From: Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
Subject: ICFP: Child care at conference
Message-ID: <>
Potential ICFP attendees:

The ACM-SIGPLAN Executive Committee, which oversees and sponsors ICFP,
is considering expanding its travel grants for event participants in
need of child care assistance.  (Such expansion would also apply to
other major SIGPLAN-sponsored conferences, such as PLDI, POPL,
OOPSLA.)  The purpose of this message is to solicit feedback from
potential attendees regarding the desirability for child care
assistance and what forms of assistance be most appropriate.

If child care assistance at ICFP (or other SIGPLAN events) is of
interest to you, please contact me (at ·············· -or-
····· with your comments.  Some questions of particular
 * What age groups of children are most appropriate to cover?
 * What types of costs might SIGPLAN cover to facilitate your
participation in events?

-Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
From: Kaz Kylheku
Subject: Re: ICFP: Child care at conference
Message-ID: <>
On 2009-01-07, Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
<··············> wrote:
>  * What age groups of children are most appropriate to cover?

If Harrop is coming, you will need overnight babysitting also.

Plan some contingency into the hourly rate; the sitter will likely
ask for an increase after the first night.