From: John Thingstad
Subject: List ordering optimation
Message-ID: <>
This code is part of a blog program.
It's purpose is to reformat a list from a sequential list sorted by date  
to a list on the form:
Result format: ((year (month (date title url) ...) ...) ...)

(defun make-navigate-list (item-list name)
   (let (last-year last-month year-list month-list result-list)
     (iter (for item in (reverse item-list))
       (let* ((date-string (getf item :pub_time))
              (year (extract-year date-string))
              (month (extract-month date-string)))

         (when (or (not last-year)
                   (< year last-year))
           (setf last-year year)
           (setf last-month nil)
           (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
           (setf month-list nil)
           (when year-list (push (reverse year-list) result-list))
           (setf year-list (list (format nil "~D" year))))

         (when (or (not last-month)
                   (< month last-month))
           (setf last-month month)
           (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
           (setf month-list (list (get-month-string month))))

           (subseq (getf item :pub_time) 0 10)
           (or (getf item :title) "")
           (format nil "~A?id=~D" name (getf item :id)))
     (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
     (when year-list (push (reverse year-list) result-list))

     (reverse result-list)))

It works, but it is ugly. Any idea of how to improve it?

From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: List ordering optimation
Message-ID: <>
In article <·················>,
 "John Thingstad" <··············> wrote:

> This code is part of a blog program.
> It's purpose is to reformat a list from a sequential list sorted by date  
> to a list on the form:
> Result format: ((year (month (date title url) ...) ...) ...)
> (defun make-navigate-list (item-list name)
>    (let (last-year last-month year-list month-list result-list)
>      (iter (for item in (reverse item-list))
>        (let* ((date-string (getf item :pub_time))
>               (year (extract-year date-string))
>               (month (extract-month date-string)))
>          (when (or (not last-year)
>                    (< year last-year))
>            (setf last-year year)
>            (setf last-month nil)
>            (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
>            (setf month-list nil)
>            (when year-list (push (reverse year-list) result-list))
>            (setf year-list (list (format nil "~D" year))))
>          (when (or (not last-month)
>                    (< month last-month))
>            (setf last-month month)
>            (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
>            (setf month-list (list (get-month-string month))))
>          (push
>           (list
>            (subseq (getf item :pub_time) 0 10)
>            (or (getf item :title) "")
>            (format nil "~A?id=~D" name (getf item :id)))
>           month-list)))
>      (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
>      (when year-list (push (reverse year-list) result-list))
>      (reverse result-list)))
> It works, but it is ugly. Any idea of how to improve it?

You could move away from ad-hoc data structures to
slightly less ad-hoc data-structures.

Use defstruct, possibly with the type list, to define
constructors, accessors, ...

If you write it that way, suddenly the code looks different.

From: John Thingstad
Subject: Re: List ordering optimation
Message-ID: <>
P� Thu, 26 Jul 2007 19:32:54 +0200, skrev Rainer Joswig <······>:

> You could move away from ad-hoc data structures to
> slightly less ad-hoc data-structures.
> Use defstruct, possibly with the type list, to define
> constructors, accessors, ...
> If you write it that way, suddenly the code looks different.

I can understand why you think that given my information.
I realize I need to say a bit more.

This is the routine I use to map from CLSQL AV-LIST

(defun to-plist (column titles)
   (mapcan (lambda (item title)
             (list (intern (string-upcase title) "KEYWORD")
           column titles))

So basically I take a data table from the from:

(select [*] :from [blog_header] :where [= [name] "john"])
((7 "john" "John's blog" "My personal blog" "John Thingstad"))
("id" "name" "title" "description" "author")

(multiple-value-bind (column titles) (to-plist column titles)...)

((:id 7) (:name "john") ...)

So you see it depends on the statement. There is no general structure.
And creating one for this would just clutter things up.
From: John Thingstad
Subject: Re: List ordering optimation
Message-ID: <>
> (multiple-value-bind (column titles) (to-plist column titles)...)

That should be:

(multiple-value-bind (column titles)
   (to-plist column titles)...))
From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: List ordering optimation
Message-ID: <>
"John Thingstad" <··············> writes:
> [...]
> (select [*] :from [blog_header] :where [= [name] "john"])
> ((7 "john" "John's blog" "My personal blog" "John Thingstad"))
> ("id" "name" "title" "description" "author")
> [...]
> So you see it depends on the statement. There is no general structure.
> And creating one for this would just clutter things up.

(defstruct (blog-entry (:type list)) id name title description author)

Ok, this assumes a given order.  You can ensure the order is correct with:

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defparameter *blog-entry-columns* 
     '(id name title description author)))

(defstruct (blog-entry (:type list)) 
   . #.*blog-entry-columns*)

(defun compile-order (src dst)
   "Takes two lists containing the same elements in a different order,
and returns the corresponding permutation vector.
eg.  (compile-order '(one two three four) '(four one two three))
      --> #(3 0 1 2)
so we can use it to reorder fields as:
     (loop with order = (compile-order src-order target-order)
           for i from 0 below (length fields)
           collect (elt (aref order i) fields))
    ;; Implementation left as an exercise for the reader.
    ;; It's funny to implement, but I don't have my sources at 
    ;; hand to copy and paste it and I'm too lazy to re-do it now.

So you can write:

(defun rows-to-structures (rows column-titles)
   (let ((order (compile-order column-titles *blog-entry-columns*)))
     (mapcar (lambda (row)
                (loop for i from 0 below (length row)
                      collect (elt (aref order i) row)))

to convert from select output to the above blog-entry "structures".

It may be worthwhile to cache the result of compile-order since it
probably won't change, and one could test for the trivial identity

__Pascal Bourguignon__           

"Debugging?  Klingons do not debug! Our software does not coddle the