From: Joachim Durchholz
Subject: Re: is free, open source software ethical?
Message-ID: <1204842688.8533.34.camel@kurier>
Am Donnerstag, den 06.03.2008, 12:59 -0800 schrieb Ron Garret:
> In fact, if pi is normal 
> (which mathematicians strongly suspect but have been unable to prove) 
> then the entire state of the universe is representable by an index into 
> the extended fractional representation of pi, which is deterministically 
> computable (by a fairly small bit of code too).

Yes, but it does not gain you anything: to give that index, you'll need
as many bits as you'd need to describe that universe state directly.
(That's also the refutation of the "monkey typewriter" model: the
monkeys will reproduce Hamlet sooner or later, but to select the right
result from all the junk, you'll need as many bits as you need to
represent "Hamlet" directly.)
