From: Ken Tilton
Subject: MWUAHAHAAHAHAHA!!! All Your Interface Are Belong to Us!
Message-ID: <47f82c88$0$25025$>
OK, just baby steps, but still fun and I get the feeling the fun has 
just begun. Fortunately Andy Chambers gets to do all the work:

   git clone git:// openair

... while I sit back and watch the Cells empire expand:

(defmodel web-apropos (page)
   ((term :initarg :term :accessor term :initform nil))
       :term (c? (param? "s"))
     :title "Lisp Apropos"
     :style "style.css"
     (c? (the-kids
          (mk-div ()
            (mk-form (:action "post")
              (mk-label (:for "s")
                (mk-text "Apropos: "))
              (mk-input (:name "s" :id "s" ;<- INPUT
                          :-type "text"
                          :value (c? (term (u^ web-apropos)))))
              (mk-div (:id :echo-and-matches-div)
                (bwhen (term (term (u^ web-apropos))) ;<- FUN STUFF
                   (mk-text term))
                   (loop for func in (apropos-list term)
                       collect (let ((func func))
                                 (mk-li ()
                                   (mk-text func)))))))))))))

As the web page user edits the input field, the list of functions 
changes to match the input field. And just the list of li/texts gets sent.

Like I said, just baby steps. Cells/js would be fun, eh?

Aside from the satisfaction of world domination I get the satisfaction 
of having been right again: it's the noobs who will create the 
libraries: Peter H reinvigorating Cells-Gtk, Andy C pushing Rails into 
the sea.

MWUAHAHAHAHAHAA... oh, I said that already.



"In the morning, hear the Way;
  in the evening, die content!"
                     -- Confucius