From: Vagif Verdi
Subject: Alternative syntax constructions for lambda
Message-ID: <>
After playing with curly and liking it, I
wonder what are the other known alternative syntaxes for lambda. Like
#L etc.
Could you please post here links to such libraries.

From: Slobodan Blazeski
Subject: Re: Alternative syntax constructions for lambda
Message-ID: <>
On Mar 3, 4:14 pm, Vagif Verdi <···········> wrote:
> After playing with curly liking it, I
> wonder what are the other known alternative syntaxes for lambda. Like
> #L etc.
> Could you please post here links to such libraries.

Try Haskell approach, though I haven't seen anything better than
lambda, the only improvement that I could
accept is shorter name, everything else is nicely composed into the

From: ··
Subject: Re: Alternative syntax constructions for lambda
Message-ID: <>
On 4 Mrz., 01:14, Vagif Verdi <···········> wrote:
> After playing with curly liking it, I
> wonder what are the other known alternative syntaxes for lambda. Like
> #L etc.
> Could you please post here links to such libraries.

I've sometimes used a macro named FN. Besides the shorter name it also
allows to ignore parameters named by _. So

  (fn (a _ b) (list a b))

is the equivalent of

  (lambda (a _ b) (declare (ignore _)) (list a b))

From: Jochen Schmidt
Subject: Re: Alternative syntax constructions for lambda
Message-ID: <>
On 4 Mrz., 20:01, ·····" <····> wrote:
> On 4 Mrz., 01:14, Vagif Verdi <···········> wrote:
> > After playing with curly it, I
> > wonder what are the other known alternative syntaxes for lambda. Like
> > #L etc.
> > Could you please post here links to such libraries.
> I've sometimes used a macro named FN. Besides the shorter name it also
> allows to ignore parameters named by _. So
>   (fn (a _ b) (list a b))
> is the equivalent of
>   (lambda (a _ b) (declare (ignore _)) (list a b))

And here is the code:

(defmacro fn (ll &body forms)
  (let* ((ignored-symbols nil)
         (ll (mapcar (lambda (v)
                       (if (string-equal '_ v)
                         (let ((v (gensym)))
                           (push v ignored-symbols)
    `(lambda ,ll
       ,@(when ignored-symbols
           `((declare (ignore ,@ignored-symbols))))

I used it (using the name -->) within an article published in the
German magazine "Toolbox". The article was called "Evolution einer
Skriptsprache" (Evolution of a Scripting Language) - I've shown how to
implement a little scripting language (a bit similar to javascript)
within 250 loc. It was published in may 2007 (Toolbox issue 3/2007).
The language is build step by step within the article. The language -
called "Fun" - was compiled directly to CL sexps so that I could use
EVAL and COMPILE to realize the interpreter and native code compiler.
Some simple Fun examples:

// function definition
function hallo (str) {

// variable bindings
let r=10 {
  let (A=r*r*pi, D=2*r*pi)
    format(t, "Circle area: ~A~%Circle diameter: ~A~%", A, D);
  let diameter = 2*r*pi
    format(t,"Diameter of circle when r=~A: ~A", r, diameter);

// local functions
let diameter(r) 2*r*pi
  format(t,"Diameter of circle when r=~A: ~A", r, diameter(10)

let (diameter(r) 2*r*pi,
     area(r) r*r*pi)
  format(t, "D: ~A~%A: ~A~%", diameter(10), area(10))

// multiple values
let [d,r] = floor(15,4)
  format(t,"Div: ~A, ~A~%",d,r)

I used CL-YACC for the scanner and the CL readtable for the lexer. The
code above does really work since it just uses functions predefined in
Common Lisp itself (like FORMAT, * or FLOOR). It shouldn't be
difficult for an experienced CL programmer to imagine the generated CL
code behind the examples above. I didn't actually use this toy
language for more than this article but I really was quite astonished
by how easy it actually is to create a scripting language using CL
that actually doesn't look like lisp in newbies eyes. At some rainy
weekends I've also experimented a bit with lazy evaluation and
automatic currying - Common Lisp is really the perfect language
building toolkit.
