(in-package :kira)
(defstatic *registered-markup-table*
(make-hash-table :test 'equalp))
(defstruct markup name tag)
(defstruct (inline-markup (:include markup)))
(defstruct (block-markup (:include markup)))
(define-char-class special () "\\:()[]|{}")
(defmacro define-inline-markup (name &optional tag)
`(setf (gethash (symbol-name ',name) *registered-markup-table*)
(make-inline-markup :name ',name :tag ',tag)))
(define-inline-markup :b)
(define-inline-markup :cite)
(define-inline-markup :code)
(define-inline-markup :del)
(define-inline-markup :em)
(define-inline-markup :hr)
(define-inline-markup :i)
(define-inline-markup :ins)
(define-inline-markup :kbd)
(define-inline-markup :mark)
(define-inline-markup :q)
(define-inline-markup :s)
(define-inline-markup :samp)
(define-inline-markup :small)
(define-inline-markup :strike)
(define-inline-markup :strong)
(define-inline-markup :sub)
(define-inline-markup :sup)
(define-inline-markup :tt)
(define-inline-markup :var)
(define-inline-markup :a (href))
(define-inline-markup :img (src . alt))
(define-inline-markup :time (datetime))
(defmacro define-block-markup (name &optional tag)
`(setf (gethash ,(symbol-name name) *registered-markup-table*)
(make-block-markup :name ',name :tag ',tag)))
(define-block-markup :blockquote)
(define-block-markup :bq :blockquote)
(define-block-markup :h1)
(define-block-markup :h2)
(define-block-markup :h3)
(define-block-markup :h4)
(define-block-markup :h5)
(define-block-markup :h6)
(define-block-markup :pre)
(defmacro get-balanced-token (&optional (class '(not whitespace)) (close #\)))
(let ((open (or (whereas ((cl-pos (position close ")]}"))) (char "([{" cl-pos)) close)))
`(loop with start of-type array-index = lexer-position initially (reset-buffer buffer)
with open-count fixnum = 0 for char = (lexer-match (and ,class (not (or ,close #\\))))
do (cond (char (vector-push-extend char buffer) (when (eql char ,open) (incf open-count)))
((lexer-match #\\) (vector-push-extend (or (lexer-match special) #\\) buffer))
((and (> open-count 0) (lexer-match ,close))
(vector-push-extend ,close buffer) (decf open-count))
((return (when (> lexer-position start) buffer)))))))
(defun sanitize-attribute (string)
(with-lexer ((or string (return-from sanitize-attribute "")))
(grab (:when (match-symbol :javascript :terminated-by #\:) "noscript:")
(escape-html lexer-string t :start lexer-position :end lexer-end))))
(defmacro parse-attribute (name value-form)
`(let ((value (progn (lexer-skip whitespace) ,value-form)))
(collect (ensure-keyword ,name) :into markup-attributes)
(collect (sanitize-attribute value) :into markup-attributes)))
(defmacro get-markup-tag (markup)
`(collecting (markup-attributes)
(loop with tag do (setq tag (markup-tag ,markup)) until (listp tag)
do (setq ,markup (gethash (symbol-name tag) *registered-markup-table*))
finally (destructuring-bind (prefix-name . text-name) (or tag '(nil))
(when prefix-name (parse-attribute prefix-name (get-balanced-token)))
(when text-name (parse-attribute text-name (get-balanced-token t)))
(return (values (markup-name ,markup) markup-attributes))))))
(defmacro print-text (pending-break plain-text-start)
`(progn (when ,pending-break (start-tag ,pending-break nil) (setq ,pending-break nil))
(when (and ,plain-text-start (not (eq ,plain-text-start :print-pending-break-only)))
(write-string lexer-string stream :start ,plain-text-start :end lexer-position)
(setq ,plain-text-start lexer-position))))
(defmacro start-markup-tag (operator-name &optional (op 'list))
`(whereas ((markup (gethash ,operator-name *registered-markup-table*)))
(multiple-value-bind (name attributes) (get-markup-tag markup)
(typecase markup
(block-markup (setq pending-break nil))
(t (print-text pending-break :print-pending-break-only)))
(push (,op (start-tag name attributes)) stack)
(prog1 name (lexer-skip horizontal-whitespace)))))
(deftype operator ()
"Paragraph or bracketed extent."
'(or keyword (cons keyword null)))
(defun end-markup-tag (operator)
(cond ((keywordp operator) (end-tag operator))
((consp operator) (end-tag (car operator)))))
(defun verbatim-mode-p (stack)
(loop for operator in stack
for name = (parse-html-tag operator)
thereis (member name '(:pre :code))))
(defmacro match-li-marker ()
(with-gensyms (marker-start marker-end)
`(lexer-advance-if (let ((,marker-start (lexer-skip "*#")))
(declare (type array-index ,marker-start))
(when (> lexer-position ,marker-start)
(let ((,marker-end lexer-position))
(declare (type array-index ,marker-end))
(lexer-skip horizontal-whitespace)
(when (> lexer-position ,marker-end)
(subseq lexer-string
(defun compute-li-level (stack)
(loop with level = '() for operator in stack
if (eq operator :ul) do (push #\* level)
else if (eq operator :ol) do (push #\# level)
finally (return (coerce level 'simple-string))))
(defmacro %l-close (old-n old-level mismatch)
`(loop for i of-type array-index downfrom (1- ,old-n) downto ,mismatch
do (whereas ((tail (member (if (eql (schar ,old-level i) #\*) :ul :ol) stack)))
(end-tag (first tail)) (setq stack (nconc (ldiff stack tail) (rest tail))))))
(defmacro %l-open (new-n new-level mismatch)
`(loop for i of-type array-index from ,mismatch below ,new-n
for tag = (if (eql (schar ,new-level i) #\*) :ul :ol)
do (push (start-tag tag nil) stack)))
(defmacro %update-list-level (old-level new-level mismatch)
`(let ((old-n (length ,old-level)) (new-n (length ,new-level)))
(declare (type array-index old-n) (type array-index new-n))
(when (<= new-n old-n) (%l-close old-n ,old-level ,mismatch))
(when (>= new-n old-n) (%l-open new-n ,new-level ,mismatch))))
(defmacro pop-inside-list (stack)
(with-gensyms (operator st tail)
`(loop for ,st on ,stack as (,operator . ,tail) = ,st
until (or (eq ,operator :ul) (eq ,operator :ol))
when (keywordp ,operator) do (end-markup-tag ,operator)
and do (setq ,stack (nconc (ldiff ,stack ,st) ,tail))
finally (return ,stack))))
(defmacro escape-link (&optional in-attribute-p (start 'plain-text-start))
`(escape-html lexer-string ,in-attribute-p :start ,start :end lexer-position))
(defun render-text (string &optional inline-text-p)
(with-lexer ((or string (return-from render-text)))
(loop with buffer = (make-buffer 80 'character)
with stream = *html-output* and li-marker = (match-li-marker)
with pending-break = (if (or inline-text-p li-marker) nil :p)
with page-name and linked-object and stack = '()
for plain-text-start of-type array-index = lexer-position
for verbatim-mode-p = nil then (verbatim-mode-p stack)
do (unless verbatim-mode-p
(when li-marker
(let ((old-level (compute-li-level stack)))
(whereas ((mismatch (mismatch li-marker old-level)))
(%update-list-level old-level li-marker mismatch)
(when (eql mismatch 0) (setq pending-break nil)))
(start-tag :li nil)
(setq li-marker nil)
(if (and (eq pending-break :p) (plusp (length old-level)))
(print-text pending-break :print-pending-break-only)
(setq pending-break nil))))
(match-symbol (:http :https :ftp) :terminated-by #\:)
(lexer-match #\/) (lexer-match #\/) (get-balanced-token)
(progn (print-text pending-break :print-pending-break-only)
(html ((:a :href (escape-link t)) (escape-link)))
(setq plain-text-start lexer-position))))
(lexer-skip (not (or "\\()[<>&:" whitespace)))
(when (< plain-text-start lexer-position)
(print-text pending-break plain-text-start))
(lexer-case (char (loop-finish))
(#\Newline (let* ((start (1- (the array-index (lexer-skip #\Newline))))
(line-break-p (eql (- lexer-position start) 1)))
(declare (type array-index start) (type boolean line-break-p))
(when (and stack (not line-break-p))
(setq verbatim-mode-p (verbatim-mode-p (pop-inside-list stack))))
(setq li-marker (if verbatim-mode-p nil (match-li-marker)))
(unless (or li-marker line-break-p)
(loop for operator in stack if (keywordp operator) do (end-markup-tag operator))
(setq verbatim-mode-p (verbatim-mode-p (setq stack (delete-if #'keywordp stack)))))
(cond ((not verbatim-mode-p) (setq pending-break (if line-break-p :br :p)))
(t (write-string lexer-string stream :start start :end lexer-position)))))
(#\< (print-text pending-break :print-pending-break-only) (write-string "<" stream))
(#\> (print-text pending-break :print-pending-break-only) (write-string ">" stream))
(#\& (print-text pending-break :print-pending-break-only) (write-string "&" stream))
(whitespace (print-text pending-break plain-text-start))
(#\) (or (loop for (operator . tail) on stack
if (typep operator '(or cons (eql #\()))
do (setq stack (nconc stack-front tail))
(end-markup-tag operator)
(return (consp operator))
else collect operator into stack-front)
(print-text pending-break plain-text-start)))
(#\( (let ((operator-name (and (lexer-match #\:) (get-balanced-token alphanumeric))))
(or (and operator-name (not verbatim-mode-p) (start-markup-tag operator-name))
(progn (print-text pending-break plain-text-start) (push #\( stack)))))
(#\: (let ((operator-name (get-balanced-token alphanumeric)))
(or (when (and operator-name (not verbatim-mode-p))
(start-markup-tag operator-name prog1))
(print-text pending-break plain-text-start))))
(#\[ (or (lexer-advance-if
(lexer-match #\[)
(setq page-name (and (not verbatim-mode-p) (get-balanced-token (not #\|) #\])))
(setq linked-object (find-object (collapse (setq page-name (copy-seq page-name)))))
(let ((page-title (or (and (lexer-match #\|) (get-balanced-token t #\])) page-name)))
(when (lexer-match #\] #\])
(print-text pending-break :print-pending-break-only)
(html ((:a :href (uri-to linked-object)) page-title)))))
(print-text pending-break plain-text-start)))
(#\\ (print-text pending-break :print-pending-break-only)
(write-char (or (lexer-match special) #\\) stream)))
finally (mapc #'end-markup-tag stack))))
(defmacro %push-line (end-of-line &aux (extent `(:start start :end ,end-of-line)))
`(vector-push-extend (make-indirect-vector lexer-string ,@extent) lines))
(defun get-lines (string)
(with-lexer (string)
(loop with length of-type fixnum = (- lexer-end lexer-start)
with lines = (make-buffer (floor length 50) 'string)
with start of-type array-index = lexer-start
for char = (or (lexer-match t) (loop-finish))
when (eql char #\Newline)
do (if (= lexer-position (1+ start))
(vector-push-extend "" lines)
(%push-line (1- lexer-position)))
(setq start lexer-position)
finally (unless (= start lexer-end)
(%push-line lexer-end))
(return lines))))
(defun escape-lines (lines stream &key (start 0) end)
(with-array-data ((lines lines) (start start) (end end))
(loop for i of-type array-index from start below end
do (escape-html (svref lines i)) (terpri stream))))
(defun %compute-lcs-lengths (a b &optional (n (length b)))
(declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3)) (type fixnum n))
(loop with curr = (make-array (1+ n) :initial-element 0)
with prev = (make-array (1+ n) :initial-element 0)
for index of-type array-index below (length a)
for item = (aref a index) finally (return curr)
do (replace prev curr)
(loop for j of-type array-index from 1
for i of-type array-index below n
do (setf (svref curr j) (if (equal item (aref b i))
(1+ (the array-index (svref prev i)))
(max (the array-index (svref curr i))
(the array-index (svref prev j))))))))
(defun hirschberg-lcs (a b &optional (m (length a)) (n (length b)))
(cond ((<= m 1) (if (and (eql m 1) (find (aref a 0) b :test #'equal)) a #()))
(t (let* ((i (ash m -1)) (a-left (subseq a 0 i)) (a-right (subseq a i)))
(loop with left-table = (%compute-lcs-lengths a-left b) and max fixnum = -1
with right-table = (%compute-lcs-lengths (reverse a-right) (reverse b))
with k of-type array-index = 0 for j of-type array-index from 0 to n
for score fixnum = (+ (svref left-table j) (svref right-table (- n j)))
if (> score max) do (setq max score k j)
finally (return (let ((b-left (subseq b 0 k)) (b-right (subseq b k))
(o (- (the array-index m) (the array-index i)))
(p (- (the array-index n) (the array-index k))))
(declare (type fixnum o p))
(concatenate 'simple-vector
(hirschberg-lcs a-left b-left i k)
(hirschberg-lcs a-right b-right o p)))))))))
(defun render-diff (new old)
(setq new (get-lines (or new "")))
(setq old (get-lines (or old "")))
(loop with stream = *html-output*
with lcs = (hirschberg-lcs new old)
with new-start of-type array-index = 0
with old-start of-type array-index = 0
with lcs-start of-type array-index = 0
for lcs-element across lcs
for new-end = (position lcs-element new :start new-start :test #'equal)
for old-end = (position lcs-element old :start old-start :test #'equal)
for lcs-end of-type array-index from 0
do (unless (and (= old-end old-start) (= new-end new-start))
(escape-lines lcs stream :start lcs-start :end lcs-end)
(setq lcs-start lcs-end))
(when (> old-end old-start) (html (:del (escape-lines old stream :start old-start :end old-end))))
(when (> new-end new-start) (html (:ins (escape-lines new stream :start new-start :end new-end))))
(setq new-start (1+ (the array-index new-end)) old-start (1+ (the array-index old-end)))
finally (escape-lines lcs stream :start lcs-start)
(when (> (length old) old-start) (html (:del (escape-lines old stream :start old-start))))
(when (> (length new) new-start) (html (:ins (escape-lines new stream :start new-start))))))