From: Tamas Papp
Subject: help with a macro
Message-ID: <>

I am writing a macro that would create nice wrappers for
SWIG-generated CFFI bindings for Cairo, ie it would

- automatically add *cr* as the first variable, so that the context
  wouldn't have to be specified for each function call (*cr* is a global var),

- make any type conversions specified (fixnum -> double-float, vice versa)

- have properly named function args that show up in SLIME, etc


CL-CAIRO2> (macroexpand-1 '(defcairo-with-context foo cairo_foo a :int b :double c))

CL-CAIRO2> (macroexpand-1 '(defcairo-with-context rectangle cairo_rectangle 
		 :double x :double y 
			   :double width :double height))

                   (COERCE X 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
                   (COERCE Y 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
                   (COERCE WIDTH 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
                   (COERCE HEIGHT 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)))

Here is my attempt:

(defmacro defcairo-with-context (name cairo-name &rest type-arg-list)
  (do ((tal type-arg-list (cdr tal))	; type-arg-list
       (args nil)			; arguments
       (conversion nil))		; conversion
      ((null tal) `(defun ,name (,@(nreverse args))
		     (,cairo-name *cr* ,@(nreverse conversion))))
    (let ((head (car tal)))
      (if (member head '(:int :double))	; is there a type specifier?
	  (let ((name (cadr tal)))
	    (unless name       ; is it followed by an actual argument?
	      (error  "No argument after ~a." (car tal)))
	    (push name args)		; save argument
	    (push (case head		; save conversion call
		    ((:int) `(round ,name))
		    ((:double) `(coerce ,name 'double-float)))
	    (setf tal (cdr tal)))	; step ahead (for argument)
	  (progn (push head args)	; no conversion
		 (push head conversion))))))

It basically walks down the list of arguments, if finds a type
specifier, it will check if there is an argument that follows and then
write a conversion into the function.

It does the job, but it looks very ugly.  Improvements would be
welcome, this is my first non-trivial macro.

Another thing: I would like to make cairo-name an optimal argument,
with the default generated by

(defmacro make-cairo-function-name (name)
  (intern (concatenate 'string "CAIRO_" 
		       (substitute #\_ #\- (symbol-name name)))))

I wonder if this is the right way to do it, and how to incorporate it
into the macro.



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From: Ken Tilton
Subject: Re: help with a macro
Message-ID: <t3Q1i.82$4k.75@newsfe12.lga>
Tamas Papp wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing a macro that would create nice wrappers for
> SWIG-generated CFFI bindings for Cairo, ie it would
> - automatically add *cr* as the first variable, so that the context
>   wouldn't have to be specified for each function call (*cr* is a global var),
> - make any type conversions specified (fixnum -> double-float, vice versa)
> - have properly named function args that show up in SLIME, etc
> Example:
> CL-CAIRO2> (macroexpand-1 '(defcairo-with-context foo cairo_foo a :int b :double c))
> T
> CL-CAIRO2> (macroexpand-1 '(defcairo-with-context rectangle cairo_rectangle 
> 		 :double x :double y 
> 			   :double width :double height))
>                    (COERCE X 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
>                    (COERCE Y 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
>                    (COERCE WIDTH 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
>                    (COERCE HEIGHT 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)))
> T
> Here is my attempt:
> (defmacro defcairo-with-context (name cairo-name &rest type-arg-list)
>   (do ((tal type-arg-list (cdr tal))	; type-arg-list
>        (args nil)			; arguments
>        (conversion nil))		; conversion
>       ((null tal) `(defun ,name (,@(nreverse args))
> 		     (,cairo-name *cr* ,@(nreverse conversion))))
>     (let ((head (car tal)))
>       (if (member head '(:int :double))	; is there a type specifier?
> 	  (let ((name (cadr tal)))
> 	    (unless name       ; is it followed by an actual argument?
> 	      (error  "No argument after ~a." (car tal)))
> 	    (push name args)		; save argument
> 	    (push (case head		; save conversion call
> 		    ((:int) `(round ,name))
> 		    ((:double) `(coerce ,name 'double-float)))
> 		  conversion)
> 	    (setf tal (cdr tal)))	; step ahead (for argument)
> 	  (progn (push head args)	; no conversion
> 		 (push head conversion))))))
> It basically walks down the list of arguments, if finds a type
> specifier, it will check if there is an argument that follows and then
> write a conversion into the function.
> It does the job, but it looks very ugly.

Macros tend to look hairy.

>  Improvements would be
> welcome, this is my first non-trivial macro.

Use loop. And normalize the arg list as a separate step to divide and 
conquer complexity:

(defmacro defcairo-with-context (name cairo-name &rest type-arg-list)
   (loop for (type name) in (loop with type
                                for input in type-arg-list
                                if (find input '(:int :double))
                                do (setf type input)
                                else collect (list type input)
                                and do (setf type nil))
       collect name into args
       when type
       collect (case type
                 ((:int) `(round ,name))
                 ((:double) `(coerce ,name 'double-float)))
       into conversions
       finally (return
                 `(defun ,name (,@args)
                    (,cairo-name *cr* ,@conversion)))))

Exhaustively untested.

You can add error-checking back into the normalization pass pretty 
easily, I think.

> Another thing: I would like to make cairo-name an optimal argument,
> with the default generated by
> (defmacro make-cairo-function-name (name)
>   (intern (concatenate 'string "CAIRO_" 
> 		       (substitute #\_ #\- (symbol-name name)))))
> I wonder if this is the right way to do it,

Looks reasonable, except I think you meant that to be a defun. It should 
be anyway.

> and how to incorporate it
> into the macro.

Cut and paste? I do not see the problem.



"Algebra is the metaphysics of arithmetic." - John Ray

"As long as algebra is taught in school,
there will be prayer in school." - Cokie Roberts

"Stand firm in your refusal to remain conscious during algebra."
    - Fran Lebowitz

"I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive."
    - Tim Allen
From: Ken Tilton
Subject: Re: help with a macro
Message-ID: <a3l2i.4980$m86.4376@newsfe12.lga>
Ken Tilton wrote:
> Tamas Papp wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am writing a macro that would create nice wrappers for
>> SWIG-generated CFFI bindings for Cairo, ie it would
>> - automatically add *cr* as the first variable, so that the context
>>   wouldn't have to be specified for each function call (*cr* is a 
>> global var),
>> - make any type conversions specified (fixnum -> double-float, vice 
>> versa)
>> - have properly named function args that show up in SLIME, etc
>> Example:
>> CL-CAIRO2> (macroexpand-1 '(defcairo-with-context foo cairo_foo a :int 
>> b :double c))
>> T
>> CL-CAIRO2> (macroexpand-1 '(defcairo-with-context rectangle 
>> cairo_rectangle          :double x :double y                :double 
>> width :double height))
>>                    (COERCE X 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
>>                    (COERCE Y 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
>>                    (COERCE WIDTH 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
>>                    (COERCE HEIGHT 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)))
>> T
>> Here is my attempt:
>> (defmacro defcairo-with-context (name cairo-name &rest type-arg-list)
>>   (do ((tal type-arg-list (cdr tal))    ; type-arg-list
>>        (args nil)            ; arguments
>>        (conversion nil))        ; conversion
>>       ((null tal) `(defun ,name (,@(nreverse args))
>>              (,cairo-name *cr* ,@(nreverse conversion))))
>>     (let ((head (car tal)))
>>       (if (member head '(:int :double))    ; is there a type specifier?
>>       (let ((name (cadr tal)))
>>         (unless name       ; is it followed by an actual argument?
>>           (error  "No argument after ~a." (car tal)))
>>         (push name args)        ; save argument
>>         (push (case head        ; save conversion call
>>             ((:int) `(round ,name))
>>             ((:double) `(coerce ,name 'double-float)))
>>           conversion)
>>         (setf tal (cdr tal)))    ; step ahead (for argument)
>>       (progn (push head args)    ; no conversion
>>          (push head conversion))))))
>> It basically walks down the list of arguments, if finds a type
>> specifier, it will check if there is an argument that follows and then
>> write a conversion into the function.
>> It does the job, but it looks very ugly.
> Macros tend to look hairy.
>>  Improvements would be
>> welcome, this is my first non-trivial macro.
> Use loop. And normalize the arg list as a separate step to divide and 
> conquer complexity:
> (defmacro defcairo-with-context (name cairo-name &rest type-arg-list)
>   (loop for (type name) in (loop with type
>                                for input in type-arg-list
>                                if (find input '(:int :double))
>                                do (setf type input)
>                                else collect (list type input)
>                                and do (setf type nil))
>       collect name into args
>       when type
>       collect (case type
>                 ((:int) `(round ,name))
>                 ((:double) `(coerce ,name 'double-float)))
>       into conversions
>       finally (return
>                 `(defun ,name (,@args)
>                    (,cairo-name *cr* ,@conversion)))))

Oops, lost some args in passing, perhaps because of the name 
conversions. And now that normalizing looks so simple, no need to have 
it separate:

(defmacro defcairo-with-context (name cairo-name &rest type-arg-list)
   (loop with type
       for ta in type-arg-list
       if (find ta '(:int :double))
       do (setf type ta)
       else collect ta into fn-params
       and collect (case type
                     ((:int) `(round ,ta))
                     ((:double) `(coerce ,ta 'double-float))
                     (otherwise ta)) into passed-args
       and do (setf type nil)
       finally (return
                 `(defun ,name (,@fn-params)
                    (,cairo-name *cr* ,@passed-args)))))

Syntax checking still left as an... aw, shucks:

(defmacro defcairo-with-context (name cairo-name &rest type-arg-list)
   (loop with type
       for ta in type-arg-list
       if (find ta '(:int :double))
         (assert (not type) () "Two types in a row: ~a and ~a" type ta)
         (setf type ta)
       else if (keywordp ta) do (break "Unknown type ~a" ta)
       else collect ta into fn-params
       and collect (prog1
                       (case type
                         ((:int) `(round ,ta))
                         ((:double) `(coerce ,ta 'double-float))
                         (otherwise ta))
                     (setf type nil)) into passed-args
         (assert (not type) () "Trailing type, no arg: ~a" type)
           `(defun ,name (,@fn-params)
              (,cairo-name *cr* ,@passed-args)))))
