From: Scott Burson
Subject: Bay Area Lispniks regular dinner meeting
Message-ID: <>
The San Francisco Bay Area Lispniks will be meeting again at 7:30
tomorrow evening at Suraj, an Indian restaurant in Redwood City.  All
interested in Lisp are welcome to join us.  If you think you'll be
there, please drop me a line (········, just so we have a
general idea how many to expect, but if you don't get around to this,
feel free to come anyway :)

To join the Lispniks mailing list, see

(We had previously been meeting irregularly in a variety of locations,
so that everyone in the Bay Area would be able to come to a meeting
close to them occasionally.  We're planning to make this meeting at
Suraj a regular thing, on the third Tuesday of each month; but this
regular meeting series is not intended to replace those meetings, but
to supplement them, for those of us who need our Lisp shop talk fixes
more frequently. :)
From: Scott Burson
Subject: Re: Bay Area Lispniks regular dinner meeting
Message-ID: <>
Just to be clear, that's tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 15.