From: OMouse
Subject: 3 April 2008 - Toronto Lisp Meetup, again :D
Message-ID: <>
I'm posting just to catch anyone that may have been unaware of the
last few meetups.

Tomorrow, 3 April 2008, at the Bloor Fox & Fiddle. Bring a laptop if
you like, there's free wi-fi!

More info and a map here:

From: Christopher Browne
Subject: Re: 3 April 2008 - Toronto Lisp Meetup, again :D
Message-ID: <>
OMouse <······> writes:
> I'm posting just to catch anyone that may have been unaware of the
> last few meetups.
> Tomorrow, 3 April 2008, at the Bloor Fox & Fiddle. Bring a laptop if
> you like, there's free wi-fi!
> More info and a map here:
> -Rudolf

Sorry I couldn't make it; due to over pollenation on a recent trip to
Maryland, I was too congested and hoarse to be a dinner companion :-(.
select 'cbbrowne' || ·@' || '';
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just the  UI, design disagreements. Requests from  Unix programmers to
replicate  Free Agent  rightfully so  should trigger  the  throwing of
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