
(let ((uri (make-uri :string string)))
(with-lexer ((%uri-string uri))
(orf (%uri-scheme uri)
(match-symbol (:http :https :mailto :ftp) :terminated-by #\:)
(when (lexer-advance-if (lexer-skip (not ":/?#")) (lexer-match #\:))
(subseq lexer-string lexer-start (the array-index (1- lexer-position)))))
(with-accessors ((path %uri-path)) uri
(let ((has-authority-p (lexer-match #\/ #\/)))
(setf (%uri-authority uri)
(when has-authority-p
(get-token (not "/?#")))))
(setq path (get-token (not "?#")))
(let ((query-string-p (lexer-match #\?)))
(setf (%uri-query uri) (when query-string-p (get-token (not #\#))))
(setf (%uri-fragment uri) (when (lexer-match #\#) (get-token t)))
(defun uri-string (uri)
(orf (%uri-string (setq uri (uri uri)))
(format nil "~@[~(~A~):~]~@[//~A~]~@[~A~]~@[?~A~]~@[#~A~]"
(uri-scheme uri) (uri-authority uri) (uri-path uri)
(uri-query uri) (uri-fragment uri))))
(defun uri= (uri1 uri2)
(setq uri1 (uri uri1))
(setq uri2 (uri uri2))
(and (equalp (%uri-scheme uri1)
(%uri-scheme uri2))
(equal (uri-user uri1) (uri-user uri2))
(equalp (uri-host uri1) (uri-host uri2))
(eql (uri-port uri1) (uri-port uri2))
(equal (uri-path uri1) (uri-path uri2))
(equal (uri-query uri1) (uri-query uri2))
(equal (%uri-fragment uri1)
(%uri-fragment uri2))))
(defun percent-encode (string &key (start 0) end (external-format +content-external-format+))
(let ((octets (encode-string-to-octets string :start start :end end :external-format external-format)))
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) octets) (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3)))
(let* ((length-of-octets (length octets)) (encoded-length length-of-octets))
(declare (type array-index length-of-octets encoded-length))
(loop for i of-type fixnum below length-of-octets
for octet of-type octet = (aref octets i)
for char of-type character = (code-char octet)
do (unless (char-of-class-p char 'unreserved)
(incf encoded-length 2)))
(when (= encoded-length length-of-octets)
(unless (or end (/= 0 (the fixnum start)))
(return-from percent-encode string)))
(symbol-macrolet ((digits "0123456789ABCDEF"))
(loop with result of-type simple-string = (make-string encoded-length)
for j of-type fixnum = 0 then (1+ j) finally (return result)
for i of-type fixnum below length-of-octets
for octet of-type octet = (aref octets i)
for char of-type character = (code-char octet)
for unreserved-char-p = (char-of-class-p char 'unreserved)
when unreserved-char-p do (setf (schar result j) char)
else do (setf (schar result j) #\%)
(setf (schar result (the fixnum (incf j)))
(schar digits (ldb (byte 4 4) octet))
(schar result (the fixnum (incf j)))
(schar digits (ldb (byte 4 0) octet))))))))
(defmacro lexer-hex-digit (&aux (lexer `(lexer-case (char) ((digit 16) char))))
`(the (mod 16) (aref +digits+ (char-code (the character (or ,lexer (lexer-error)))))))
(defun %decoded-octets (string start end external-format plus-to-space-p)
(setq external-format (normalize-external-format t external-format))
(let ((character-encoding (external-format-character-encoding external-format)))
(with-output-to-vector (stream nil :external-format character-encoding)
(with-lexer (string start end)
(with-lexer-error ("percent-encoding")
(loop (lexer-case (char (return))
(#\% (let* ((octet (ash (lexer-hex-digit) 4))
(octet (logior octet (lexer-hex-digit))))
(declare (type octet octet))
(write-byte octet stream)))
(if (when plus-to-space-p
(char= char #\+))
(write-char #\ stream)
(write-char char stream))))))))))
(defun decode-content-from-octets (octets &key (start 0) end (external-format +content-external-format+))
(let (buffer (size (- (the array-index (check-vector-bounds octets start end)) (the array-index start))))
(with-input-from-vector (octet-stream octets :start start :end end :external-format external-format)
(subseq (setq buffer (make-string size)) 0 (read-sequence buffer octet-stream)))))
(defun percent-decode (string &key (start 0) end (external-format +content-external-format+) plus-to-space-p)
(let ((string-as-percent-decoded-octets (%decoded-octets string start end external-format plus-to-space-p)))
(decode-content-from-octets string-as-percent-decoded-octets :external-format external-format)))
(defmethod print-object ((uri uri) stream)
(if (or *print-escape* *print-readably*)
(let ((string (uri-string uri)))
(write-string "#u" stream)
(write-escaped-string string stream))
(write-string (uri-string uri) stream)))
(defun parse-uri (string &key (start 0) end)
(let ((uri-string (subseq string start end)))
(%make-uri-from-string uri-string)))
#\# #\u #'(lambda (stream sub-char parameter)
(declare (ignore sub-char parameter))
(%make-uri-from-string (read stream))))
(defmethod make-load-form ((uri uri) &optional environment)
(declare (ignore environment)) `(uri ,(uri-string uri)))
(defvar *base-uri*
#+localhost "http://localhost/"
#-localhost "https://cl-pdx.com/"))
(defun remove-dot-segments (segments)
(let* ((last-segment (last segments)) (dot-end-p (equal last-segment '("."))))
(removef "." segments :test #'equal) (when dot-end-p (appendf segments '(""))))
(loop for up-position = (position ".." segments :test #'equal) while up-position
finally (return (if (equal segments '(:relative "")) '(:relative) segments))
do (let* ((x (nthcdr (1- up-position) segments)) (y (or (cddr x) '(""))))
(when (eq x segments) (setq x (rest segments)))
(setq segments (append (ldiff segments x) y)))))
(defun %uri-for-resolution (uri)
(with-accessors ((authority uri-authority)
(segments uri-segments)
(fragment %uri-fragment)
(query uri-query))
(setq uri (uri uri))
(unless (%uri-scheme uri)
(return-from %uri-for-resolution
(make-uri :authority authority
:segments segments
:fragment fragment
:query query)))
(prog1 uri
(setf (values
(%uri-user uri)
(%uri-host uri)
(%uri-port uri)
(%uri-path uri)
(%uri-alist uri)
(%uri-string uri))
(progn authority
(defun resolve-uri (uri &optional (base *base-uri*))
(setq uri (%uri-for-resolution uri) base (uri base))
(check-type base (satisfies %uri-scheme) "a base-uri")
(let ((segments (%uri-segments uri)))
(unless (or (%uri-scheme uri) (%uri-authority uri))
(setf (%uri-authority uri) (uri-authority base))
(let ((base-segments (uri-segments base)))
(if (endp (rest segments))
(prog1 (setq segments base-segments)
(orf (%uri-query uri) (uri-query base)))
(unless (eq (first segments) :absolute)
(cond ((rest base-segments)
(setq segments (nconc (butlast base-segments) (rest segments))))
((%uri-authority uri) (pop segments) (push :absolute segments)))))))
(orf (%uri-scheme uri) (%uri-scheme base))
(setq segments (remove-dot-segments segments))
(setf (%uri-segments uri) segments)
(defun pathname-uri (pathname &rest initargs)
(assert (pathname-match-p pathname "kira:www;**;") (pathname))
(let* ((namestring (enough-namestring pathname "kira:www;"))
(directory-levels (cdr (pathname-directory namestring)))
(segments (list* :absolute directory-levels)))
(appendf segments (list (file-namestring namestring)))
(apply #'make-uri :segments segments initargs)))
(defun versioned-uri (pathname)
(let* ((write-date (file-write-date pathname))
(version (format nil "~(~36R~)" write-date)))
(pathname-uri pathname :alist `(("v" . ,version)))))
(defmacro pop-segment (place &environment environment)
(multiple-value-bind (temps vals news writer reader)
(get-setf-expansion place environment)
(with-gensyms (segment segments)
`(let* (,.(mapcar #'list temps vals) ,segment)
(loop for ,segments = ,reader as ,(car news) = (cdr ,segments)
do ,writer (setq ,segment (if ,segments (car ,segments)))
unless (equal ,segment "") return ,segment)))))
(defun find-object (uri &aux (host (uri-host uri)))
(when (or (not host) (equalp host (uri-host *base-uri*)))
(let ((object 'home) (segments (rest (uri-segments uri))))
(loop as segment = (or (pop-segment segments) (return object))
always (setq object (get-inferior-object segment object))))))
(defgeneric canonical-name (object)
(:method ((any-object t)) nil))
(defgeneric canonical-path (object)
(:method ((home-object (eql 'home))) "/")
(:method ((handler (eql 'kira))) "/kira/")
(:method ((handler (eql 'system))) "/system/")
(:method ((handler (eql 'contact))) "/contact")
(:method ((object object))
(with-slots (object-id) object
(cond ((eql object-id 0) "/")
((format nil "/~D" object-id))))))
(defmethod canonical-path ((handler symbol))
"Cache handler path as a symbol property."
(orf (get handler 'canonical-path)
(concatenate 'simple-string "/system/"
(string-downcase handler))))
(defmacro %as-string (object)
"Equivalent to PRINC-TO-STRING."
`(typecase ,object
(string ,object)
(uri (uri-string ,object))
(character (string ,object))
(pathname (namestring ,object))
(t (princ-to-string ,object))))
(defun parameter-string (object)
(cond ((eq object nil) object)
(t (if (typep object 'object)
(format nil "~D" (object-id object))
(percent-encode (%as-string object))))))
(defun uri-to (object &rest parameters)
(make-uri :path (canonical-path object)
:alist (loop with *print-case* = :downcase
for (name value) on parameters by #'cddr
for name-string = (parameter-string name)
for value-string = (parameter-string value)
collecting (cons name-string value-string))))
(defun absolute-uri-to (object &rest parameters)
(resolve-uri (apply #'uri-to object parameters)))