Here's a low-rent koan. Two vaguely lesbo-looking perpettes walk by. One gestures to me and says to the other: "He's not on our team anymore." As far as I know, I've never been a team player. But it raises the question: do gang stalkers sort into "teams" that are in (real: not staged) conflict? I like the image of different factions mutually eradicating each other—especially if the "teams" correspond to secret societies—but that could be misdirection. Either way, I wouldn't know who's on what "team," because they all look like rats.

Which reminds me: I never wanted to moralize too much. Even in the face of the likelihood that my own family sold me into the Program (I'm the first born—naturally), I take everything with a (measured) dose of moral relativism. I can handle that. I'm sick of lies, but I can handle "gray areas," moral ambivalence, etc. Am I the bad guy? I ask myself that a lot. But then, by that same token, I can say that I'm the better man—relatively speaking. Because I can formulate the question, and they can't.

At least, I'm pretty sure they have meetups where they ask each other: "Are we the baddies?" It just wouldn't occur to them. They would no more doubt their righteousness than I would doubt that I exist. They are like a pastor who recounts the sins of others, and not his own. You can't have an "inquiry into morals" if you won't acknowledge what you've done. This is two-tier morality in action. One set of rules for the soi-disant elite, and another set for the rest of us. Great system, huh? Hope it's not too chilly up there on the moral high ground.
