From: Volkan YAZICI
Subject: [ANN] Patron v0.1 (Multi-Consumer/Multi-Producer Thread Pooling)
Message-ID: <>

I've just put together the pieces for initial release of Patron[1], a
multi-consumer/multi-producer thread pooling library. Below is a small
excerpt from the "README" file.

Patron is a multi-consumer/multi-producer thread pooling library
written in Common Lisp with flexibility and performance in mind. You
simply create a `PATRON' with a job queue of fixed size, specify a
fixed number of `WORKER' threads and start submitting your `JOB's into
the work queue.

While Patron is written in portable Common Lisp in mind, because of
some platform specific features (semaphores, missing threading
features -- `THREAD-JOIN', `WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS', etc. -- in bordeaux-
threads, `WITH-TIMEOUT' macro) used, it currently works on SBCL and
CCL platforms. As a side note, Patron currently depends on bordeaux-
threads library for common threading functionalities.

Reviews and comments are welcome. (BTW, Patron is `ASDF-INSTALL'able.)

