From: Brian Jiang
Subject: Is there something like "select" function for socket in common lisp 	library?
Message-ID: <>
As title. I want to write something to read strings from a socket
stream without a timeout value.
But I cannot find anything similar as the "select" function in BSD
socket. So I now can only get the thing done like this:
(loop do
  (setq c (read-char-no-hang s))
  (if (or (get-the-result-we-want?)
      (sleep 0.25)))

It is not good and wastes the CPU time.

When we use BSD socket (in C), we can do something like this:
   FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset);
   select(0, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);

How can we do the same thing in common lisp?

From: Alex Mizrahi
Subject: Re: Is there something like "select" function for socket in common lisp library?
Message-ID: <474860ce$0$90269$>
 BJ> As title. I want to write something to read strings from a socket
 BJ> stream without a timeout value.
 BJ> But I cannot find anything similar as the "select" function in BSD
 BJ> socket. So I now can only get the thing done like this:

there's no portable thing, but you can have it implementation-specific.

 BJ> When we use BSD socket (in C), we can do something like this:
 BJ>    FD_ZERO(&fdset);
 BJ>    FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset);
 BJ>    select(0, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);

 BJ> How can we do the same thing in common lisp?

i guess you can have such functionality with mp:with-timeout in lisps which 
support multiprocessing 
From: Rob Warnock
Subject: Re: Is there something like "select" function for socket in common lisp library?
Message-ID: <>
Brian Jiang  <········> wrote:
| As title. I want to write something to read strings from a socket
| stream without a timeout value.

I assume you meant "WITH a timeout value"...

| But I cannot find anything similar as the "select" function
| in BSD socket.

It's not part of the ANSI CL Standard, no, but most CLs that run
on Unix/Linux/Posix platforms provide either explicit or implicit
use of "select()" or "poll()" or equivalents.

For example, in CMUCL *all* I/O is done using "select()" deep under
the covers, which makes it very easy to write multi-threaded servers
that don't hang when one of the threads does a "blocking" read, even
though CMUCLs "processes" are really only cooperatively-scheduled
green threads within a single Unix process.

This interface is exposed to the user in several places, but
probably the most useful to you would be the thread utility
MP:PROCESS-WAIT-UNTIL-FD-USABLE, which you might use in this
style [note that floating-point timeouts are also supported,
e.g., 2.5 s, say]:

    > (defun read-line-with-timeout (stream timeout timeout-value eof-value)
	(let ((fd (system:fd-stream-fd stream)))
	  (if (mp:process-wait-until-fd-usable fd :input timeout)
	    (read-line stream nil eof-value)

    > (read-line-with-timeout system:*stdin* 10 :got-timout :got-eof)
    heloo there!

    "heloo there!"
    > (read-line-with-timeout system:*stdin* 10 :got-timout :got-eof)
    > (read-line-with-timeout system:*stdin* 10 :got-timout :got-eof)


I just waited for 10 seconds without typing anything in the last case.

Other CL implementations probably supply some equivalent functionality...


p.s. If you're reading data without line terminations, you'll need
to do something a little more complicated. In CMUCL, take a look
at the extension SYSTEM:MAKE-FD-STREAM, which allows you to set
both buffering style and timeout values on an FD-STREAM (which
socket streams are).

Rob Warnock			<····>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607
From: Brian Jiang
Subject: Re: Is there something like "select" function for socket in common 	lisp library?
Message-ID: <>
Thanks a lot for your replies and they are very useful for me.
Yes, I mean "WITH a timeout" and sorry for the typo.
And I dig the documents of the four lisp implementations installed in
my computer further and here are examples how I now set a timeout for
the socket stream.

(sb-sys:wait-until-fd-usable (sb-sys:fd-stream-fd stream)
                                 :input timeout)

(socket:socket-status (cons stream :input) timeout)

(sys:with-timeout (timeout (print "timeout allegro")
                           (setq ret nil))
  (setq ret (peek-char nil stream nil :eof))

(setf (stream:stream-read-timeout sock-stream) timeout)
;; then when (read-char stream nil :eof) timout, it returns :eof.
;; To distinguish it is a real eof or just timeout, I have to do
something like
;; this:
          (setq c (read-char-no-hang sock-stream nil :eof))
          (cond ((NULL c)
                 ;; Not eof. just no data available now
                ((eq c :eof)
                 ;; real eof
                 (setf eof t))
                 ;; not likely the codes can fall down here.
;; Maybe there is a better way.
From: ··············
Subject: Re: Is there something like "select" function for socket in common 	lisp library?
Message-ID: <>
> When we use BSD socket (in C), we can do something like this:
>    FD_ZERO(&fdset);
>    FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset);
>    select(0, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
> How can we do the same thing in common lisp?

check out iolib, it gives you portable access to the BSD sockets
(among other things):

- attila
From: Magnus Henoch
Subject: Re: Is there something like "select" function for socket in common lisp  library?
Message-ID: <>
Would cl-event help?
