From: lisp linux
Subject: fiveam runs test but says did not
Message-ID: <>

Using sbcl/slime I do the following
(require 'fiveam)
compile and load the file below

Following is the repl interaction
CL-USER> (fiveam-issue:test-issue)
  Didn't run anything...huh?
CL-USER> (trace fiveam-issue::my-square)
CL-USER> (fiveam-issue:test-issue)
   0: (MY-SQUARE 4)
   0: MY-SQUARE returned 16
   0: (MY-SQUARE 5)
   0: MY-SQUARE returned 25
   0: (MY-SQUARE 1)
   0: MY-SQUARE returned 1
   0: (MY-SQUARE 2)
   0: MY-SQUARE returned 4
   0: (MY-SQUARE 3)
   0: MY-SQUARE returned 9
  Didn't run anything...huh?

Why does fiveam run the stuff and say nothing ran.

Following is the test file

(defpackage :fiveam-issue
   (:use :common-lisp :it.bese.FiveAM)
   (:export "TEST-ISSUE"))

(in-package :fiveam-issue)

(defun my-square (x)
   (* x x))

(def-suite mysuite)
(in-suite mysuite)

(test foo
   (let ((data (list 4 5 1 2 3)))
     (dolist (item data)
       (= (* item item) (my-square item)))))

(defun test-issue ()
   (run! 'mysuite))

From: Stanisław Halik
Subject: Re: fiveam runs test but says did not
Message-ID: <fr59u2$bor$>
thus spoke lisp linux <·········@lisp.linux>:

Try this:

> (test foo
>   (let ((data (list 4 5 1 2 3)))
>     (dolist (item data)
-      (= (* item item) (my-square item)))))
+      (is (= (* item item) (my-square item))))))

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