(in-package :kira)
(deftype octet () '(unsigned-byte 8))
(deftype binary-word () '(unsigned-byte 64))
(deftype binary-fixnum () '(signed-byte 56))
(defmacro %get-binary-byte (vector offset length)
(check-type length (integer 1 7) "a byte length")
(loop with octet = (gensym #"octet") and byte = (gensym #"byte")
with byte-type = `(unsigned-byte ,(* 8 length)) for i fixnum downfrom (1- length) to 0
collect `(setq ,octet (aref ,vector (the array-index (+ ,offset ,i)))) into decoder-forms
when (< i (the fixnum (1- length))) collect `(setq ,byte (ash ,byte 8)) into decoder-forms
collect `(logiorf ,byte ,octet) into decoder-forms
finally (push `(declare (type ,byte-type ,byte)) decoder-forms)
(push `(declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) ,octet)) decoder-forms)
(return `(let ((,octet 0) (,byte 0)) ,.decoder-forms ,byte))))
(defun skip-binary-object (vector offset)
(with-array-data ((vector vector) (start offset) (end nil))
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vector))
(locally (declare (type (and fixnum unsigned-byte) offset))
(prog ((tag-index start))
(declare (type fixnum tag-index))
(macrolet ((step-offset (delta)
`(progn (setq start (the fixnum (+ start ,delta)))
(when (> start end) (go object-out-of-bounds))
(setq offset (the fixnum (+ offset ,delta))))))
(let ((chunk-offset (step-offset 4)) (tag (aref vector tag-index)))
(declare (type octet tag) (type array-index chunk-offset))
(when (< tag 128) (return (values (step-offset 4) tag)))
(let* ((length-index (the array-index (1+ tag-index)))
(length (%get-binary-byte vector length-index 3)))
(declare (type array-index length-index) (fixnum length))
(return (values (step-offset length) tag chunk-offset)))))
vector start end)))))
(defun copy-binary-object (vector offset stream)
(multiple-value-bind (end-of-object tag chunk-offset)
(skip-binary-object vector offset)
(declare (type array-index end-of-object))
(locally (declare (type array-index offset))
(multiple-value-prog1 (values end-of-object tag chunk-offset)
(write-sequence vector stream :start offset :end end-of-object)))))
(defmacro constant-octet-vector (&rest elements)
(let ((initial-contents (mapcar #'macro-eval elements)))
(coerce initial-contents '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)))))
(defmacro %vector-output-stream-finalize-binary-chunk
(chunk-start length effective-tag stream)
(with-gensyms (ioblock origin outbuf buffer i)
`(let* ((,ioblock (basic-stream-ioblock ,stream))
(,origin (vector-output-stream-ioblock-displacement
(declare (type array-index ,origin))
(declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3)))
(let* ((,outbuf (ioblock-outbuf ,ioblock))
(,buffer (io-buffer-buffer ,outbuf))
(,i (+ ,origin ,chunk-start)))
(declare (type array-index ,i))
(declare (type (simple-array octet (*)) ,buffer))
(prog1 (setf (aref ,buffer ,i) ,effective-tag)
(setf (aref ,buffer (+ ,i 1)) (ldb (byte 8 0) ,length))
(setf (aref ,buffer (+ ,i 2)) (ldb (byte 8 8) ,length))
(setf (aref ,buffer (+ ,i 3)) (ldb (byte 8 16) ,length)))))))
(defmacro with-binary-chunk ((stream &optional tag) &body body)
(with-gensyms (effective-tag chunk-start chunk-end length chunk-offset)
(let ((placeholder-sequence (constant-octet-vector 255 255 255 255)))
(rebinding (stream)
(let ((writer-forms
,stream) ,@body)))
`(let* ((,chunk-start (file-position ,stream))
(,effective-tag (locally ,@writer-forms))
(,chunk-offset (+ ,chunk-start 4))
(,chunk-end (file-position ,stream))
(,length (- ,chunk-end ,chunk-offset)))
(declare (type array-index ,chunk-start))
(declare (type array-index ,chunk-offset))
(declare (type array-index ,chunk-end))
(declare (type array-index ,length))
,@(when tag `((setq ,effective-tag ,tag)))
(check-type ,effective-tag octet "a tag")
(if (typep ,stream 'vector-output-stream)
,chunk-start ,length ,effective-tag ,stream)
(progn (file-position ,stream ,chunk-start)
(write-byte ,effective-tag ,stream)
(write-binary-length ,length ,stream)
(file-position ,stream ,chunk-end)
(defun write-binary-length (length stream)
(require-type length '(unsigned-byte 24))
(locally (declare (type array-index length))
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) length) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) length) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) length) stream)))
(defconstant +fixnum-tag+ 0)
(defconstant +object-tag+ 1)
(defconstant +character-tag+ 2)
(defconstant +utc-tag+ 64)
(defconstant +text-tag+ 128)
(defconstant +kira-tag+ 129)
(defconstant +keyword-tag+ 130)
(defconstant +bignum-tag+ 131)
(defconstant +ratio-tag+ 132)
(defconstant +local-time-tag+ 133)
(defconstant +proper-list-tag+ 134)
(defconstant +dotted-list-tag+ 135)
(defconstant +object-record-tag+ 136)
(defconstant +complex-tag+ 137)
(defconstant +simple-vector-tag+ 138)
(defconstant +octet-vector-tag+ 139)
(defconstant +bit-vector-tag+ 140)
(defconstant +uri-tag+ 141)
(defconstant +array-tag+ 142)
(defconstant +single-float-tag+ 143)
(defconstant +double-float-tag+ 144)
(defconstant +hash-table-tag+ 145)
(defconstant +pathname-tag+ 146))
(defun write-binary-octet-vector (vector stream)
(prog1 (write-byte +octet-vector-tag+ stream)
(write-binary-length (length vector) stream)
(write-sequence vector stream)))
(defun kira-symbol-p (symbol &aux (name (symbol-name symbol)))
(eq (find-symbol name (load-time-package :kira)) symbol))
(defun %write-binary-object (object stream)
(declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3)))
(etypecase object
(cons #'write-binary-cons)
(string #'write-binary-string)
(keyword #'write-binary-keyword)
(object (write-binary-word +object-tag+ (object-id object) stream))
((vector (unsigned-byte 8)) (write-binary-octet-vector object stream))
(character (write-binary-word +character-tag+ (char-code object) stream))
(null (let ((null-seq (constant-octet-vector +proper-list-tag+ 0 0 0)))
(prog1 +proper-list-tag+ (write-sequence null-seq stream))))
((and symbol (satisfies kira-symbol-p)) #'write-binary-symbol)
(binary-fixnum (locally (declare (type (signed-byte 57) object))
(when (minusp object) (incf object (ash 1 56)))
(write-binary-word +fixnum-tag+ object stream)))
(integer #'write-binary-integer)
(ratio #'write-binary-ratio)
(single-float #'write-binary-single-float)
(double-float #'write-binary-double-float)
(normalize-local-time object)
(let ((day (local-time-day object))
(sec (local-time-sec object))
(msec (local-time-msec object))
(zone (local-time-zone object)))
(declare (type fixnum day sec msec))
(if (and (eql zone 0) (typep day '(unsigned-byte 29)))
(let* ((utc (logior (the fixnum (ash day 17)) sec))
(utc (logior (the fixnum (ash utc 10)) msec)))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 56) utc))
(write-binary-word +utc-tag+ utc stream))
(bit-vector #'write-binary-bit-vector)
(hash-table #'write-binary-hash-table)
(vector #'write-binary-simple-vector)
(array #'write-binary-array)
(complex #'write-binary-complex)
(pathname #'write-binary-pathname)
(uri #'write-binary-uri)))
(defun write-binary-word (tag integer stream)
(check-type tag (unsigned-byte 7) "a tag")
(check-type integer (unsigned-byte 56))
(locally (declare (type (unsigned-byte 56) integer))
(write-byte (the (unsigned-byte 7) tag) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) integer) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) integer) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) integer) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 24) integer) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 32) integer) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 40) integer) stream)
(write-byte (ldb (byte 8 48) integer) stream)
(defun write-binary-object (object stream)
(let ((tag (%write-binary-object object stream)))
(cond ((typep tag 'fixnum) (values object tag))
(t (values object (with-binary-chunk (stream)
(funcall tag object stream)))))))
(defun get-binary-decoder (tag)
(check-type tag octet "a tag")
(ecase (the octet tag)
(#.+text-tag+ #'get-binary-string)
(#.+kira-tag+ #'get-binary-symbol)
(#.+keyword-tag+ #'get-binary-keyword)
(#.+bignum-tag+ #'get-binary-integer)
(#.+ratio-tag+ #'get-binary-ratio)
(#.+local-time-tag+ #'get-binary-time)
(#.+proper-list-tag+ #'get-binary-proper-list)
(#.+dotted-list-tag+ #'get-binary-dotted-list)
(#.+object-record-tag+ #'get-binary-octet-vector)
(#.+complex-tag+ #'get-binary-complex)
(#.+simple-vector-tag+ #'get-binary-simple-vector)
(#.+octet-vector-tag+ #'get-binary-octet-vector)
(#.+bit-vector-tag+ #'get-binary-bit-vector)
(#.+uri-tag+ #'get-binary-uri)
(#.+array-tag+ #'get-binary-array)
(#.+single-float-tag+ #'get-binary-single-float)
(#.+double-float-tag+ #'get-binary-double-float)
(#.+hash-table-tag+ #'get-binary-hash-table)
(#.+pathname-tag+ #'get-binary-pathname)))
(defun get-binary-object (vector object-offset)
(multiple-value-bind (new-offset tag chunk-offset)
(skip-binary-object vector object-offset)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) tag) (type array-index new-offset))
(whereas ((decoder (when chunk-offset (get-binary-decoder tag))))
(let ((object (funcall decoder vector chunk-offset new-offset)))
(return-from get-binary-object (values object new-offset))))
(with-array-data ((vector vector) (offset object-offset) end)
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vector))
(let* ((immediate-offset (the array-index (1+ offset)))
(immediate-byte (%get-binary-byte vector immediate-offset 7)))
(declare (fixnum immediate-offset) (type (unsigned-byte 56) immediate-byte))
((= tag +object-tag+)
(get-object immediate-byte))
((= tag +utc-tag+)
(let* ((day (ldb (byte 29 27) immediate-byte))
(sec (ldb (byte 17 10) immediate-byte))
(msec (ldb (byte 10 0) immediate-byte))
(local-time (make-local-time :zone 0)))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 29) day))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 17) sec))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 10) msec))
(setf (local-time-day local-time) day)
(setf (local-time-sec local-time) sec)
(setf (local-time-msec local-time) msec)
((= tag +fixnum-tag+)
(let ((integer immediate-byte))
(declare (type (signed-byte 57) integer))
(when (>= integer (expt 2 55))
(decf integer (expt 2 56)))
((= tag +character-tag+) (code-char immediate-byte))
(t (error "Immediate tag undefined: ~D." tag)))
(defstatic +binary-external-format+
'(:character-encoding :utf-8
:line-termination :unix))
(defun write-binary-string (string stream)
(write-string string stream) +text-tag+)
(defun get-binary-string (vector start end)
"Decode the UTF-8 string encoded in VECTOR."
(decode-string-from-octets vector
:external-format :utf-8
:start start :end end))
(defun write-binary-symbol (symbol stream)
(write-string (symbol-name symbol) stream)
(defmacro %get-binary-symbol (vector start end package-designator)
(setq package-designator `(load-time-package ,package-designator))
`(intern (get-binary-string ,vector ,start ,end) ,package-designator))
(defun get-binary-symbol (vector start end)
(%get-binary-symbol vector start end :kira))
(defun write-binary-keyword (keyword stream)
(write-string (symbol-name keyword) stream)
(defun get-binary-keyword (vector start end)
(%get-binary-symbol vector start end :keyword))
(defun write-binary-integer (integer stream)
(let* ((signed-length (1+ (integer-length integer)))
(bits (ash (ceiling signed-length 8) 3)))
(when (minusp integer) (incf integer (ash 1 bits)))
(do ((position 0 (+ position 8))) ((= position bits) +bignum-tag+)
(write-byte (the octet (ldb (byte 8 position) integer)) stream))))
(defun get-binary-integer (vector start end)
(with-array-data ((vector vector) (start start) (end end))
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vector))
(loop with integer-size of-type array-index = (- end start)
with limit = (ash 1 (the fixnum (ash integer-size 3))) and integer = 0
for position fixnum by 8 for offset of-type fixnum from start below end
do (setf (ldb (byte 8 position) integer) (the octet (aref vector offset)))
finally (return (if (< integer (ash limit -1)) integer (- integer limit))))))
(defmacro with-binary-chunk-iterator ((macro-name) (vector start end) &body body)
`(let ((,start (prog1 (require-type ,start 'fixnum) (require-type ,end 'fixnum))))
,(with-gensyms (object)
(let* ((get `(setf (values ,object ,start) (get-binary-object ,vector ,start)))
(g-clause `((< (the fixnum ,start) (the fixnum ,end)) (values ,get t)))
(cond-form ``(cond ,',g-clause (t ,(when errorp '(error "No more objects."))))))
`(macrolet ((,macro-name (&optional errorp) ,cond-form))
(let (,object) (declare (ignorable ,object)) ,@body))))))
(defun write-binary-ratio (ratio stream)
(write-binary-object (numerator ratio) stream)
(write-binary-object (denominator ratio) stream)
(defun get-binary-ratio (vector start end)
(with-binary-chunk-iterator (get-ratio-part)
(vector start end)
(rationalize (/ (get-ratio-part t)
(get-ratio-part t)))))
(defun write-binary-cons (cons stream)
"Encode both proper and dotted lists."
(if (proper-list-p cons)
(dolist (element cons +proper-list-tag+)
(write-binary-object element stream))
(prog1 +dotted-list-tag+
(loop with dotted-list-tail = cons for element = (pop dotted-list-tail)
do (write-binary-object element stream) until (atom dotted-list-tail)
finally (write-binary-object dotted-list-tail stream)))))
(defun get-binary-proper-list (vector start end &aux element have-element-p)
(with-binary-chunk-iterator (get-list-element) (vector start end)
(loop do (setf (values element have-element-p) (get-list-element))
while have-element-p collect element)))
(defun get-binary-dotted-list (vector start end &aux element have-element-p)
(with-binary-chunk-iterator (get-list-element) (vector start end)
(collecting (dotted-list)
(loop with tail and pending-element and pending-element-p
do (setf (values element have-element-p) (get-list-element)) while have-element-p
when pending-element-p do (setq tail (collect pending-element :into dotted-list))
do (setq pending-element element pending-element-p t)
finally (cond ((not pending-element-p) (return nil))
(tail (rplacd tail pending-element) (return dotted-list))
(t (return (collect pending-element :into dotted-list))))))))
(defun write-binary-time (local-time stream)
(write-binary-object (local-time-day local-time) stream)
(write-binary-object (local-time-sec local-time) stream)
(write-binary-object (local-time-msec local-time) stream)
(write-binary-object (local-time-zone local-time) stream)
(defun get-binary-time (vector start end)
(with-binary-chunk-iterator (get-local-time-part)
(vector start end)
(make-local-time :day (get-local-time-part t)
:sec (get-local-time-part t)
:msec (get-local-time-part t)
:zone (get-local-time-part t))))
(defun write-binary-complex (complex stream)
(write-binary-object (realpart complex) stream)
(write-binary-object (imagpart complex) stream)
(defun get-binary-complex (vector start end)
(with-binary-chunk-iterator (get-complex-part)
(vector start end)
(complex (get-complex-part t)
(get-complex-part t))))
(defun write-binary-uri (uri stream)
(let ((uri-string (uri-string uri)))
(write-string uri-string stream)
(defun get-binary-uri (vector start end)
(%make-uri-from-string (get-binary-string
vector start end)))
(defun get-binary-octet-vector (vector start end)
(or (get-mmap-displaced-vector vector start end)
(subseq vector start end)))
(defun write-binary-simple-vector (vector stream)
(loop for i of-type array-index below (length vector)
do (write-binary-object (aref vector i) stream)
finally (return +simple-vector-tag+)))
(defun get-binary-simple-vector (vector start end)
(with-binary-chunk-iterator (get-element) (vector start end)
(loop with estimated-size of-type fixnum = (ash (the fixnum (- end start)) -3)
with result = (make-buffer estimated-size t) and element and have-element-p
do (setf (values element have-element-p) (get-element)) while have-element-p
do (vector-push-extend element result) finally (return result))))
(defun write-binary-bit-vector (bit-vector stream)
(with-array-data ((bit-vector bit-vector) (start 0) end)
(loop with odd-bits of-type (mod 8) = (logand (the (unsigned-byte 24) (- end start)) 7)
initially (write-byte (aref (constant-octet-vector 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) odd-bits) stream)
with octet of-type (unsigned-byte 8) = 0 for position of-type array-index upfrom 0
for i of-type fixnum from start below end for bit of-type bit = (sbit bit-vector i)
for octet-position of-type (mod 8) = (logand position 7)
when (= bit 1) do (logiorf octet (the octet (ash 1 octet-position)))
when (= octet-position 7) do (progn (write-byte octet stream) (setq octet 0))
finally (when (plusp odd-bits) (write-byte octet stream)) (return +bit-vector-tag+))))
(defun get-binary-bit-vector (vector start end)
(with-array-data ((vector vector) (start start) (end end))
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vector))
(when (= end start) (error "Missing count of unused bits."))
(let* ((unused-bits (prog1 (aref vector start) (incf start)))
(length-in-octets (the (unsigned-byte 24) (- end start)))
(even-length (the array-index (ash length-in-octets 3)))
(length (the array-index (- even-length unused-bits)))
(bit-vector (make-array length :element-type 'bit)))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) unused-bits))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 24) length-in-octets))
(declare (type array-index even-length length))
(declare (type simple-bit-vector bit-vector))
(when (zerop length) (return-from get-binary-bit-vector bit-vector))
(loop with position of-type (mod 8) = 0 and offset fixnum = start
for i of-type array-index from 0 below length
for octet of-type (unsigned-byte 8) = (aref vector offset)
then (cond ((< position 7) (incf position) (ash octet -1))
(t (setq position 0) (aref vector (incf offset))))
do (setf (sbit bit-vector i) (logand octet 1))
finally (return bit-vector)))))
(defun make-underlying-vector (array &aux (element-type (array-element-type array)))
(make-array (array-total-size array) :displaced-to array :element-type element-type))
(defun write-binary-array (array stream)
(let ((underlying-vector (make-underlying-vector array)))
(write-binary-object (array-dimensions array) stream)
(write-binary-object underlying-vector stream)
(defun get-binary-array (vector start end &aux underlying-vector)
(with-binary-chunk-iterator (get-part) (vector start end)
(make-array (get-part t)
:displaced-to (setq underlying-vector (get-part t))
:element-type (array-element-type underlying-vector))))
(defun write-binary-single-float (single-float stream)
(let ((single-float-rationalized (rationalize single-float)))
(write-binary-object single-float-rationalized stream)
(defun get-binary-single-float (vector start end)
(with-array-data ((vector vector) (start start) (end end))
(coerce (get-binary-object vector start) 'single-float)))
(defun write-binary-double-float (double-float stream)
(let ((double-float-rationalized (rationalize double-float)))
(write-binary-object double-float-rationalized stream)
(defun get-binary-double-float (vector start end)
(with-array-data ((vector vector) (start start) (end end))
(coerce (get-binary-object vector start) 'double-float)))
(defun write-binary-hash-table (hash-table stream)
(write-binary-object (hash-table-test hash-table) stream)
(write-binary-object (hash-table-size hash-table) stream)
(with-hash-table-iterator (get-hash-table-entry hash-table)
(loop (multiple-value-bind (more k v) (get-hash-table-entry)
(unless more (return +hash-table-tag+))
(write-binary-object k stream)
(write-binary-object v stream)))))
(defun get-binary-hash-table (vector start end)
(with-binary-chunk-iterator (get-hash-table-part) (vector start end)
(let ((test (get-hash-table-part t)) (size (get-hash-table-part t)))
(loop with hash-table of-type hash-table = (make-hash-table :test test :size size)
with key and present-p do (setf (values key present-p) (get-hash-table-part))
while present-p do (setf (gethash key hash-table) (get-hash-table-part t))
finally (return hash-table)))))
(defun write-binary-pathname (pathname stream)
(write-string (namestring pathname) stream)
(defun get-binary-pathname (vector start end)
(let ((string (get-binary-string vector start end)))
(declare (type string string)) (pathname string)))