From: WalterGR
Subject: Embedding Lisp in arbitrary text files (or: "Lisp server pages")
Message-ID: <>
I'm looking for a Lisp library to create text output a la e.g. ASP,
JSP, PHP, or erb.  (That is, embedding arbitrary Lisp expressions in
text files, which are then evaluated to create text output.)  So far
I've found:

LSP for Hunchentoot -

I've also come across ALP [1] which is a research paper but no code.
CL-EMB [2] supports the "server pages" style, but requires passing an
"environment" to the evaluation function.  This isn't ideal.

Have I missed any?  Does anyone have experience with the above




From: Petter Gustad
Subject: Re: Embedding Lisp in arbitrary text files (or: "Lisp server pages")
Message-ID: <>
WalterGR <········> writes:

> Have I missed any?  Does anyone have experience with the above
> libraries?

Common Lisp Server Pages under Portable-AllegroServe/Webactions:

I've been very happy with this combination with CL-SQL under
SBCL/Linux. However, this is probably not the most popular combination
as it seems like a lot of people adopt to Hunchentoot these days.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
From: WalterGR
Subject: Re: Embedding Lisp in arbitrary text files (or: "Lisp server pages")
Message-ID: <>
On Jan 9, 6:07 am, Petter Gustad <·············> wrote:
> WalterGR <········> writes:
> > Have I missed any?  Does anyone have experience with the above
> > libraries?
> Common Lisp Server Pages under Portable-AllegroServe/Webactions:

It doesn't appear that CLPs permit "embedding arbitrary Lisp
expressions," unless I've missed something.


From: Petter Gustad
Subject: Re: Embedding Lisp in arbitrary text files (or: "Lisp server pages")
Message-ID: <>
WalterGR <········> writes:

> It doesn't appear that CLPs permit "embedding arbitrary Lisp
> expressions," unless I've missed something.

Not directly, but indirectly by defining clp functions. 

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
From: D Herring
Subject: Re: Embedding Lisp in arbitrary text files (or: "Lisp server pages")
Message-ID: <4968006e$0$1601$>
WalterGR wrote:
> I'm looking for a Lisp library to create text output a la e.g. ASP,
> JSP, PHP, or erb.  (That is, embedding arbitrary Lisp expressions in
> text files, which are then evaluated to create text output.)  So far
> I've found:

Whatever you choose, Terence Parr makes a good argument for functional 
template design.  In a nutshell, the output is a simple cross product 
of the template format and the specific data.  Mixing fancier code in 
with the templates tends to be bad.

I recommend reading a couple of his papers before getting started.

- Daniel
From: Stanisław Halik
Subject: Re: Embedding Lisp in arbitrary text files (or: "Lisp server pages")
Message-ID: <gkpcqh$2auf$>
thus spoke WalterGR <········>:

> I'm looking for a Lisp library to create text output a la e.g. ASP,
> JSP, PHP, or erb.  (That is, embedding arbitrary Lisp expressions in
> text files, which are then evaluated to create text output.)  So far

So here's my EMIT-HTML library, a glorified reader hack:;a=summary

Sample usage:

> (emit-html:enable-angle-html-syntax)
> {html
   {head {title "foobar!"}}
   {body {h3 "foo!"}
         {p :align "justify" "some" "thing"}
         {p "Every string is escaped: <>&"}
         (format t "But this is not: <foo>")
         {p (emit-html:esc (identity "stuff can be <escaped> at runtime"))}}}

Which leads to predictable output. I made it so i wouldn't have to
escape every single user-supplied string, forget some cases and get
bitten by cross-site scripting a year later.

The reader hack even works with paredit and emacs' paren-matching. Yay!


You only have power over people so long as you don’t take everything
away from them. But when you’ve robbed a man of everything he’s no longer
in your power — he’s free again. -- Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn