From: verec
Subject: pairs
Message-ID: <483adf97$0$663$>

(defun pairs (set)
  (if (null set) nil
     (let ((r)
           (e (car set)))
       (dolist (x (cdr set) (nreverse r))
         (push (list e x) r)))
     (pairs (cdr set)))))

(defun unique-pairs (set)
  (let ((pairs (pairs set))
    (flet ((sieve (e l)
             (if (member e l :test #'equal)
                 (remove e l :test #'equal)
      (dolist (x pairs r)
        (dolist (y pairs)
          (unless (equal x y)
            ;; does x y cover the whole set?
            (let ((s (copy-list set)))
              (dolist (z (list (car x) (cadr x)
                               (car y) (cadr y)) s)
                (setf s (sieve z s)))
              (when (null s)
                ;; x y is a legal pair, do we have it
                ;; already?
                (let ((xy (list x y))
                      (yx (list y x)))
                  (unless (or
                           (member xy r :test #'equal)
                           (member yx r :test #'equal))
                    (push xy r)))))))))
    (nreverse r)))

CL-USER 5 > (pairs '(a b c d))
((a b) (a c) (a d) (b c) (b d) (c d))

CL-USER 6 > (unique-pairs '(a b c d))
(((a b) (c d)) ((a c) (b d)) ((a d) (b c)))

If pairs is ugly, unique-pairs is really terrible :-(
It stems from my still-non-lisp-thinking mode.
- the two outer dolists make it run in n^2
- the third dolist is a hack, with embedded knowledge
  of the structure ((u v) (w x)) ie, it doesn't scale
  to triplets let alone tuples
- this whole sieve construct, togetether with the
  copy-list just to prune duplicates
- so is the final xy and yx to actually construct
  the result (and doesb't scale either).
- I hate the setf at this point in the code

Can you read that I'm not happy? :-(

While I'm sure that loop/iterate can do wonders I'm
looking more for a "functional" style. Any taker?

Many Thanks

From: Gene
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
On May 26, 12:04 pm, verec <·····> wrote:
> Consider:
> (defun pairs (set)
>   (if (null set) nil
>     (append
>      (let ((r)
>            (e (car set)))
>        (dolist (x (cdr set) (nreverse r))
>          (push (list e x) r)))
>      (pairs (cdr set)))))
> (defun unique-pairs (set)
>   (let ((pairs (pairs set))
>         (r))
>     (flet ((sieve (e l)
>              (if (member e l :test #'equal)
>                  (remove e l :test #'equal)
>                l)))
>       (dolist (x pairs r)
>         (dolist (y pairs)
>           (unless (equal x y)
>             ;; does x y cover the whole set?
>             (let ((s (copy-list set)))
>               (dolist (z (list (car x) (cadr x)
>                                (car y) (cadr y)) s)
>                 (setf s (sieve z s)))
>               (when (null s)
>                 ;; x y is a legal pair, do we have it
>                 ;; already?
>                 (let ((xy (list x y))
>                       (yx (list y x)))
>                   (unless (or
>                            (member xy r :test #'equal)
>                            (member yx r :test #'equal))
>                     (push xy r)))))))))
>     (nreverse r)))
> CL-USER 5 > (pairs '(a b c d))
> ((a b) (a c) (a d) (b c) (b d) (c d))
> CL-USER 6 > (unique-pairs '(a b c d))
> (((a b) (c d)) ((a c) (b d)) ((a d) (b c)))
> If pairs is ugly, unique-pairs is really terrible :-(
> It stems from my still-non-lisp-thinking mode.
> - the two outer dolists make it run in n^2
> - the third dolist is a hack, with embedded knowledge
>   of the structure ((u v) (w x)) ie, it doesn't scale
>   to triplets let alone tuples
> - this whole sieve construct, togetether with the
>   copy-list just to prune duplicates
> - so is the final xy and yx to actually construct
>   the result (and doesb't scale either).
> - I hate the setf at this point in the code
> Can you read that I'm not happy? :-(
> While I'm sure that loop/iterate can do wonders I'm
> looking more for a "functional" style. Any taker?
> Many Thanks
> --

It's not clear to me what unique-pairs is trying to do.  For inputs
other than 4-elements, it returns NIL.


From: John Thingstad
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
P� Mon, 26 May 2008 21:35:37 +0200, skrev Gene <············>:

> It's not clear to me what unique-pairs is trying to do.  For inputs
> other than 4-elements, it returns NIL.

Seems to me we are talking abot combinations and permutations.
Why restrict yourself to a pair?

John Thingstad
From: Gene
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
On May 26, 5:42 pm, "John Thingstad" <·······> wrote:
> På Mon, 26 May 2008 21:35:37 +0200, skrev Gene <············>:
> > It's not clear to me what unique-pairs is trying to do.  For inputs
> > other than 4-elements, it returns NIL.
> Seems to me we are talking abot combinations and permutations.
> Why restrict yourself to a pair?

My guess is that he wants all possible exact covers by 2-sets.
From: Gene
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
On May 26, 9:44 pm, Gene <············> wrote:
> On May 26, 5:42 pm, "John Thingstad" <·······> wrote:
> > På Mon, 26 May 2008 21:35:37 +0200, skrev Gene <············>:
> > > It's not clear to me what unique-pairs is trying to do.  For inputs
> > > other than 4-elements, it returns NIL.
> > Seems to me we are talking abot combinations and permutations.
> > Why restrict yourself to a pair?
> My guess is that he wants all possible exact covers by 2-sets.

;;; For example,
CL-USER> (defun all-exact-covers-by-2-sets (set)
  "Return a list of exact covers by 2-sets of given set with even
  (cond ((oddp (length set))
	 (error "Set ~a does not have even length." set))
	((null set) (list nil)) ; The only exact cover has zero 2-sets.
	(t (mapcan
	    (lambda (y)
	      (let ((pair (list (car set) y)))
		 (lambda (z) (cons pair z))
		 (all-exact-covers-by-2-sets (remove y (cdr set))))))
	    (cdr set)))))
CL-USER> (all-exact-covers-by-2-sets '(a b c d e f))
(((A B) (C D) (E F)) ((A B) (C E) (D F)) ((A B) (C F) (D E))
 ((A C) (B D) (E F)) ((A C) (B E) (D F)) ((A C) (B F) (D E))
 ((A D) (B C) (E F)) ((A D) (B E) (C F)) ((A D) (B F) (C E))
 ((A E) (B C) (D F)) ((A E) (B D) (C F)) ((A E) (B F) (C D))
 ((A F) (B C) (D E)) ((A F) (B D) (C E)) ((A F) (B E) (C D)))
From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
verec <·····> writes:

> Consider:
> (defun pairs (set)
>  (if (null set) nil
>    (append
>     (let ((r)
>           (e (car set)))
>       (dolist (x (cdr set) (nreverse r))
>         (push (list e x) r)))
>     (pairs (cdr set)))))

(defun pairs (set)
  "Returns a set of all the pairs in the given SET"
    ((null set) '())                    ; empty set has no pairs
    ((null (rest set)) '())             ; neither do singletons.
    ((null (rest (rest set))) (list set)) ; but pairs contain only one pair
    (t (append (mapcar (lambda (y) (list (first set) y)) (rest set))
               (pairs (rest set))))))
;; For an easy space optimization, we can replace append by nconc above.

(mapcar (function pairs)
          (a b)
          (a b c)
          (a b c d)))
(NIL NIL ((A B)) ((A B) (A C) (B C)) ((A B) (A C) (A D) (B C) (B D) (C D)))

> (defun unique-pairs (set)

I'll provide a nicer version tomorrow ;-)

> Can you read that I'm not happy? :-(

If you could stipulate clearly in English what these functions should
do, you could probably come with a clearer lisp version.

> While I'm sure that loop/iterate can do wonders I'm
> looking more for a "functional" style. Any taker?

Use mapcar, mapcar, etc.

__Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Alan Crowe
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
verec <·····> writes:

> Consider:
> (defun pairs (set)
>   (if (null set) nil
>     (append
>      (let ((r)
>            (e (car set)))
>        (dolist (x (cdr set) (nreverse r))
>          (push (list e x) r)))
>      (pairs (cdr set)))))
> CL-USER 5 > (pairs '(a b c d))
> ((a b) (a c) (a d) (b c) (b d) (c d))

I tried to bring some style to this with

CL-USER> (defmacro defcurry (name arg1 arg2 &body code)
           `(defun ,name ,arg1 (lambda ,arg2 ,@code)))

CL-USER> (defcurry 2list (x)(y) (list x y))

CL-USER> (funcall (2list 3) 4)
(3 4)

CL-USER> (defun pairs (list)
           (mapcon (lambda(sublist)
                     (mapcar (2list (first sublist))
                             (rest sublist)))

CL-USER> (pairs '(a b c d))
((A B) (A C) (A D) (B C) (B D) (C D))

CL-USER> (pairs '(a b c d e))
((A B) (A C) (A D) (A E) (B C) (B D) (B E) (C D) (C E) (D E))

> (defun unique-pairs (set)
>   (let ((pairs (pairs set))
>         (r))
>     (flet ((sieve (e l)
>              (if (member e l :test #'equal)
>                  (remove e l :test #'equal)
>                l)))
>       (dolist (x pairs r)
>         (dolist (y pairs)
>           (unless (equal x y)
>             ;; does x y cover the whole set?
>             (let ((s (copy-list set)))
>               (dolist (z (list (car x) (cadr x)
>                                (car y) (cadr y)) s)
>                 (setf s (sieve z s)))
>               (when (null s)
>                 ;; x y is a legal pair, do we have it
>                 ;; already?
>                 (let ((xy (list x y))
>                       (yx (list y x)))
>                   (unless (or
>                            (member xy r :test #'equal)
>                            (member yx r :test #'equal))
>                     (push xy r)))))))))
>     (nreverse r)))
> CL-USER 6 > (unique-pairs '(a b c d))
> (((a b) (c d)) ((a c) (b d)) ((a d) (b c)))

Now I'm wondering what is unique-pairs supposed to do with
five items? The code looks very hard to follow. I cannot see
an extrapolatable pattern in the single example. I know,
I'll run the code!

CL-USER> (unique-pairs '(a b c d e))

CL-USER> (unique-pairs '(a b c))
(((A B) (A C)) ((A B) (B C)) ((A C) (B C)))

CL-USER> (unique-pairs '(a b c d e f))

CL-USER> (unique-pairs '(a b))

Err, I give in. What is the idea behind unique-pairs? What
is it trying to do? If you can tell me, that might also give
you a clue as to how to tell your REPL.

Alan Crowe
From: verec
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <483b790c$0$657$>
On 2008-05-26 21:04:27 +0100, Alan Crowe <····> said:


> CL-USER> (defmacro defcurry (name arg1 arg2 &body code)
>            `(defun ,name ,arg1 (lambda ,arg2 ,@code)))
> CL-USER> (defcurry 2list (x)(y) (list x y))
> CL-USER> (funcall (2list 3) 4)
> (3 4)
> CL-USER> (defun pairs (list)
>            (mapcon (lambda(sublist)
>                      (mapcar (2list (first sublist))
>                              (rest sublist)))
>                    list))
> CL-USER> (pairs '(a b c d))
> ((A B) (A C) (A D) (B C) (B D) (C D))
> CL-USER> (pairs '(a b c d e))
> ((A B) (A C) (A D) (A E) (B C) (B D) (B E) (C D) (C E) (D E))

Wow! :)


> Now I'm wondering what is unique-pairs supposed to do with
> five items?

Hmmm. Let's see if I can be better at English than I am
at Lisp :)

Pairs is concerned with things that come two at a time,
out of a bigger set. unique-pairs takes a collection of
such pairs and returns the minimal collection such that
every element of that collection is a set of pairs. Each
such element must refer to an individual of the orginal
set exactly once.

The math term must be something like "combination", except
that I am more interested in getting the actual arrangements
than counting them, I think it is pronounced "n chooses k".
and written "C(n, k)"

In other words, I wamt the set of things chosen k at a times
from a bigger set of n elements, where the order is non
significant, and where each set of result tuples (pair,
or triplet, or quadruplet, ...) contains each element
of the original set exactly once.

... But I wasn't dreaming of getting to the general case
in one go (ie: tuples) and started to get my feet wet
with pairs to start with...
From: Alan Crowe
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
verec <·····> writes:
> Hmmm. Let's see if I can be better at English than I am
> at Lisp :)
> Pairs is concerned with things that come two at a time,
> out of a bigger set. unique-pairs takes a collection of
> such pairs and returns the minimal collection such that
> every element of that collection is a set of pairs. Each
> such element must refer to an individual of the orginal
> set exactly once.
> The math term must be something like "combination", except
> that I am more interested in getting the actual arrangements
> than counting them, I think it is pronounced "n chooses k".
> and written "C(n, k)"
> In other words, I wamt the set of things chosen k at a times
> from a bigger set of n elements, where the order is non
> significant, and where each set of result tuples (pair,
> or triplet, or quadruplet, ...) contains each element
> of the original set exactly once.
> ... But I wasn't dreaming of getting to the general case
> in one go (ie: tuples) and started to get my feet wet
> with pairs to start with...
> --

Here is some code which gives a lot of duplicates

(defmacro defcurry (name arg1 arg2 &body code)
  `(defun ,name ,arg1 (lambda ,arg2 ,@code)))

(defcurry prefix-by (head)(tail) (cons head tail))

(defun choose (set n)
  (cond ((zerop n) (list nil))
        ((null set) '())
        (t (append (mapcar (prefix-by (first set))
                           (choose (rest set) (- n 1)))
                   (choose (rest set) n)))))

(defun tuple-cover (set size)
  (assert (zerop (mod (length set) size)))
  (if (<= (length set) size)
      (list (list set))
      (mapcan (pick-from set size)
              (choose set size))))

(defcurry pick-from (set size)(prefix)
  (let ((remainder (set-difference set prefix)))
    (mapcar (prefix-by prefix)
            (tuple-cover remainder size))))

CL-USER> (tuple-cover '(a b c d e f) 2)
(((A B) (F E) (C D)) ((A B) (F D) (C E)) ((A B) (F C) (D E))
 ((A B) (E D) (C F)) ((A B) (E C) (D F)) ((A B) (D C) (E F))
 ((A C) (F E) (B D)) ((A C) (F D) (B E)) ((A C) (F B) (D E))
 ((A C) (E D) (B F)) ((A C) (E B) (D F)) ((A C) (D B) (E F))
 ((A D) (F E) (B C)) ((A D) (F C) (B E)) ((A D) (F B) (C E))
 ((A D) (E C) (B F)) ((A D) (E B) (C F)) ((A D) (C B) (E F))
 ((A E) (F D) (B C)) ((A E) (F C) (B D)) ((A E) (F B) (C D))
 ((A E) (D C) (B F)) ((A E) (D B) (C F)) ((A E) (C B) (D F))
 ((A F) (E D) (B C)) ((A F) (E C) (B D)) ((A F) (E B) (C D))
 ((A F) (D C) (B E)) ((A F) (D B) (C E)) ((A F) (C B) (D E))
 ((B C) (F E) (A D)) ((B C) (F D) (A E)) ((B C) (F A) (D E))
 ((B C) (E D) (A F)) ((B C) (E A) (D F)) ((B C) (D A) (E F))
 ((B D) (F E) (A C)) ((B D) (F C) (A E)) ((B D) (F A) (C E))
 ((B D) (E C) (A F)) ((B D) (E A) (C F)) ((B D) (C A) (E F))
 ((B E) (F D) (A C)) ((B E) (F C) (A D)) ((B E) (F A) (C D))
 ((B E) (D C) (A F)) ((B E) (D A) (C F)) ((B E) (C A) (D F))
 ((B F) (E D) (A C)) ((B F) (E C) (A D)) ((B F) (E A) (C D))
 ((B F) (D C) (A E)) ((B F) (D A) (C E)) ((B F) (C A) (D E))
 ((C D) (F E) (A B)) ((C D) (F B) (A E)) ((C D) (F A) (B E))
 ((C D) (E B) (A F)) ((C D) (E A) (B F)) ((C D) (B A) (E F))
 ((C E) (F D) (A B)) ((C E) (F B) (A D)) ((C E) (F A) (B D))
 ((C E) (D B) (A F)) ((C E) (D A) (B F)) ((C E) (B A) (D F))
 ((C F) (E D) (A B)) ((C F) (E B) (A D)) ((C F) (E A) (B D))
 ((C F) (D B) (A E)) ((C F) (D A) (B E)) ((C F) (B A) (D E))
 ((D E) (F C) (A B)) ((D E) (F B) (A C)) ((D E) (F A) (B C))
 ((D E) (C B) (A F)) ((D E) (C A) (B F)) ((D E) (B A) (C F))
 ((D F) (E C) (A B)) ((D F) (E B) (A C)) ((D F) (E A) (B C))
 ((D F) (C B) (A E)) ((D F) (C A) (B E)) ((D F) (B A) (C E))
 ((E F) (D C) (A B)) ((E F) (D B) (A C)) ((E F) (D A) (B C))
 ((E F) (C B) (A D)) ((E F) (C A) (B D)) ((E F) (B A) (C D)))

CL-USER> (tuple-cover '(a b c d e f) 3)
(((A B C) (F E D)) ((A B D) (F E C)) ((A B E) (F D C)) ((A B F) (E D C))
 ((A C D) (F E B)) ((A C E) (F D B)) ((A C F) (E D B)) ((A D E) (F C B))
 ((A D F) (E C B)) ((A E F) (D C B)) ((B C D) (F E A)) ((B C E) (F D A))
 ((B C F) (E D A)) ((B D E) (F C A)) ((B D F) (E C A)) ((B E F) (D C A))
 ((C D E) (F B A)) ((C D F) (E B A)) ((C E F) (D B A)) ((D E F) (C B A)))

Looks like you've got yourself a tricky puzzle there.

Alan Crowe
From: Gene
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
On May 27, 12:56 pm, Alan Crowe <····> wrote:
> verec <·····> writes:
> > Hmmm. Let's see if I can be better at English than I am
> > at Lisp :)
> > Pairs is concerned with things that come two at a time,
> > out of a bigger set. unique-pairs takes a collection of
> > such pairs and returns the minimal collection such that
> > every element of that collection is a set of pairs. Each
> > such element must refer to an individual of the orginal
> > set exactly once.
> > The math term must be something like "combination", except
> > that I am more interested in getting the actual arrangements
> > than counting them, I think it is pronounced "n chooses k".
> > and written "C(n, k)"
> >
> > In other words, I wamt the set of things chosen k at a times
> > from a bigger set of n elements, where the order is non
> > significant, and where each set of result tuples (pair,
> > or triplet, or quadruplet, ...) contains each element
> > of the original set exactly once.
> > ... But I wasn't dreaming of getting to the general case
> > in one go (ie: tuples) and started to get my feet wet
> > with pairs to start with...
> > --
> > JFB
> Here is some code which gives a lot of duplicates
> (defmacro defcurry (name arg1 arg2 &body code)
>   `(defun ,name ,arg1 (lambda ,arg2 ,@code)))
> (defcurry prefix-by (head)(tail) (cons head tail))
> (defun choose (set n)
>   (cond ((zerop n) (list nil))
>         ((null set) '())
>         (t (append (mapcar (prefix-by (first set))
>                            (choose (rest set) (- n 1)))
>                    (choose (rest set) n)))))
> (defun tuple-cover (set size)
>   (assert (zerop (mod (length set) size)))
>   (if (<= (length set) size)
>       (list (list set))
>       (mapcan (pick-from set size)
>               (choose set size))))
> (defcurry pick-from (set size)(prefix)
>   (let ((remainder (set-difference set prefix)))
>     (mapcar (prefix-by prefix)
>             (tuple-cover remainder size))))
> CL-USER> (tuple-cover '(a b c d e f) 2)
> (((A B) (F E) (C D)) ((A B) (F D) (C E)) ((A B) (F C) (D E))

[ output trimmed ]

> Looks like you've got yourself a tricky puzzle there.

Alan, this defcurry is quite beautiful.  I'm hooked.

[But I wonder if it causes optimizers to miss opportunities because
the generated closure is not obviously a constant at compile time...?]

To finish up what you started, you need only to declare a canonical
representation for tuples and covers.  Lexicographic order (based on
the orginal list order) will work.  Then note that to generate
canonical reps, it is sufficient to _always_ choose the first thus-far-
unchosen element to be the first of each tuple.

It's also necessary to define your own order-preserving (canonical)
set-difference operator because the library function is liable to
scramble things.

(defcurry prefix-by (head) (tail) (cons head tail))

(defun choices (set n)
  (cond ((zerop n) (list nil))
        ((null set) '())
        (t (append (mapcar (prefix-by (first set))
                           (choices (rest set) (- n 1)))
                   (choices (rest set) n)))))

(defun canonical-choices (set n)
  (assert (and set (plusp n)))
  (mapcar (prefix-by (first set))
	 (choices (rest set) (1- n))))

(defun tuple-cover (set size)
  (assert (zerop (mod (length set) size)))
  (if (<= (length set) size)
      (list (list set))
      (mapcan (pick-from set size)
              (canonical-choices set size))))

(defun ordered-set-difference (a b)
  (cond ((null a) nil)
	((null b) a)
	((eq (first a) (first b))
	 (ordered-set-difference (rest a) (rest b)))
	(t (cons (first a)
		 (ordered-set-difference (rest a) b)))))

(defcurry pick-from (set size) (prefix)
  (let ((remainder (ordered-set-difference set prefix)))
    (mapcar (prefix-by prefix)
            (tuple-cover remainder size))))

CL-USER> (tuple-cover '(a b c d e f) 2)
(((A B) (C D) (E F)) ((A B) (C E) (D F)) ((A B) (C F) (D E))
 ((A C) (B D) (E F)) ((A C) (B E) (D F)) ((A C) (B F) (D E))
 ((A D) (B C) (E F)) ((A D) (B E) (C F)) ((A D) (B F) (C E))
 ((A E) (B C) (D F)) ((A E) (B D) (C F)) ((A E) (B F) (C D))
 ((A F) (B C) (D E)) ((A F) (B D) (C E)) ((A F) (B E) (C D)))

CL-USER> (tuple-cover '(a b c d e f) 3)
(((A B C) (D E F)) ((A B D) (C E F)) ((A B E) (C D F)) ((A B F) (C D
 ((A C D) (B E F)) ((A C E) (B D F)) ((A C F) (B D E)) ((A D E) (B C
 ((A D F) (B C E)) ((A E F) (B C D)))
From: Gene
Subject: Re: pairs
Message-ID: <>
On May 28, 12:07 am, Gene <············> wrote:
> On May 27, 12:56 pm, Alan Crowe <····> wrote:
> > verec <·····> writes:
> > > Hmmm. Let's see if I can be better at English than I am
> > > at Lisp :)
> > > Pairs is concerned with things that come two at a time,
> > > out of a bigger set. unique-pairs takes a collection of
> > > such pairs and returns the minimal collection such that
> > > every element of that collection is a set of pairs. Each
> > > such element must refer to an individual of the orginal
> > > set exactly once.
> > > The math term must be something like "combination", except
> > > that I am more interested in getting the actual arrangements
> > > than counting them, I think it is pronounced "n chooses k".
> > > and written "C(n, k)"
> > >
> > > In other words, I wamt the set of things chosen k at a times
> > > from a bigger set of n elements, where the order is non
> > > significant, and where each set of result tuples (pair,
> > > or triplet, or quadruplet, ...) contains each element
> > > of the original set exactly once.
> > > ... But I wasn't dreaming of getting to the general case
> > > in one go (ie: tuples) and started to get my feet wet
> > > with pairs to start with...
> > > --
> > > JFB
> > Here is some code which gives a lot of duplicates
> > (defmacro defcurry (name arg1 arg2 &body code)
> >   `(defun ,name ,arg1 (lambda ,arg2 ,@code)))
> > (defcurry prefix-by (head)(tail) (cons head tail))
> > (defun choose (set n)
> >   (cond ((zerop n) (list nil))
> >         ((null set) '())
> >         (t (append (mapcar (prefix-by (first set))
> >                            (choose (rest set) (- n 1)))
> >                    (choose (rest set) n)))))
> > (defun tuple-cover (set size)
> >   (assert (zerop (mod (length set) size)))
> >   (if (<= (length set) size)
> >       (list (list set))
> >       (mapcan (pick-from set size)
> >               (choose set size))))
> > (defcurry pick-from (set size)(prefix)
> >   (let ((remainder (set-difference set prefix)))
> >     (mapcar (prefix-by prefix)
> >             (tuple-cover remainder size))))
> > CL-USER> (tuple-cover '(a b c d e f) 2)
> > (((A B) (F E) (C D)) ((A B) (F D) (C E)) ((A B) (F C) (D E))
> [ output trimmed ]
> > Looks like you've got yourself a tricky puzzle there.
> Alan, this defcurry is quite beautiful.  I'm hooked.
> [But I wonder if it causes optimizers to miss opportunities because
> the generated closure is not obviously a constant at compile time...?]
> To finish up what you started, you need only to declare a canonical
> representation for tuples and covers.  Lexicographic order (based on
> the orginal list order) will work.  Then note that to generate
> canonical reps, it is sufficient to _always_ choose the first thus-far-
> unchosen element to be the first of each tuple.
> It's also necessary to define your own order-preserving (canonical)
> set-difference operator because the library function is liable to
> scramble things.
> (defcurry prefix-by (head) (tail) (cons head tail))
> (defun choices (set n)
>   (cond ((zerop n) (list nil))
>         ((null set) '())
>         (t (append (mapcar (prefix-by (first set))
>                            (choices (rest set) (- n 1)))
>                    (choices (rest set) n)))))
> (defun canonical-choices (set n)
>   (assert (and set (plusp n)))
>   (mapcar (prefix-by (first set))
>          (choices (rest set) (1- n))))
> (defun tuple-cover (set size)
>   (assert (zerop (mod (length set) size)))
>   (if (<= (length set) size)
>       (list (list set))
>       (mapcan (pick-from set size)
>               (canonical-choices set size))))
> (defun ordered-set-difference (a b)
>   (cond ((null a) nil)
>         ((null b) a)
>         ((eq (first a) (first b))
>          (ordered-set-difference (rest a) (rest b)))
>         (t (cons (first a)
>                  (ordered-set-difference (rest a) b)))))
> (defcurry pick-from (set size) (prefix)
>   (let ((remainder (ordered-set-difference set prefix)))
>     (mapcar (prefix-by prefix)
>             (tuple-cover remainder size))))
> CL-USER> (tuple-cover '(a b c d e f) 2)
> (((A B) (C D) (E F)) ((A B) (C E) (D F)) ((A B) (C F) (D E))
>  ((A C) (B D) (E F)) ((A C) (B E) (D F)) ((A C) (B F) (D E))
>  ((A D) (B C) (E F)) ((A D) (B E) (C F)) ((A D) (B F) (C E))
>  ((A E) (B C) (D F)) ((A E) (B D) (C F)) ((A E) (B F) (C D))
>  ((A F) (B C) (D E)) ((A F) (B D) (C E)) ((A F) (B E) (C D)))

If you clean this up a bit with another Curried function, it's even

(defmacro defcurry (name arg1 arg2 &body code)
  `(defun ,name ,arg1 (lambda ,arg2 ,@code)))

(defcurry prefix-by (head) (tail) (cons head tail))

(defun choices (set n)
  (cond ((zerop n) (list nil))
        ((null set) '())
        (t (append (canonical-choices set n)
                   (choices (rest set) n)))))

(defun canonical-choices (set n)
  (assert (and set (plusp n)))
  (mapcar (prefix-by (first set))
          (choices (rest set) (1- n))))

(defun tuple-cover (set size)
  (assert (zerop (mod (length set) size)))
  (if (<= (length set) size)
      (list (list set))
      (mapcan (pick-from set size)
              (canonical-choices set size))))

(defcurry is-member (set) (item) (member item set))

(defcurry pick-from (set size) (prefix)
  (mapcar (prefix-by prefix)
          (tuple-cover (remove-if (is-member prefix) set) size)))