From: John Wiegley
Subject: Ready Lisp version 20090125 now available
Message-ID: <>
There is a new version of Ready Lisp for Mac OS X available. This
version is based on SBCL 1.0.24, Aquamacs Emacs 1.6 and requires OS X
Leopard 10.5. The only changes in this version are upgrades of many of
the dependent packages.

What is Ready Lisp? It’s a binding together of several popular Lisp
packages for OS X, including: Aquamacs, SBCL and SLIME. Once
downloaded, you’ll have a single application bundle which you can
double-click — and find yourself in a fully configured Common Lisp
REPL. It’s ideal for OS X users who want to try out Lisp with a
minimum of hassle. The download is approximately 124 megabytes.

There is a GnuPG signature for this file in the same directory;
append .asc to the above filename to download it. To install my public
key onto your keyring, use this command:

$ gpg --keyserver --recv 0x824715A0

Once installed, you can verify the download using the following

$ gpg --verify ReadyLisp.dmg.asc

For more information, see the Ready Lisp project page: