From: globalrev
Subject: found .emacs, but doesnt work running lisp
Message-ID: <>

followed every step exactly but when i try to run it:

# Restart Emacs, and then run M-x run-lisp to test whether Lisp starts
# Start slime with M-x slime. Happy hacking!

i get no suhc file/directory for both...

From: Christopher Koppler
Subject: Re: found .emacs, but doesnt work running lisp
Message-ID: <>
On Apr 29, 7:19 pm, globalrev <·········> wrote:
> followed every step exactly but when i try to run it:
> # Restart Emacs, and then run M-x run-lisp to test whether Lisp starts
> up.
> # Start slime with M-x slime. Happy hacking!
> i get no suhc file/directory for both...

M-x whatever doesn't mean any directories or files, but emacs commands
(and M-x stands for meta-x, which on Windows usually is [ALT]+x). So
press [ALT]+x and then enter the command (run-lisp or slime in this

I hope this isn't too basic, but it seems you haven't got to grips
with some Emacs basics yet.
From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: found .emacs, but doesnt work running lisp
Message-ID: <>
globalrev <·········> writes:

> followed every step exactly but when i try to run it:
> # Restart Emacs, and then run M-x run-lisp to test whether Lisp starts
> up.
> # Start slime with M-x slime. Happy hacking!
> i get no suhc file/directory for both...

Launch emacs.
Switch to the *scratch* buffer.
inferior-lisp-program C-u C-x C-e

It should insert in the buffer a string containing the path and
arguments of the lisp program you choosed.  Check that there is a
program at this path in the MS-Windows-Explorer.

Beware that antislashes are duplicated when strings are displayed:

(insert "abc\\def") C-x C-e inserts:  abc\def

__Pascal Bourguignon__