;;;; format-setf.lisp -*- Package: FORMAT-SETF -*- ;;;; ;;;; A package to implement the (setf format) macro. ;;;; Author: Christophe Rhodes (csr21@cam.ac.uk) ;;;; ;;;; WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ;;;; ;;;; The following is not very good code. Reading it may cause you to ;;;; fall over laughing. There are specific things I'm still not clear ;;;; on: ;;;; ;;;; 1. these eval-whens ... I can see the need for the first (around ;;;; the package stuff), but the one around #'whitespacep -- is that ;;;; necessary? ;;;; ;;;; 2. CMUCL has (if (find-package "FOO") ;;;; (rename-package "FOO" "FOO" 'nil) ;;;; (make-package "FOO")) ;;;; instead of the first eval-when below. I don't get it. Is that ;;;; sensible? Does it prevent previous definitions from getting in the way? ;;;; ;;;; 3. Does the fact that I have ;;;; `(format-setf-integer ,directive ,pos ,value ,arguments ,control-string 16) ;;;; show that format-setf-integer should really be a function returning ;;;; a list? ;;;; ;;;; Yes. Since we know all the things at compile-time of (setf ;;;; format) form that we want to do the calculations of (*ugh*, that ;;;; construction is ugly) we should do the computation then and ;;;; there, and not wait for another pass of the macroexpander. I ;;;; think. Change made 2000-04-16. ;;;; ;;;; 4. Is there a nicer way than my global special variables hack to ;;;; have available the "outermost" value of the control-string ;;;; et. al. at all times? ;;;; ;;;; That's enough for now -- enjoy! Any and all feedback is welcome. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (unless (find-package "FORMAT-SETF") (make-package "FORMAT-SETF" :use '("COMMON-LISP")))) (in-package "FORMAT-SETF") ;;; from CMUCL format.lisp ;;; Thanks to William Lott, David Adam and Bill Maddox ;;; ;;; (required-argument) defaults removed. (defstruct (format-directive (:print-function %print-format-directive)) (string "" :type simple-string) (start 0 :type (and unsigned-byte fixnum)) (end #.most-positive-fixnum :type (and unsigned-byte fixnum)) (character #\Null :type base-char) (colonp nil :type (member t nil)) (atsignp nil :type (member t nil)) (params nil :type list)) (defun %print-format-directive (struct stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (print-unreadable-object (struct stream) (write-string (format-directive-string struct) stream :start (format-directive-start struct) :end (format-directive-end struct)))) (defun tokenize-control-string (string) (declare (simple-string string)) (let ((index 0) (end (length string)) (result nil)) (loop (let ((next-directive (or (position #\~ string :start index) end))) (when (> next-directive index) (push (subseq string index next-directive) result)) (when (= next-directive end) (return)) (let ((directive (parse-directive string next-directive))) (push directive result) (setf index (format-directive-end directive))))) (nreverse result))) (defun parse-directive (string start) (let ((posn (1+ start)) (params nil) (colonp nil) (atsignp nil) (end (length string))) (flet ((get-char () (if (= posn end) (error 'format-error :complaint "String ended before directive was found." :control-string string :offset start) (schar string posn)))) (loop (let ((char (get-char))) (cond ((or (char<= #\0 char #\9) (char= char #\+) (char= char #\-)) (multiple-value-bind (param new-posn) (parse-integer string :start posn :junk-allowed t) (push (cons posn param) params) (setf posn new-posn) (case (get-char) (#\,) ((#\: #\@) (decf posn)) (t (return))))) ((or (char= char #\v) (char= char #\V)) (push (cons posn :arg) params) (incf posn) (case (get-char) (#\,) ((#\: #\@) (decf posn)) (t (return)))) ((char= char #\#) (push (cons posn :remaining) params) (incf posn) (case (get-char) (#\,) ((#\: #\@) (decf posn)) (t (return)))) ((char= char #\') (incf posn) (push (cons posn (get-char)) params) (incf posn) (unless (char= (get-char) #\,) (decf posn))) ((char= char #\,) (push (cons posn nil) params)) ((char= char #\:) (if colonp (error 'format-error :complaint "Too many colons supplied." :control-string string :offset posn) (setf colonp t))) ((char= char #\@) (if atsignp (error 'format-error :complaint "Too many at-signs supplied." :control-string string :offset posn) (setf atsignp t))) (t (when (char= (schar string (1- posn)) #\,) (push (cons (1- posn) nil) params)) (return)))) (incf posn)) (let ((char (get-char))) (when (char= char #\/) (let ((closing-slash (position #\/ string :start (1+ posn)))) (if closing-slash (setf posn closing-slash) (error 'format-error :complaint "No matching closing slash." :control-string string :offset posn)))) (make-format-directive :string string :start start :end (1+ posn) :character (char-upcase char) :colonp colonp :atsignp atsignp :params (nreverse params)))))) ;;; why is this in an eval-when? I don't get it... (eval-when (compile load eval) (unless (fboundp 'whitespacep) (defparameter *whitespace-chars* '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return #\linefeed #\page)) (defun whitespacep (char) (find char *whitespace-chars*)))) ;;; From CMU repository, by Mark Kantrowitz. ;;; ;;; Change made to fix the index returned when junk-allowed is true ;;; (we effectively want to unread a character). Also, we now allow ;;; {d,e,f,l,s} format. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Change doc string. (defun parse-float (string &key (start 0) end (radix 10) junk-allowed) "Converts a substring of STRING, as delimited by START and END, to a floating point number, if possible. START and END default to the beginning and end of the string. RADIX must be between 2 and 36. A floating point number will be returned if the string consists of an optional string of spaces and an optional sign, followed by a string of digits optionally containing a decimal point, and an optional e or E followed by an optionally signed integer. The use of e/E to indicate an exponent only works for RADIX = 10. Returns the floating point number, if any, and the index for the first character after the number." ;; END defaults to the end of the string ;; We don't accomplish this by sticking (end (length string)) in the ;; lambda list because I've encountered too many implementations that ;; don't handle such properly. Also, this will work ok if somebody calls ;; the function with :end nil. (setq end (or end (length string))) ;; Skip over whitespace. If there's nothing but whitespace, signal an error. (let ((index (or (position-if-not #'whitespacep string :start start :end end) (if junk-allowed (return-from parse-float (values nil end)) (error "No non-whitespace characters in number.")))) (minusp nil) (decimalp nil) (found-digit nil) (before-decimal 0) (after-decimal 0) (decimal-counter 0) (exponent 0) (exponent-char nil) (result 0)) (declare (fixnum index)) ;; Take care of optional sign. (let ((char (char string index))) (cond ((char= char #\-) (setq minusp t) (incf index)) ((char= char #\+) (incf index)))) (loop (when (= index end) (return nil)) (let* ((char (char string index)) (weight (digit-char-p char radix))) (cond ((and weight (not decimalp)) ;; A digit before the decimal point (setq before-decimal (+ weight (* before-decimal radix)) found-digit t)) ((and weight decimalp) ;; A digit after the decimal point (setq after-decimal (+ weight (* after-decimal radix)) found-digit t) (incf decimal-counter)) ((and (char= char #\.) (not decimalp)) ;; The decimal point (setq decimalp t)) ((and (or (char-equal char #\d) (char-equal char #\e) (char-equal char #\f) (char-equal char #\l) (char-equal char #\s)) (= radix 10)) (multiple-value-bind (num idx) (parse-integer string :start (1+ index) :end end :radix radix :junk-allowed junk-allowed) (unless num ;; There wasn't an exponent after all -- the ;; character detected is likely to be a false ;; positive (return nil)) (setq exponent (or num 0) exponent-char char index idx) ;; escape after this also when junk is allowed. (when (or junk-allowed (= index end)) (return nil)))) (junk-allowed (return nil)) ((whitespacep char) (when (position-if-not #'whitespacep string :start (1+ index) :end end) (error "There's junk in this string: ~S." string)) (return nil)) (t (error "There's junk in this string: ~S." string)))) (incf index)) ;; Cobble up the resulting number (setq result (coerce (* (+ before-decimal (* after-decimal (expt radix (- decimal-counter)))) (expt radix exponent)) (case exponent-char ((#\d) 'double-float) ((#\e) 'float) ((#\f) 'single-float) ((#\l) 'long-float) ((#\s) 'short-float) (t 'float)))) ;; Return the result (values (if found-digit (if minusp (- result) result) (if junk-allowed nil (error "There are no digits in this string: ~S" string))) index))) ;;; The rest of this is my code. All mine. Not yours. Mine. Ha. ;;; ;;; Only kidding. This code is available under some nebulous license ;;; that will be moved to some flavour of open-source license if ;;; anyone else actually uses this. Just do remember that I wrote ;;; it... :-) ;;; ;;; But, I suppose, for the moment, ;;; © Christophe Rhodes, 2000. ;;; these will contain the "outermost" values of the control-string, ;;; value and arguments list. (defvar *control-string* nil) (defvar *value* nil) (defvar *arguments* nil) (defvar *maximal-depth* 20 "The maximal depth assumed for format iterations, used to deal with the \"~{ ... ~}\" and \"~@{ ...~}\" case.") (defun format-directives (control-string) "Returns (as multiple values) the directives in control-string." (values-list (loop for x across control-string for i from 0 when (char= x #\~) collect (parse-directive control-string i)))) (defmacro format-setf (stream control-string &rest args) ;; *control-string* will contain the original control string, so ;; that we can always know where we are. Similarly *value* and *arguments*. `(let ((*control-string* (or *control-string* ,control-string)) (*value* (or *value* ,(first (last args)))) (*arguments* (or *arguments* ',(butlast args)))) (when ,stream (error "Non-nil stream: ~a" ,stream)) ;; we ignore the possibility of ~:* for now. Also, we will probably ;; never get ~? working... ,(let ((value (first (last args))) (arguments (butlast args))) ;; We'll first need to find the first directive. If the strings ;; don't agree before then, we'll give up. (let ((directives (multiple-value-list (format-directives control-string)))) (cond ((some #'(lambda (x) (member (format-directive-character x) '(#\[))) directives) (pretreat-conditional control-string directives arguments value)) (t (let ((pos (position #\~ control-string))) (if pos `(progn (unless (equal ,(subseq control-string 0 pos) (subseq ,value 0 ,pos)) (error "Mismatch in string literals: ~s, ~s" ,control-string ,value)) ,(let ((directive (parse-directive control-string pos))) (ccase (format-directive-character directive) ((#\A #\a) (format-setf-aesthetic directive pos value arguments control-string)) ((#\B #\b) (format-setf-integer directive pos value arguments control-string 2)) ((#\C #\c) (format-setf-character directive pos value arguments control-string)) ((#\D #\d) (format-setf-integer directive pos value arguments control-string)) ((#\F #\f) (format-setf-float directive pos value arguments control-string)) ((#\O #\o) (format-setf-integer directive pos value arguments control-string 8)) ((#\R #\r) (let ((radix (cdar (last (format-directive-params directive))))) (if radix (format-setf-integer directive pos value arguments control-string radix) `(error "Roman numerals, cardinals and ordinals currently unsupported")))) ((#\S #\s) ;; see below for implementation decision (format-setf-standard directive pos value arguments control-string)) ((#\T #\t) (format-setf-tabulate directive pos value arguments control-string)) ((#\X #\x) (format-setf-integer directive pos value arguments control-string 16)) ((#\%) (format-setf-literal directive pos value arguments control-string #\Newline)) ((#\~) (format-setf-literal directive pos value arguments control-string #\~)) ((#\{) (format-setf-iteration directive pos value arguments control-string)) ((#\Newline) `(setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@arguments) (subseq ,value ,pos))) ))) `(progn (unless (equal ,control-string ,value) (error "Mismatch in string literals")) ,value))))))))) (defun pretreat-conditional (control-string directives arguments value) ;; here we go into pretreatment of the control-string. We convert ;; (setf (format nil "~a://~a~@[:~d]/~a" protocol host port path) ;; "http://www-jcsu/~csr21/") ;; ;; => ;; ;; (let (#:protocol #:host #:port #:path) ;; (let ((#:true (ignore-errors (setf (format "~a://~a:~d/~a" #:protocol #:host #:port #:path) "http://www-jcsu/~csr21/"))) ;; (#:false (ignore-errors (setf (format "~a://~a/~a" #:protocol #:host #:path) "http://www-jcsu/~csr21/")))) ;; (cond ... ;; ;; This really breaks in the presence of ~:*. We'll have to ;; preprocess ~* and ~^ before anything else. (let ((opening (find #\[ directives :key #'format-directive-character)) ;; for the moment, we'll assume that people don't nest conditionals. ;; the logic here (and in the iteration case) is broken, because we ;; can't simply cater for both "~{~a~}~{~a~}" and "~{~{~a~}~}". ;; (although both of those are fairly broken). (closing (find #\] directives :key #'format-directive-character))) (let ((pre-string (subseq control-string 0 (format-directive-start opening))) (conditional-string (subseq control-string (format-directive-end opening) (format-directive-start closing))) (post-string (subseq control-string (format-directive-end closing))) (atsignp (format-directive-atsignp opening)) (colonp (format-directive-colonp opening)) (nargs (length arguments))) (cond ((and atsignp colonp) `(error "Invalid format control string: ~~@:[")) (atsignp (let ((gensyms (loop for x from 1 to nargs collect (gensym))) (false-case (gensym)) (true-case (gensym))) `(let ,gensyms (let ((,true-case (ignore-errors (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string conditional-string post-string) ,@gensyms) ,value))) (,false-case (ignore-errors (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string post-string) ,@(cdr gensyms)) ,value)))) (cond ;; hmm. I think that it's sensible to assume that we do the true case, no? ;; maybe we should have a special variable (*favoured-conditional-branch*?) ((and ,true-case ,false-case) (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string conditional-string post-string) ,@arguments) ,value)) (,true-case (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string conditional-string post-string) ,@arguments) ,value)) (,false-case ,(let ((argument-position (format-setf-arguments-consumed pre-string))) `(progn (setf ,(elt arguments argument-position) nil) (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string post-string) ,@(subseq arguments 0 argument-position) ,@(subseq arguments (+ 1 argument-position))) ,value)))) (t (error "Error expanding conditional -- both false"))))))) (colonp (let ((separator (find #\; directives :key #'format-directive-character))) (let ((false-string (subseq control-string (format-directive-end opening) (format-directive-start separator))) (true-string (subseq control-string (format-directive-end separator) (format-directive-start closing))) (gensyms (loop for x from 1 to (1- nargs) collect (gensym))) (false-case (gensym)) (true-case (gensym))) `(let ,gensyms (let ((,true-case (ignore-errors (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string true-string post-string) ,@(cdr gensyms)) ,value))) (,false-case (ignore-errors (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string false-string post-string) ,@(cdr gensyms)) ,value)))) (cond ((and ,true-case ,false-case) (error "Error expanding conditional -- both true")) (,true-case ,(let ((argument-position (format-setf-arguments-consumed pre-string))) `(progn (warn "Assuming truth value for ~a is T" ',(elt arguments argument-position)) (setf ,(elt arguments argument-position) t) (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string true-string post-string) ,@(subseq arguments 0 argument-position) ,@(subseq arguments (+ 1 argument-position))) ,value)))) (,false-case ,(let ((argument-position (format-setf-arguments-consumed pre-string))) `(progn (setf ,(elt arguments argument-position) nil) (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string false-string post-string) ,@(subseq arguments 0 argument-position) ,@(subseq arguments (+ 1 argument-position))) ,value)))) (t (error "Error expanding conditional -- both false")))))))) (t (let* ((conditional-directives (multiple-value-list (format-directives conditional-string))) (nclauses (+ 1 (count #\; conditional-directives :key #'format-directive-character))) (last-separator (find #\; conditional-directives :key #'format-directive-character :from-end t)) (argument-position (format-setf-arguments-consumed pre-string))) (let ((result-gensyms (loop for x from 1 to nclauses collect (gensym))) (arg-gensyms (loop for x from 1 to (1- nargs) collect (gensym)))) `(let ,arg-gensyms (let (,@(loop for start = 0 then (format-directive-end d) with n = 0 for d in conditional-directives if (char= (format-directive-character d) #\;) collect `(,(nth n result-gensyms) (ignore-errors (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string (subseq conditional-string start (format-directive-start d)) post-string) ,@(cdr arg-gensyms)) ,value))) do (incf n)) (,(nth (1- nclauses) result-gensyms) (ignore-errors (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string (subseq conditional-string (format-directive-end last-separator))) ,@(cdr arg-gensyms)) ,value)))) (unless (= (count-if #'identity (list ,@result-gensyms)) 1) (error "Set of possible clauses for conditional does not have one element.")) (cond ,@(loop for start = 0 then (format-directive-end d) with n = 0 for d in conditional-directives if (char= (format-directive-character d) #\;) collect `(,(nth n result-gensyms) (setf ,(elt arguments argument-position) ,n) (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string (subseq conditional-string start (format-directive-start d)) post-string) ,@(subseq arguments 0 argument-position) ,@(subseq arguments (+ 1 argument-position))) ,value)) do (incf n)) (,(nth (1- nclauses) result-gensyms) (setf ,(elt arguments argument-position) ,(if (format-directive-colonp last-separator) `(progn (warn "Assuming -1 for default conditional clause") -1) (1- nclauses))) (setf (format nil ,(concatenate 'string pre-string (subseq conditional-string (format-directive-end last-separator)) post-string) ,@(subseq arguments 0 argument-position) ,@(subseq arguments (+ 1 argument-position))) ,value))) ))))))))) ;;; Design decision: ~a is assumed to be fed a string. Yes, really. Tough. (defun format-setf-aesthetic (directive pos value arguments control-string) ;; this isn't right yet -- we don't take account of ~~, ~%, ~t which produce useful literals. (let ((literal (subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive) (or (position #\~ control-string :start (format-directive-end directive)) (length control-string))))) (when (and (equal literal "") (not (= (format-directive-end directive) (length control-string)))) (warn "No literal following ~~a directive in (setf format): ~s" control-string)) `(progn (setf ,(first arguments) (subseq ,value ,pos ,@(unless (= (format-directive-end directive) (length control-string)) `((search ,literal ,value :start2 ,pos))))) ,@(when (or (rest arguments) (not (equal (subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ""))) `((setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@(rest arguments)) (subseq ,value (search ,literal ,value :start2 ,pos))))) ,value))) (defun format-setf-tabulate (directive pos value arguments control-string) ;; atsign can be dealt with, colon invokes prettyprinter stuff. (let ((colonp (format-directive-colonp directive)) (atsignp (format-directive-atsignp directive)) ;; disregard ~vt and ~#t for now... (colnum (or (cdr (first (format-directive-params directive))) 1)) (colinc (or (cdr (second (format-directive-params directive))) 1))) `(let* ((position-in-value-string (search ,value *value* :from-end t)) ;; this relatively hairy thing first looks up where the ;; current value string is in terms of the global value, then ;; finds the previous newline in the global value (since this ;; is the only way we can guarantee finding the previous ;; newline... ;; ;; the (+ 1 ...) is because we want ;; position-*since*-last-newline, and the -1 is to make ;; the base case come out right. (position-since-last-newline (- (+ ,pos position-in-value-string) (+ 1 (or (position #\Newline *value* :end position-in-value-string :from-end t) -1))))) ,(cond (colonp nil) ;; must .. implement .. error .. checking (i.e. something ;; like in format-setf-literal) (atsignp ;; this seems to work, though I'm not sure where the 1- ;; comes from. There are probably off-by-lots errors at the ;; boundaries. (let ((nspaces (gensym))) `(let ((,nspaces (1- (+ ,colnum (- ,colinc (mod (+ position-since-last-newline ,pos) ,colinc)))))) (progn (setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@arguments) (subseq ,value (+ ,pos ,nspaces))) ,value)))) (t ;; this apparently does work (let ((nspaces (gensym))) `(let ((,nspaces (if (< ,colnum (+ position-since-last-newline ,pos)) (mod (- ,colnum (+ position-since-last-newline ,pos)) ,colinc) (- ,colnum (+ position-since-last-newline ,pos))))) (progn (setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@arguments) (subseq ,value (+ ,pos ,nspaces))) ,value)))))))) ;; (setf (format nil "~fe2" x) "1.4e2") doesn't really work at the ;; moment. (defun format-setf-float (directive pos value arguments control-string) (let ((val (gensym)) (posn (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,val ,posn) (parse-float (subseq ,value ,pos) :junk-allowed t) ,@(unless (rest arguments) `((declare (ignorable ,posn)))) (if (typep ,val 'float) (progn (setf ,(first arguments) ,val) ;; ,@nil is discarded ;; ;; although, now, I'm not sure that this hack is ;; strictly necessary, since we've fixed the "no ;; directives" case in format-setf. ,@(when (rest arguments) `((setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@(rest arguments)) (subseq ,value (+ ,pos ,posn))))) ,value))))) (defun format-setf-arguments-consumed (control-string) (let ((answer 0) (increment 0)) (loop for x from 0 to (1- (length control-string)) if (equal (char control-string x) #\~) do (let ((directive (parse-directive control-string x))) (case (format-directive-character directive) ((#\% #\~ #\Newline) (setf increment 0)) ((#\A #\a #\B #\b #\C #\c #\D #\d #\O #\o #\R #\r #\X #\x #\S #\s) (setf increment 1)))) and do (incf answer increment)) answer)) (defun format-setf-iteration (directive pos value arguments control-string) (let* ((colonp (format-directive-colonp directive)) (atsignp (format-directive-atsignp directive)) ;; this used to read (close-pos (max (or (search "~}" control-string :from-end t) 0) ;; (or (search "~:}" control-string :from-end t) 0))) ;; what was I thinking? ;; Well, in fact neither is right. (close-pos (max (or (search "~}" control-string :start2 pos) 0) (or (search "~:}" control-string :start2 pos) 0))) (following (+ 1 (position #\} control-string :start close-pos)))) (cond ((and colonp atsignp) ;; hmm ... nargs has a slightly different usage here than below, ;; even if it is the same calculation. (let ((nargs (format-setf-arguments-consumed (subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive) close-pos)))) `(progn ,@(loop for a in arguments collect `(setf ,a (make-list ,nargs))) (setf (format nil ,(apply #'concatenate 'string (append (make-list (length arguments) :initial-element (subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive) close-pos)) (list (subseq control-string following)))) ,@(loop for y in arguments append (loop for x from 0 to (1- nargs) collect `(nth ,x ,y)))) (subseq ,value ,pos)) ,value))) (colonp nil) ;; ignore ~^ and 0-length strings for now. (atsignp (let ((nargs (format-setf-arguments-consumed (subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive) close-pos)))) `(progn (setf (format nil ,(apply #'concatenate 'string (append (make-list (/ (length arguments) nargs) :initial-element (subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive) close-pos)) (list (subseq control-string following)))) ,@arguments) (subseq ,value ,pos)) ,value))) (t ;; The thing we need now is something to count the number of things inside the iteration ;; then collect (or probably append) that number of gensyms for values below. (let ((len (gensym)) (vals (gensym)) (length-block (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,len ,vals) (block ,length-block ,@(loop for x from *maximal-depth* downto 1 collect (let ((values (loop for y from 1 to x collect (gensym)))) `(let ,values (if (ignore-errors (setf (format nil ,(expand-iteration control-string (format-directive-end directive) close-pos x) ,@values) ,value)) (return-from ,length-block (values ,x (funcall #'list ,@values))) nil))))) (unless ,len (error "No matching iteration case")) (setf ,(first arguments) (make-list ,len)) (loop for foo from 0 to (1- ,len) do (setf (nth foo ,(first arguments)) (nth foo ,vals))) ,value))) ))) (defun expand-iteration (control-string start end n) (let ((s (make-string (* n (- end start))))) (loop for x from 0 to (1- n) do (setf (subseq s (* x (- end start)) (* (+ x 1) end)) (subseq control-string start end))) s)) (defun format-setf-integer (directive pos value arguments control-string &optional (radix 10)) (let ((val (gensym)) (posn (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,val ,posn) (parse-integer (subseq ,value ,pos) :radix ,radix :junk-allowed t) ,@(unless (rest arguments) `((declare (ignorable ,posn)))) (if (typep ,val 'integer) (progn (setf ,(first arguments) ,val) ;; ,@nil is discarded ,@(when (or (rest arguments) (not (equal (subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ""))) `((setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@(rest arguments)) (subseq ,value (+ ,pos ,posn))))) ,value) (error "Error in format-setf-integer: failed to parse integer"))))) (defun format-setf-standard (directive pos value arguments control-string) (let ((val (gensym)) (posn (gensym))) ;; erm, this needs an end, really. ;; (setf (format nil "~s://~s/~s" x y z) "http://www-jcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk/~csr21/format-setf.lisp") ;; should work rather than complain about package errors... ;; something like :end (search ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive) (start-of-new-directive)) value). ;; ;; Actually, on thinking about it, I'm no longer sure that this is ;; true. I think that ~s should leave the responsibility to the ;; user for making sure that whitespace is there (we could warn ;; when we statically detect ~s without following whitespace) and ;; that ~a should be the one to look for the following delimiter. `(multiple-value-bind (,val ,posn) (read-from-string ,value t nil :preserve-whitespace t :start ,pos) ,@(unless (rest arguments) `((declare (ignorable ,posn)))) (progn (setf ,(first arguments) ,val) ,@(when (rest arguments) `((setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@(rest arguments)) (subseq ,value ,posn)))) ,value)))) (defun format-setf-literal (directive pos value arguments control-string character) (let ((n (or (cdar (format-directive-params directive)) 1))) `(if (every (lambda (x) (equal x ,character)) (subseq ,value ,pos ,(+ pos n))) (setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@arguments) (subseq ,value ,(+ pos n))) (error "Mismatching number of ~as: ~s ~s" ,(or (char-name character) character) ,control-string ,value)))) (defun format-setf-character (directive pos value arguments control-string) ;; this one could do with rewriting or tidying... (let ((colonp (format-directive-colonp directive)) (atsignp (format-directive-atsignp directive))) (cond ((and colonp atsignp) nil) (colonp nil) (atsignp (if (= (length (subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive))) 0) `(progn (setf ,(first arguments) (read-from-string ,value t nil :start ,pos)) ,@(when (rest arguments) `((error "Too many format arguments: ~a" ,arguments))) ,value) (if (not (equal (char control-string (format-directive-end directive)) #\~)) ;; if the next thing in the control-string is not a ;; directive, ignoring for the moment ~~ and ~%... ;; first, is it compatible to take just the next ;; character? ;; this is actually conceivably not the right behaviour; consider ;; (setf (format nil "~@ce" x) "#\\Newlinee") ;; we probably want to match more than just the next character. `(if (equal (char ,value ,(+ pos 3)) (char ,control-string ,(format-directive-end directive))) (progn (setf ,(first arguments) (read-from-string ,value t nil :start ,pos :end ,(+ pos 3))) ,@(when (rest arguments) `((setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@(rest arguments)) (subseq ,value ,(+ pos 3))))) ,value) `(progn (setf ,(first arguments) (loop for x from ,pos to (length ,value) if (and (equal (char ,control-string ,(format-directive-end directive)) (char ,value x)) (name-char (subseq ,value ,(+ pos 2) x))) return it finally (error "No matching character found"))) ,@(when (rest arguments) `((setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@(rest arguments)) (subseq ,value ,(+ pos 3))))) ,value))))) (t `(progn (setf ,(first arguments) (char ,value ,pos)) ,@(when (rest arguments) `((setf (format nil ,(subseq control-string (format-directive-end directive)) ,@(rest arguments)) (subseq ,value ,(+ pos 1))))) ,value))))) (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") (defsetf format format-setf::format-setf)