From: Jens Teich
Subject: Re: Input conversion into strings
Message-ID: <>
Francogrex <······> writes:

> Hi, I am reading from a text file containing names such as:
> ARFD12
> 12E1900
> etc...
> so that the file is read into a list (ARFD12 ESTF3 12E1900). But I
> want to have the values automatically converted to strings so my list
> would end up like ("ARFD12" "ESTF3" "12E1900"). I tried reading first
> and then coercing to strings but as you can notice having such names
> as 12E1900 is interpreted by SBCL as a number (too large to evluate
> anyway) while it actually is just a symbol (name). How can I convert
> my read values into strings before lisp evaluates them? Thanks.

; SLIME 2006-04-20
CL-USER> (with-open-file (s #p"/Users/jensteich/Lisp/test-1.txt")
	   (read-line s))
CL-USER> (type-of *)
