From: Harry
Subject: Lisp's object system vis-a-vis CJ Date's views on inheritance, 	objects, values, and variables.
Message-ID: <>

I'm almost finished reading CJ Date's...
  a) Is A Circle An Ellipse?
  b) What Does Substitutability Really Mean?
chapters 23 and 24, respectively, of his "Date on Database Writings

(Very impressed, btw, with what I have read, so far.)

Now since Lisp, I hear, is legendary when it comes to supporting
entire paradigms (OOP, AOP, ...) virtually out-of-the-box, I'm getting
really impatient at this point to (quickly) find out whether or not
Lisp and its version of "object-orientation" (unlike C++/Java, which I
know for fact: do *not*)...
  1. support concepts such as 'type', 'value', 'variable', and
'operator' when dealing
       with inheritance / subclassing (especially, as discussed at
length in the above two writings of Date)?

  2. support the above concepts *directly*?

  3. support the above concepts indirectly..., let's say, via any
(clever) Lisp-ish hacks/workarounds?

Even though I (somewhat) know that experienced Lisp programmers tend
not to too much rely on the OO approach (compared to functional/
imperative), still I thought it would be useful to know if Lisp can
*fundamentally* support what Date has exposed to be fundamental
problems with C++ and similar mainstream languages in their support of
Object Orientation.

Many thanks,