From: Xah Lee
Subject: Elisp Lesson: Creating a Custome HTML Link Function
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Elisp Lesson: Creating a Custome HTML Link Function

Xah Lee, 2007-10-09

(A HTML version of this article, with links and coloration, is at

This page shows a example of writing a emacs lisp function that
creates a customized HTML link. If you don't know elisp, first take a
gander at Emacs Lisp Basics.

The Problem

I have 2 math projects on my website: A Visual Dictionary of Special
Plane Curves, and Surface Gallery. These are dictionary-like sites,
with close to two hundred pages, each page corresponding to a entry.
In each entry, for example the parabola page, there are many cross-
links to other entries.

In writing these pages, i need to create these cross-links. One easy
way is of course to write a program that process these HTML files so
that all words that has a entry becomes a link. This approach has the
problem of creating too many redundant links in one paragraph. This
method can be refined by creating link only for the first mention in a
paragraph or page. But in my case, i want to manually create these
links instead for a few reasons. One reason is that my site is based
on plain HTML+CSS and occational Javascript. It is not a dynamic site
based on dynamically generated content. So, the scripting approach for
creating cross-links does not have its usual advantages. But also,
with manual link creation, i have better control on when there will be
a link and how that linked word shall be. (for example, depending on
the context, a link to the Conic Sections may have the link word in
lower case, or some variations such as just “conics” or “projection of
a circle”. )

In emacs's html mode, a user can of course call the command html-href-
anchor (Ctrl+c Ctrl+c h) to insert a link. To insert a link, you press
a button to invoke the command, then type the local path, then type
the link word. However, this is difficult to use. For example, if i'm
working on the parabola page, and i want to create a local link to
paraboloid, the relative path would be “../../surface/paraboloid/
paraboloid.html”. This would be too many characters to type. But also,
even if the emacs prompt provides me with a directory navigation to
choose my file, it is still cumbersome process.

It would be easier, if i just type “paraboloid”, and press a button,
and emacs automatically checks a few pre-defined directories to locate
that file, and create the link for me (using relative path to the
current file). Since i need to insert such links to hundreds other
words, spontaneously, as i edit those pages, such a function would
speed up my work tremendously. In this page, i show how this function
is written.


Here's the solution:

(defun link-curve ()
"Make the word under cursor into a local link.\n
For Example, if you cursor is on the word “parabola” and
it will become
<a href=\"../Parabola_dir/parabola.html\">parabola↗</a>\n

The path may change depending on the current file.
Here are some examples of possible result:
<a href=\"../Parabola_dir/parabola.html\">parabola</a>
<a href=\"../../SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/Parabola_dir/parabola.html

If the word is “ellipsoid”, here are possible returns:
<a href=\"../ellipsoid/ellipsoid.html\">ellipsoid</a>
<a href=\"../../surface/ellipsoid/ellipsoid.html\">ellipsoid</a>

If not valid file is found, a error is reported and nothing is
If a region is active, use the region as the lookup word,
while changing spaces to underscore."
 (let (myword testPaths foundq rpath linkWord resultStr)
   (setq myword
         (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
             (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning)
           (thing-at-point 'word)

   ;; the paths to test
   (setq testPaths
           (concat "../" (upcase-initials myword) "_dir/" myword
           (concat "../../SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/" (upcase-initials
myword) "_dir/" myword ".html")
           (concat "../" myword "/" myword ".html")
           (concat "../../surface/" myword "/" myword ".html")

   ;; loop thru the list until a file is found
   (setq foundq nil)
   (while (and (not foundq) (> (length testPaths) 0))
     (setq rpath (pop testPaths))
         (file-exists-p rpath)
           (setq resultStr (concat "<a href=\"" rpath "\">" myword "</
           (setq foundq t))))

   (if (not foundq)
       (progn (beep) (message "No file found matching the name: %s"
     (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
         (progn (delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
                (insert resultStr))
       (progn (backward-word) (kill-word 1)
              (insert resultStr))))))

The basic procedure is like this:

   1. Grab the current word the cursor is on
   2. Use that word to construct a list of paths to search for the
file, if found, construct the html link string
   3. If found, delete current word and insert the result string.
Else, print not found message.

In the following, we give some explanation to the code.

(setq myword
         (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
             (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning)
           (thing-at-point 'word)

The above code grabs the current word and put it into the var
“myword”. It uses the the very useful function “thing-at-point”. The
code is a bit complex because the function will take the current
selection instead if it is active.

;; the paths to test
   (setq testPaths
           (concat "../" (upcase-initials myword) "_dir/" myword
           (concat "../../SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/" (upcase-initials
myword) "_dir/" myword ".html")
           (concat "../" myword "/" myword ".html")
           (concat "../../surface/" myword "/" myword ".html")

In the above code, we construct the possible paths to check. On my
website, the “visual dictionary of plane curves” project is located at
“” and the “surfaces gallery”
is located at “”. A link may be made to
within the same project or to the other project, so essentially emacs
has to check a few directories in the current project or in the other

;; loop thru the list until a file is found
   (setq foundq nil)
   (while (and (not foundq) (> (length testPaths) 0))
     (setq rpath (pop testPaths))
         (file-exists-p rpath)
           (setq resultStr (concat "<a href=\"" rpath "\">" myword "</
           (setq foundq t))))

In the above code, it loops thru the paths to check. Once the file is
found, it construct the link string “resultStr” and sets the boolean
var “foundq”.

This is done by “popping” each element of testPaths list in each
iteration, then use “file-exists-p” to check.

Here's the last section of the code:

   (if (not foundq)
       (progn (beep) (message "No file found matching the name: %s"
     (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
         (progn (delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
                (insert resultStr))
       (progn (backward-word) (kill-word 1)
              (insert resultStr))))

In this code, if no path is found, it beeps and prints a message.
Else, it deletes the current word or region, then insert the
constructed string.

Emacs is beautiful!
