From: Jeff
Subject: Compiling error with clsql-mysql on OSX
Message-ID: <>
I'm having some difficulty getting clsql-mysql to compile properly in
any common lisp on my OSX machine.  I've read quite a few solutions
for the exact problem in several mailing lists (
pipermail/clsql-help/2005-November/000519.html is an example).

The problems seems to be that clsql is not finding the proper libs for
mysql.  This is the case no matter which libs I point it to (by
setting clsql-sys:*foreign-library-search-paths*, either directly or
using clsql:push-library-path) and no matter which lisp I have tried
(I generally use gnu clisp or cmucl, but the same error occurs in both
openmcl and sbcl).

I've tried several mysql setups.  First with the binary and libs from (first installing the pkg and then compiling and installing
the source, which was suggested on several list threads), then with
the libraries from Fink.

Looking at the search paths and the library it should be loading,
clsql_mysql.dylib, is in one of them (~/.asdf-install-dir/site/
clsql-3.8.4/db-mysql/).  libmysqlclient, the other library it should
be looking for, is in one of the other search paths (/usr/local/mysql/
lib/ or /sw/lib/mysql/, depending on the setup).

I'm a bit stuck on this one.  Any ideas?