From: Kumar
Subject: Announcing muvee-style-authoring project - Create your own video 	editing styles in Scheme (Public Beta)
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(Note: Although this post is rgd Scheme, I believe it will interest
the lisp community in general.)

We, at muvee Technologies, are pleased to announce that we're
publishing all the information you need to create your own video
editing styles for our product "muvee Reveal".

Ok - what's muvee? what's muvee Reveal? what in the crazy world is a
"style"? ... and what's Scheme got to do with all this? ---

"muvee Reveal" is our product that lets you put together a
professional looking production with your video and pictures in a
jiffy, automatically ... and in a wide variety of, what we call,
_styles_. Add video, pictures and music, select a style and hit play.
Its as simple as that. Reveal does this by analyzing your video and
pictures and composing the production using the effects and editing
logic specified in _style scripts_. The language in which these style
scripts are created is muSE (muvee Symbolic Expressions, a simple
mostly normal looking dialect of Scheme) plus some extensions to
specify visual effects and editing logic.

If you're media savvy and love Scheme/Lisp, then I think you'll enjoy
hacking up styles of your own. We've now published quite extensive
documentation about various aspects of creating styles such as our
list of visual effects and how to use and combine them, a few
tutorials to get you started, a tool to help you manage the styles you
create .. and, of course, there are people like me to respond to your
questions and help you with stuff.

This is a public beta and we really want to hear from you, so holler
on the muvee-style-authoring discussion group for any kind of help,
clarification, bugs, suggestions, etc.

Links -

muvee Style authoring project site

muSE - muvee Symbolic Expressios

muvee Reveal

muvee Technologies

Discussion group

Have fun.
- Kumar  (Principal Engineer, muvee Technologies Pte. Ltd.)