From: John Thingstad
Subject: String manipuation
Message-ID: <>
This version uses the iterate macro and generate.
Also note that all the processing is done on lists with a coerce  
translating back and fourth.

(defpackage :my-user (:use :cl :iterate)
(in-package :my-user)

(defun parse (key-list)
     (generate char in key-list)
     (next char)
     (if* (char= char #\*)
          (next char)
          (collect (ecase char
                     (#\2 '(#\A #\B #\C))
                     (#\3 '(#\D #\E #\F))
                     (#\4 '(#\G #\H #\I))
                     (#\5 '(#\J #\K #\L))
                     (#\6 '(#\M #\N #\O))
                     (#\7 '(#\P #\Q #\R #\S))
                     (#\8 '(#\T #\U #\V))
                     (#\9 '(#\W #\X #\Y #\Z))))
          (collect char))))

;; Note that for efficency I use push in cross with makes every sublist  
come out in reverse order
;; Four cases to consider (Form: accumulated element -> result)
;; A. element is  a cons (do a set cross product)
;;    1. nil (A B C) --> ((A) (B) (C))
;;    2. ((A 1) (B 1)) (C D) -> ((C A 1) (C B 1) (D A 1) (D B 1))
;; B. element is a atom
;;    1. nil 1 -> ((1))
;;    2. ((A 1) (B 1)) 2 -> ((2 A 1) (2 B 1))

(defun cross (accumulated element)
   (if (consp element)
     (if (null accumulated)
       (mapcar (lambda (e) (list e)) element)
       (mapcan (lambda (e)
                 (mapcar (lambda (a)
                           (push e a))
     (if (null accumulated)
       (list (list element))
       (mapcar (lambda (sublis)
                 (push element sublis))

(defun expand (list)
   (mapcar (lambda (e) (reverse e))
           (reduce #'cross list :initial-value nil)))

(defun string-possibilities (key-string)
   (mapcar (lambda (a) (coerce a 'string))
           (expand (parse (coerce key-string 'list)))))

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: String manipuation
Message-ID: <>
In article <·················>,
 "John Thingstad" <··············> wrote:

> This version uses the iterate macro and generate.

Version of what?  This is the start of a thread, what's the problem 
you're trying to solve?

Barry Margolin, ······
Arlington, MA
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