From: ···············
Subject: Re: How do lispers do their GUI programming anyway?
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On Jan 13, 6:03 am, Andreas Davour <·······@updateLIKE.uu.HELLse>
> Ken Tilton <···········> writes:
> >>>Emacs+Slime as a joke of an IDE.
> Well, I thought that I might learn about some IDE solution that was way
> better than Slime+Emacs

I think "better" is hard to quantify for an IDE as there are certainly
people with very strong preferences one way or another based on the
functionality and usage pattern that's important to them.

I think emacs+slime is extremely powerful and also has the advantage
that so many people use it so almost any problem has already been
solved by someone on here. Some of us have difficulty with it though.
In my case I think it's due to a lack of brain power rather than a
fault with the programs. That's why I wrote ABLE (http:// It has limitations but a small group of us find it
fits our way of working better.

I hear your arguments for sticking with free software, and I also like
this model but the commercial Lisps and their IDEs seem very good to
me and from the demos I've watched, people seem to be able to fly
around their code just as fast as those using Slime.
