From: Conrad
Subject: Saturday January 10th 2009, 2PM: FringeDC Programming Group Formal 	Meeting
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Erlang Exposed! Chris Williams from NOVAlanguages (
9o859p) will be giving an intro to Erlang and will describe what makes
it so cool. You'll learn how the Erlang Concurrency Model allows for
robust multiprocessor and distributed computing. As an opening
presentation, Conrad Barski will present some new software written in
Arc Lisp for automated cartoon cell colorization. Afterwards, we'll
head over to a Mongolian Grill for some beer and conversation.

The meeting is generously hosted by Clark & Parsia (
6wmmbj) located at 926 N St NW REAR Studio #1 Washington DC and is
near the Convention Center Metro Stop. (Map
Anyone is welcome to join our meetings!

FringeDC is a programming group in Washington DC interested in
Functional and Fringe programming languages (Lisp, Haskell, Erlang,

-Conrad Barski, M.D.