(in-package :kira)
(define-symbol-macro +speck-iv+ #(115586905564534 111520595058798))
(defconstant +speck-rounds+ 29 "Number of rounds for Speck96/144.")
(defconstant +speck-word-bits+ 48 "Half the block size for Speck96/144.")
(defconstant +speck-key-words+ 3 "Number of words for a 144-bit key."))
(defconstant +speck-word-size+ (/ +speck-word-bits+ 8))
(defconstant +speck-word-mask+ (1- (ash 1 +speck-word-bits+)))
(deftype speck-word () `(unsigned-byte ,+speck-word-bits+)))
(defconstant +mac-bits+ (* 2 +speck-word-bits+))
(defconstant +digest-bits+ (* 4 +speck-word-bits+))
(defconstant +speck-key-bits+ (* +speck-word-bits+
(defmacro %ror (x r)
(let ((mask (1- (ash 1 r))))
`(logior (ash ,x (- ,r))
(the speck-word
(ash (logand ,x ,mask)
(- +speck-word-bits+
(defmacro %rol (x r)
`(logior (logand (ash ,x ,r) +speck-word-mask+)
(ash ,x (- ,r +speck-word-bits+))))
(defmacro %round-function (x y k)
`(setq ,x (%ror ,x 8) ,x (logand (+ ,x ,y) +speck-word-mask+)
,x (logxor ,x ,k) ,y (%rol ,y 3) ,y (logxor ,y ,x)))
(defmacro with-speck-key ((key &rest variables) &body body)
`(with-array-data ((vector ,key) (start 0) (end ,(list-length variables)))
,(loop for var in variables for i of-type array-index = 0 then (1+ i)
collect `(,var (require-type (aref vector (+ start ,i)) 'speck-word)) into bindings
finally (return `(let (,.bindings) (declare (type speck-word ,@variables)) ,@body)))))
(defun make-key-schedule (key &optional key-schedule)
(orf key-schedule (make-array +speck-rounds+))
(with-speck-key (key c b a)
(loop initially (setf (svref key-schedule 0) c)
for i of-type (unsigned-byte 16) from 0 below (1- +speck-rounds+)
do (if (evenp i) (%round-function b c i) (%round-function a c i))
(setf (svref key-schedule (1+ i)) c) finally (return key-schedule))))
(defmacro with-speck-context ((plaintext &optional key) &body body)
`(let ((ciphertext.lo 0) (ciphertext.hi 0) (plaintext.lo 0) (plaintext.hi 0))
(declare (type speck-word ciphertext.lo ciphertext.hi plaintext.lo plaintext.hi))
(declare (ignorable plaintext.lo plaintext.hi))
(let ((key-schedule (make-array +speck-rounds+)))
(declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3)))
(whereas ((plaintext-vector ,plaintext))
(setq plaintext.lo (svref plaintext-vector 0))
(setq plaintext.hi (svref plaintext-vector 1)))
,@(when key `((make-key-schedule ,key key-schedule)))
(defmacro %encrypt-within-speck-context (&optional lo hi new-key)
`(loop ,@(when new-key `(initially (make-key-schedule ,new-key key-schedule)))
,@(when hi `(initially (setq plaintext.lo ,lo plaintext.hi ,hi)))
with y of-type speck-word = ,(or lo 'plaintext.lo)
with x of-type speck-word = ,(or hi 'plaintext.hi)
finally (setq ciphertext.lo y ciphertext.hi x)
for i of-type (unsigned-byte 16) from 0 below +speck-rounds+
for round-key of-type speck-word = (svref key-schedule i)
do (%round-function x y round-key)))
(defun %get-speck-word (vector i start end buffer)
(declare (type (simple-array octet (*)) vector))
(declare (type (simple-array octet (*)) buffer))
(declare (type array-index i start end))
(declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3)))
(if (>= i end)
(let* ((length (logand (- end start) +speck-word-mask+))
(length* (logand (ash length 8) +speck-word-mask+)))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 48) length length*))
(if (= i end) (logior length* #x80) length*))
(let ((remaining-octets (- end i)))
(declare (type array-index remaining-octets))
(when (< remaining-octets +speck-word-size+)
(replace buffer vector :start2 i :end2 end)
(setf (aref buffer remaining-octets) #x80)
(fill buffer 0 :start (1+ remaining-octets))
(setq vector buffer i 0))
(%get-binary-byte vector i #.+speck-word-size+))))
(defmacro put-key (key &rest key-words)
`(setf ,.(loop for i = 0 then (1+ i)
for key-word in key-words
collect `(svref ,key ,i)
collect key-word)))
(defmacro with-speck-input ((data start end buffer) &body body)
`(let ((,buffer (make-array +speck-word-size+ :element-type 'octet)))
(unless (vectorp ,data) (setq ,data (coerce ,data '(vector octet))))
(when (stringp ,data) (setq ,data (encode-string-to-octets ,data)))
(with-array-data ((,data ,data) (,start 0) ,end) ,@body)))
(defun digest (data)
"Hirose compression function."
(with-speck-context (+speck-iv+)
(with-speck-input (data start end buffer)
(loop with key = (make-array +speck-key-words+)
with end-with-padding of-type array-index = (+ end +speck-word-size+)
with g.lo of-type speck-word = plaintext.lo with h.lo of-type speck-word = g.lo
with g.hi of-type speck-word = plaintext.hi with h.hi of-type speck-word = g.hi
for i of-type array-index from start below end-with-padding by +speck-word-size+
do (put-key key (%get-speck-word data i start end buffer) h.lo h.hi)
(%encrypt-within-speck-context g.lo g.hi key)
(logxorf ciphertext.lo plaintext.lo)
(logxorf ciphertext.hi plaintext.hi)
(setq g.lo ciphertext.lo g.hi ciphertext.hi)
(logxorf plaintext.lo +speck-word-mask+)
(logxorf plaintext.hi +speck-word-mask+)
(logxorf ciphertext.lo plaintext.lo)
(logxorf ciphertext.hi plaintext.hi)
(setq h.lo ciphertext.lo h.hi ciphertext.hi)
finally (return (logior (ash g.hi (* 3 +speck-word-bits+))
(ash g.lo (* 2 +speck-word-bits+))
(ash h.hi +speck-word-bits+)
(defun make-key (input)
(loop initially (unless (integerp input) (setq input (digest input)))
with vector of-type simple-vector = (make-array +speck-key-words+)
for byte-position fixnum below +speck-key-bits+ by +speck-word-bits+
for word = (ldb (byte +speck-word-bits+ byte-position) input)
for i fixnum = 0 then (1+ i) do (setf (svref vector i) word)
finally (return vector)))
(defmacro %get-cbc-word (vector i start end buffer)
`(cond ((>= ,i ,end) (if (= ,i ,end) #x80 #x00))
((< ,i ,start) (logand (- ,end ,start) +speck-word-mask+))
(t (%get-speck-word ,vector ,i ,start ,end ,buffer))))
(defun mac (data key)
"CBC-MAC based on Speck96/144."
(with-speck-context (nil key)
(with-speck-input (data start end buffer)
(loop with i of-type array-index = (- start +speck-word-size+)
when (> i end) return (logior (ash ciphertext.hi +speck-word-bits+) ciphertext.lo)
do (setq plaintext.lo (%get-cbc-word data i start end buffer) i (+ i +speck-word-size+))
(setq plaintext.hi (%get-cbc-word data i start end buffer) i (+ i +speck-word-size+))
(%encrypt-within-speck-context (logxor plaintext.lo ciphertext.lo)
(logxor plaintext.hi ciphertext.hi))))))
(defun digest-object (object)
"Compute digest of the binary-encoded OBJECT."
(digest (with-output-to-vector (binary-stream)
(write-binary-object object binary-stream))))
(defun derive-key (master-key label)
(let ((digest (digest-object label)))
(with-speck-context (nil master-key)
(loop with i of-type array-index = 0
with derived-key = (make-array +speck-key-words+)
for lo-position fixnum from 0 by (* 2 +speck-word-bits+)
for hi-position fixnum = (+ lo-position +speck-word-bits+)
do (%encrypt-within-speck-context
(ldb (byte +speck-word-bits+ lo-position) digest)
(ldb (byte +speck-word-bits+ hi-position) digest))
(setf (aref derived-key i) ciphertext.lo i (1+ i))
(when (= i +speck-key-words+) (return derived-key))
(setf (aref derived-key i) ciphertext.hi i (1+ i))
(when (= i +speck-key-words+) (return derived-key))))))
(defun ensure-key (name)
(symbol-macrolet ((master-key (system-value 'master-key)))
(orf (get name 'key) (derive-key master-key name))))
(defun make-timestamp-time (&optional local-time (key (ensure-key 'timestamp-key)))
(if local-time (normalize-local-time local-time) (setq local-time (get-local-time)))
(with-accessors ((day local-time-day) (sec local-time-sec) (msec local-time-msec)) local-time
(let ((time (+ (* day 100000000) (* (the (mod 100000) sec) 1000) (the (mod 1000) msec))))
(values time (mod (mac (format nil "~D" time) key) 10000000000)))))
(defun make-timestamp (&rest make-timestamp-time-arguments)
(multiple-value-bind (time code) (apply #'make-timestamp-time make-timestamp-time-arguments)
(nstring-downcase (write-to-string (+ (* time 10000000000) code) :base 36 :radix nil))))
(defun parse-timestamp (timestamp &key (start 0) end)
"Parse LOCAL-TIME and MAC components from a TIMESTAMP."
(with-lexer (timestamp start end)
(with-lexer-error ("timestamp")
(let ((timestamp-integer (or (lexer-unsigned 36) (lexer-error))))
(multiple-value-bind (time code) (floor timestamp-integer 10000000000)
(multiple-value-bind (day msec-time-of-day) (floor time 100000000)
(declare (type (integer 0 (100000000)) msec-time-of-day))
(multiple-value-bind (sec msec) (floor msec-time-of-day 1000)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) sec) (type (unsigned-byte 16) msec))
(values (make-local-time :day day :sec sec :msec msec :zone 0) code))))))))
(defun authenticate-timestamp (timestamp &optional (key (ensure-key 'timestamp-key)))
(multiple-value-bind (local-time provided-code) (parse-timestamp timestamp)
(when (= provided-code (nth-value 1 (make-timestamp-time local-time key)))
(defun make-session-cookie (id &optional (code (compute-session-code id)))
(logior (ash id +mac-bits+) (require-type code '(unsigned-byte #.+mac-bits+))))
(defun compute-session-code (id)
(mac (with-output-to-vector (binary-stream)
(write-binary-object id binary-stream))
(ensure-key 'session-key)))
(defun decode-cookie (authenticated-cookie)
(values (ash authenticated-cookie (- +mac-bits+))
(ldb (byte +mac-bits+ 0) authenticated-cookie)))