From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Aquamacs 1.6 and SLIME
Message-ID: <>
Mac users might be interested that Aquamacs 1.6 has been
released. David Reitter made another release just a
few days ago. Many thanks!

Download here:

A visible change for Common Lisp users is, that no longer
an outdated version of SLIME is bundled. Instead
there are two packages for SLIME, downloadable
from above download page. One is a SLIME 2.0
version from DEC 2008 and the other one is an daily updated
SLIME version. Both Aquamacs and SLIME can be easily installed:
Aquamacs is a disk image and SLIME can be installed
with the standard installer by double-clicking.

Note that there are alternatives to SLIME and Emacs, but
the Aquamacs+SLIME combination makes it as painless as
possible. ;-) 

Btw., there are even frog-compatible user statistics for Aquamacs:
