From: Carlo
Subject: Looking for Webmail for Hunchentoot
Message-ID: <>
Hi! Proudly having my Hunchentoot server online (it was a breeze*,
using a €7 virtual server and Ubuntu 8.04, it's at
if you're curious) I also set myself up a nice dovecot/postfix setup
so I have the fastest IMAP setup I ever enjoyed. Hooray for my geeky
side :)

So now I'd like to be able to access my mail through a browser (you
know, at a friend's house, wanna show them that really cool thingy
someone sent me without necessarily having to install Putty on their
system), and I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT to use anything else than
Hunchentoot... or at the very least I'd like it to be using something
so I don't have to install Apache and another scripting language.

So if you know of a lisp/hunchentoot related webmail client that can
either read Maildir oder work as an IMAP client, for the sake of good
fortune please post here :) even if it's just something you wrote up
for yourself to throw away, I know how good Lisp Hacker throwaway code
can be. Please post! Thanks.


* breeze, in this case, means it's a couple months back and all the
painful details I figured out then seem completely obvious now.

PS: In case you're in germany, the hosting company is;
I know this is a shameless plug but I have no commercial interest in
vsell other than it was really hard to find a decent hosting company
and I am very satisfied with them.