From: Trastabuga
Subject: fasl files generated by SBCL
Message-ID: <>
I used to have sblc 1.0.6 which comes with the installation package on
When I was using it somehow it didn't generate the *.fasl file after
the compilation.
Now that I compiled the lates 1.0.15, I started to get those fasl
files all over the place.
I wonder why I didn't have them with 1.0.6 and is there a way to not
have them with 1.0.15?

Thank you!

From: ···············
Subject: Re: fasl files generated by SBCL
Message-ID: <>
On Apr 19, 2:22 pm, Trastabuga <·········> wrote:
> I used to have sblc 1.0.6 which comes with the installation package on
> Ubuntu.
> When I was using it somehow it didn't generate the *.fasl file after
> the compilation.
> Now that I compiled the lates 1.0.15, I started to get those fasl
> files all over the place.
> I wonder why I didn't have them with 1.0.6 and is there a way to not
> have them with 1.0.15?
> Thank you!

The official Ubuntu one is probably using COMMON-LISP-CONTROLLER which
will be putting the fasl files somewhere under a sub-directory of /var/
cache/common-lisp-controller/. But the one you've downloaded yourself
will not be using this and creating the fasl files locally.

From: Matthias Benkard
Subject: Re: fasl files generated by SBCL
Message-ID: <>
On 19 Apr., 16:28, ··············· wrote:
> The official Ubuntu one is probably using COMMON-LISP-CONTROLLER which
> will be putting the fasl files somewhere under a sub-directory of /var/
> cache/common-lisp-controller/. But the one you've downloaded yourself
> will not be using this and creating the fasl files locally.


If you want to use the CLC from within a locally installed version of
SBCL, you can put something like the following into your .sbclrc:

  (load "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/common-lisp-controller/common-
  (load "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/common-lisp-controller/post-
  (funcall (intern "INIT-COMMON-LISP-CONTROLLER-V5"
                   (find-package '#:common-lisp-controller))

Something similar works for lots of Lisp implementations, even some of
the ones that aren't Debian-packaged in any way.  (For others, you may
need to define CLC::GET-UID before calling CLC::INIT-COMMON-LISP-
CONTROLLER-V5.  If someone's interested, I can post my ad-hoc
definitions for LispWorks and ECL here.)

As an alternative, there's ASDF-Binary-Locations, which I use on all
my non-Debian systems:

~ Matthias