From: dstein64
Subject: Aborting Lisp evaluation
Message-ID: <>
I apologize for asking such a trivial question, but I was unable to
find an answer. Using SLIME, what key combination cancels the
evaluation of a Lisp expression? Suppose the evaluation somehow got
stuck in an infinite loop, what would I type to abort evaluation?

From: Brian
Subject: Re: Aborting Lisp evaluation
Message-ID: <>
dstein64 wrote:
> I apologize for asking such a trivial question, but I was unable to
> find an answer. Using SLIME, what key combination cancels the
> evaluation of a Lisp expression? Suppose the evaluation somehow got
> stuck in an infinite loop, what would I type to abort evaluation?
> Thanks.
At the REPL, C-c C-c  (it is in the menu(s))
From: dstein64
Subject: Re: Aborting Lisp evaluation
Message-ID: <>
Thanks, I totally forgot about the menus and should have considered C-
c as it seems conventional. Outside of Slime, say in SBCL or some
other implementation (I sometimes run the LISP programs directly for
numerous purposes), is there some command to abort. C-c does not seem
to work. Thanks.

On Apr 2, 11:22 pm, Brian <··············> wrote:
> dstein64 wrote:
> > I apologize for asking such a trivial question, but I was unable to
> > find an answer. Using SLIME, what key combination cancels the
> > evaluation of a Lisp expression? Suppose the evaluation somehow got
> > stuck in an infinite loop, what would I type to abort evaluation?
> > Thanks.
> At the REPL, C-c C-c  (it is in the menu(s))
From: ·······
Subject: Re: Aborting Lisp evaluation
Message-ID: <>
On Apr 3, 6:10 am, dstein64 <········> wrote:
> Thanks, I totally forgot about the menus and should have considered C-
> c as it seems conventional. Outside of Slime, say in SBCL or some
> other implementation (I sometimes run the LISP programs directly for
> numerous purposes), is there some command to abort. C-c does not seem
> to work. Thanks.

C-c works for me. Check if C-c either has been redefined in your
graphic environment or is captured.

To halt computation and continue later, use in Linux
killall -SIGSTOP sbcl
killall -SIGCONT sbcl
from outside (maybe you will have to do "fg" after the SIGCONT).