From: ······
Subject: Kent Pitman's talk at ELS'09 in Milan
Message-ID: <>
Due to an urgent and personal family matter that came up suddenly this
month, I had to take the unusual step of canceling my planned
attendance at the European Lisp Symposium 2009 (ELS '09), where I was
scheduled to give the keynote address.  I've discussed the matter in
confidence with the symposium organizers and they've arranged for an
alternate speaker that I think will be an excellent replacement.  I'll
let them make the announcement about that.  The symposium will occur
on schedule and I'm sure will be a great success in spite of this
change in detail.

Please accept my sincerest apologies to anyone who planned to come see
my talk or to meet me personally.  There are a number of people who
I'd only ever previously talked to via the net that I had looked
forward to meeting on this trip, so this is a great disappointment for
me as well.

I'd prefer not to discuss the specific reasons for this sudden change
of plans (and I would appreciate it if, to the extent possible, others
would decline to speculate).  Just please know that I didn't make this
decision lightly, and that there was really no other choice.

Because of the expense, I don't get to overseas events nearly as often
as I'd like to, but I'll try to use this cancelation as an excuse to
find some other event in the not terribly distant future to attend
instead.  My wife, who was planning to go along on the Milan trip with
me and is already nudging me to plan make-up trips, will be happy to
supply a list of preferred conference venues. :)
From: ······
Subject: Re: Kent Pitman's talk at ELS'09 in Milan
Message-ID: <>
On May 17, 10:37 am, ······ wrote:
> Due to an urgent and personal family matter that came up suddenly this
> month, I had to take the unusual step of canceling my planned
> attendance at the European Lisp Symposium 2009 (ELS '09), where I was
> scheduled to give the keynote address.  I've discussed the matter in
> confidence with the symposium organizers and they've arranged for an
> alternate speaker that I think will be an excellent replacement.  I'll
> let them make the announcement about that.  The symposium will occur
> on schedule and I'm sure will be a great success in spite of this
> change in detail. [...]

Ah, I did this in the wrong order.  The site
actually already shows the replacement speaker, which is Scott McKay
of ITA.

Let me just add that I've known Scott since we were both at
Symbolics.  He was a key player in the design and implementation of
CLIM and in the design and implementation of Dylan (and its CLIM
alternative, DUIM).  And now he works for ITA Software, a hotbed of
commercially successful Lisp-based activity.  I'm confident his talk
will be a good one.