From: John Thingstad
Subject: prime optimation
Message-ID: <>
Saw a post yesteday with a guy asking about where to learn otimatin.
Anyhow thought I would take anothe shot at it and came up with..

(defun slow-prime-p (number)
    ((member number '(0 1)) nil)
    ((= number 2) t)
    ((= (mod number 2) 0) nil)
     (loop for i from 3 to (sqrt number) by 2 do
           (when (= (mod number i) 0)
             (return-from slow-prime-p nil)))

(defun slow-count-primes< (number)
   (loop for i to number counting (slow-prime-p i)))

(defun prime-p (number)
   (declare (fixnum number)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks (fixnum-safety 1)))
    ((<= number 10) (if (member number '(2 3 5 7)) t nil))
    ((zerop (rem number 2)) nil)
    ((zerop (rem number 3)) nil)
    ((zerop (rem number 5)) nil)
    ((zerop (rem number 7)) nil)
     (loop for i fixnum from 11 to (the fixnum (isqrt number)) by 2 do
           (when (zerop (the fixnum (rem number i)))
             (return-from prime-p nil)))

(defun count-primes< (number)
   (declare (fixnum number))
   (let ((count 0))
     (declare (fixnum count))
     (dotimes (i number)
       (declare (fixnum i))
       (when (prime-p i) (incf count)))

CL-USER 19 > (time (slow-count-primes< 1000000))
Timing the evaluation of (SLOW-COUNT-PRIMES< 1000000)

User time    =       10.453
System time  =        0.000
Elapsed time =       10.500
Allocation   = 12012260 bytes
0 Page faults

CL-USER 20 > (time (count-primes< 1000000))
Timing the evaluation of (COUNT-PRIMES< 1000000)

User time    =        0.953
System time  =        0.000
Elapsed time =        0.953
Allocation   = 524 bytes
0 Page faults

Any better?
Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

From: Harold Lee
Subject: Re: prime optimation
Message-ID: <>
On Mar 2, 3:20 am, "John Thingstad" <··············> wrote:


> CL-USER 20 > (time (count-primes< 1000000))
> Timing the evaluation of (COUNT-PRIMES< 1000000)
> User time    =        0.953
> System time  =        0.000
> Elapsed time =        0.953
> Allocation   = 524 bytes
> 0 Page faults
> 78498
> Any better?

Here's what I use (SBCL 1.0, Linux 2.6, Pentium M 1.6 GHz). It uses (a
little) more memory in exchange for speed.

(defun primes (max &key (as-vector nil))
  "Find the list of all primes p <= max."
  (let ((prime-divisors (make-array (list max)
                                    :element-type 'bit
                                    :initial-element 1)))
    ;; All values default to prime (i.e. 1) in the prime-divisors
    ;; now we'll mark the non-primes 0 using a sieve of Eratosthenes.
    (loop for i from 2 to (floor (sqrt max)) do
	  (loop for j from (* i 2) to max by i do
		(setf (aref prime-divisors (1- j)) 0)))
    (if as-vector (progn (setf (aref prime-divisors 0) 0)
        ;; Convert the results into a list of numbers.
        (let ((nums (list 2)))
          (loop for i from 3 to max by 2 do
                (if (= 1 (aref prime-divisors (1- i))) (push i nums)))
          (nreverse nums)))))

(defun count-primes< (n)
  ;; n >= 2
  (1+ (loop with primes = (primes n :as-vector t)
            for i from 3 to n by 2
            sum (aref primes (1- i)))))

CL-USER> (time (count-primes< 1000000))
Evaluation took:
  0.258 seconds of real time
  0.254961 seconds of user run time
  0.001 seconds of system run time
  0 calls to %EVAL
  0 page faults and
  125,008 bytes consed.
From: Pillsy
Subject: Re: prime optimation
Message-ID: <>
On Mar 2, 4:51 pm, "Harold Lee" <·······> wrote:
> Here's what I use (SBCL 1.0, Linux 2.6, Pentium M 1.6 GHz). It uses (a
> little) more memory in exchange for speed.

> (defun primes (max &key (as-vector nil))
>   "Find the list of all primes p <= max."
>   (let ((prime-divisors (make-array (list max)
>                                     :element-type 'bit
>                                     :initial-element 1)))
>     ;; All values default to prime (i.e. 1) in the prime-divisors
>     :: bitmap, now we'll mark the non-primes 0 using a sieve of
>     :: Eratosthenes.
>     (loop for i from 2 to (floor (sqrt max)) do

You're doing more than twice as much work as you need to here. If i
reaches a number that has prime-divisor set to 0, you don't have to
eliminate all its multiples---they've already been eliminated. Using
this version speeds things up by more than a factor of 2:

(defun primes (max &key (as-vector nil))
  "Find the list (or vector, if AS-VECTOR is true) of all
primes p <= MAX."
  (let ((prime-divisors (make-array (list max)
				    :element-type 'bit
				    :initial-element 1)))
       :for i :from 2 :to (isqrt max)
       ;; This test saves time!
       :when (= 1 (aref prime-divisors (1- i)))
         :do (loop
		:for j :from (* i 2) :to max :by i
		:do (setf (aref prime-divisors (1- j)) 0)))
    (if as-vector
	(progn (setf (aref prime-divisors 0) 0)
	(cons 2
		 :for i :from 3 :to max :by 2
		 :when (= (aref prime-divisors (1- i)) 1)
		   :collect i)))))

If you call PRIMES repeatedly, it might be worthwhile to memoize it,
i.e., to keep the vector PRIME-DIVISORS around from one call to the
