From: Joachim Durchholz
Subject: Re: is free, open source software ethical?
Message-ID: <1204748332.7307.157.camel@kurier>
Am Mittwoch, den 05.03.2008, 10:30 -0800 schrieb Ron Garret:
> Of course people write programs (and do all manner of things) in the 
> interests of other people.  But for it to be altruism they must get 
> nothing in return.  But you *are* getting something in return: 
> friendship.

No, they must *expect* nothing in return.
Of course, they do get friendship in return.

Oh, and is it altruism if I say "I'm helping you out, and it's OK if you
can't return the favor, but I expect you to help somebody else out"?
It's still a kind of trade, but the person offering it does not want to
get anything in return.
