From: billc
Subject: Vancouver Lisp Users Group meeting for August 2007 - JazzScheme
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Hi all,

For our August lispvan meeting, Guillaume Cartier will be giving a
presentation on JazzScheme. Here's the "official" notice:

Topic: JazzScheme
Presenter: Guillaume Cartier
Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Time: 7pm - 10pm (or whenever)
Venue: Think!, 4512 West 10th Ave., Vancouver (see map)
Summary: JazzScheme is an open source programming language based on
Scheme. It includes a full featured development platform and a
sophisticated programmable IDE. JazzScheme borrows ideas from the
following languages:

    * Scheme for its clean design and flexibility
    * Common Lisp for its rich library and many great concepts
    * Java for its simple object system (but adds many missing
    * Visual Basic (yes even VB!) for its rapid development

JazzScheme supports in a unified and coherent approach the following

    * Functional programming
    * Generic programming
    * Object-oriented programming
    * Interface-oriented programming
    * Dynamic programming
    * Static programming

The platform has been used for more than 10 years by MetaScoop as a
proprietary tool to develop high-quality commercial applications.
Recently, MetaScoop announced that it is releasing JazzScheme as an
open source project. In addition, the JazzScheme Kernel is being
ported from C++ to Scheme (with Gambit Schme being the first target
implementation) so that the Jazz language will become both Scheme
compliant and multi-platform.

Join us for what promises to be a very interesting presentation
and demo by Guillaume Cartier, the developer of JazzScheme.

Updates and links are on my blog post:

Bill Clementson