From: GP lisper
Subject: Fugly Code
Message-ID: <>
Well, it expresses the idea...

; replace _only_ the lowest valued structure in the group object

(defstruct appliance  dryer)

(defclass store ()  ; holds 'foos
  ((alpha :accessor ALPHA :initarg :alpha)
   (beta  :accessor BETA  :initarg :beta) 
   (gamma :accessor GAMMA :initarg :gamma)))

(let* ( (mayt (make-appliance :dryer 5))
        (frid (make-appliance :dryer 3))
	(king (make-appliance :dryer 7))

	(newt (make-appliance :dryer 11)) ; the value to be inserted

	(ohio (make-instance 'store  :alpha mayt :beta frid :gamma king)) )


; listing slots just isn't it
  (let* ( (choices (list (list "ALPHA" (appliance-dryer (ALPHA ohio))) ; an accessor for find-symbol
			 (list "BETA"  (appliance-dryer (BETA  ohio)))
			 (list "GAMMA" (appliance-dryer (GAMMA ohio)))))
	 (theone (car choices)) ) ; set to this in the first comparison anyway

    (print-store ohio)
    (format t "new-member? ~A~%"  newt)

    (dolist (choice choices)  ; walk the list to find the smallest
      (when (< (cadr choice) (cadr theone))
	(setf theone choice)))

    (format t "slot to consider replacing ~A~%" theone)

    (when (> (appliance-dryer newt) (cadr theone))
      (setf (slot-value ohio (find-symbol (string (car theone)))) (make-appliance :dryer (appliance-dryer newt))))

; I've forgotten why that line ended up that way.  It was probably the first thing that worked.

    (print-store ohio)


(defun print-store (t-obj)  ; is there a CLOS created hook somewhere?
  (format t "STORE: alpha ~A  beta ~A  gamma ~A ~%"  (ALPHA t-obj) (BETA t-obj) (GAMMA t-obj)))

But there is clearly a better way out there...

Being a Slime user means living in a house inhabited by a family of
crazed carpenters. When you wake up, the house is different. Maybe
there is a new turret, or some walls have moved, or perhaps someone
has removed the floor under your bed.