From: Liu Fung Sin
Subject: with-output-to-unsigned-byte-8-array ?
Message-ID: <>
With the help of cl-store's serialization support, I'm trying to store
a list of integers into a column (type bytea, which is an blob of data
of type unsigned byte 8) to a postgresql database.

Is there a portable way to hack up a handy macro like with-output-to-
string for (unsigned-byte 8) data stream?

(with-output-to-unsigned-byte-8-array (out)
  ;; write ascii "abc"
  (write-byte 97 out)
  (write-byte 98 out)
  (write-byte 99 out))

=> return a '(VECTOR (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)) with content #(97 98 99)

A related question - how do I specify an object literal of type
'(VECTOR (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)) using the standard reader syntax?

In many languages, they usually provide an escape sequence in string
that you can use like "\x97\x98\x99".

CL-USER> (TYPE-OF #(97 98 99))



From: Edi Weitz
Subject: Re: with-output-to-unsigned-byte-8-array ?
Message-ID: <>
On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:13:49 -0000, Liu Fung Sin <···········> wrote:

> Is there a portable way to hack up a handy macro like
> with-output-to- string for (unsigned-byte 8) data stream?

> A related question - how do I specify an object literal of type
> '(VECTOR (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)) using the standard reader syntax?>
> In many languages, they usually provide an escape sequence in string
> that you can use like "\x97\x98\x99".

Not exactly what you're asking for, but maybe it helps:



Lisp is not dead, it just smells funny.

Real email: (replace (subseq ·········" 5) "edi")
From: Rob Warnock
Subject: Re: with-output-to-unsigned-byte-8-array ?
Message-ID: <>
Liu Fung Sin  <···········> wrote:
| With the help of cl-store's serialization support, I'm trying to store
| a list of integers into a column (type bytea, which is an blob of data
| of type unsigned byte 8) to a postgresql database.
| Is there a portable way to hack up a handy macro like with-output-to-
| string for (unsigned-byte 8) data stream?
| (with-output-to-unsigned-byte-8-array (out)
|   ;; write ascii "abc"
|   (write-byte 97 out)
|   (write-byte 98 out)
|   (write-byte 99 out))
| => return a '(VECTOR (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)) with content #(97 98 99)

Unfortunately, the CLHS provides no standardized way [AFAIK] to extend
streams beyond the normal variants, but almost every implementation
provides [or has available for it] some version of "Gray streams" (q.v.),
which provides a stream type whose behavior is provided by user code
[somewhat similar to PTYs or TUNs, if you're familiar with those, which
provide a specific driver type on one side for which emulation of the
"hardware" is provided by user-mode software on the other side], see:

So assuming the implementation you use has some version of Gray streams
or simple-streams available, you could define a subsclass of one of
those that, when opened, creates an adjustable (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)
vector with an initial fill pointer of zero, and on each "write" type
call does a VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND on the vector with the value written,
plus provide a hook to get at the vector to return it, then define your
WITH-OUTPUT-TO-UNSIGNED-BYTE-8-ARRAY macro to wrap all of that around
the &BODY of a call to the macro.

[If I were adept at Gray streams or simple-streams myself, I'd cheerfully
provide you with a working example at this point. But sadly I am not,
and someone else will have to that bit...]


Rob Warnock			<····>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607
From: Madhu
Subject: Re: with-output-to-unsigned-byte-8-array ?
Message-ID: <>
  [Replying to Rob Warnock's post to keep his comments in mind]

* ···· <································>
              ( Wcqdnd-p5e5MEz3bnZ2dnUVZ_gidnZ2d ! ) :

| Liu Fung Sin  <···········> wrote:
| +---------------
| | With the help of cl-store's serialization support, I'm trying to store
| | a list of integers into a column (type bytea, which is an blob of data
| | of type unsigned byte 8) to a postgresql database.
| | 
| | Is there a portable way to hack up a handy macro like with-output-to-
| | string for (unsigned-byte 8) data stream?
| | 
| | (with-output-to-unsigned-byte-8-array (out)
| |   ;; write ascii "abc"
| |   (write-byte 97 out)
| |   (write-byte 98 out)
| |   (write-byte 99 out))
| | 
| | => return a '(VECTOR (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)) with content #(97 98 99)
| +---------------
| Unfortunately, the CLHS provides no standardized way [AFAIK] to extend
| streams beyond the normal variants, but almost every implementation
| provides [or has available for it] some version of "Gray streams" (q.v.),
| which provides a stream type whose behavior is provided by user code

Without gray or simple streams, any solution will be inferior and
severely limited.  I will however show two hacks (not recommended), the
first of which is code for `WITH-BINARY-OUTPUT-TO-VECTOR' from Frode
Vatvedt Fjeld's excellent binary-types library.  This example shadows
WRITE-BYTE, and will "work" ONLY when calls are made to these shadowed
functions (and not to any other such as write-sequence)

The second hack, `WITH-BINARY-OUTPUT-TO-STRING', is even worse (also not
recommended, but is probably most portable) as it writes binary output
to a temporary file #p"/tmp/xyz" and reads this back.  (I wrote this a
long time ago before learning lisp, so style caveat emptor)

(defpackage "TEST"
  (:use "CL")
  (:shadow "WRITE-BYTE"))
(in-package "TEST")

(defvar *binary-write-byte* #'cl:write-byte)

(defun write-byte (integer stream)
  (funcall *binary-write-byte* integer stream))

;; from binary-types.lisp, by frodef
(defmacro with-binary-output-to-vector
    ((stream-var &optional (vector-or-size-form 0)
      &key (adjustable (and (integerp vector-or-size-form)
                            (zerop vector-or-size-form)))
           (fill-pointer 0)
           (element-type ''(unsigned-byte 8))
           (on-full-array :error))
     &body body)
  "Arrange for STREAM-VAR to collect octets in a vector.
VECTOR-OR-SIZE-FORM is either a form that evaluates to a vector, or an
integer in which case a new vector of that size is created. The vector's
fill-pointer is used as the write-index. If ADJUSTABLE nil (or not provided),
an error will occur if the array is too small. Otherwise, the array will
be adjusted in size, using VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND. If ADJUSTABLE is an integer,
that value will be passed as the EXTENSION argument to VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND.
If VECTOR-OR-SIZE-FORM is an integer, the created vector is returned,
otherwise the value of BODY."
  (let ((vector-form
         (if (integerp vector-or-size-form)
             `(make-array ,vector-or-size-form
                          :element-type ,element-type
                          :adjustable ,(and adjustable t)
                          :fill-pointer ,fill-pointer)
    (let ((save-bwb-var (make-symbol "save-bwb")))
      `(let* ((,save-bwb-var *binary-write-byte*)
              (,stream-var ,vector-form)
               #'(lambda (byte stream)
                   (if (eq stream ,stream-var)
                          `(vector-push-extend byte stream
                                               ,@(when (integerp adjustable)
                                                   (list adjustable))))
                         ((eq on-full-array :error)
                          `(assert (vector-push byte stream) (stream)
                             "Binary output vector is full when writing byte value ~S: ~S"
                             byte stream))
                         ((eq on-full-array :ignore)
                          `(vector-push byte stream))
                         (t (error "Unknown ON-FULL-ARRAY argument ~S, must be one of :ERROR, :IGNORE."
                     (funcall ,save-bwb-var byte stream)))))
         ,@(when (integerp vector-or-size-form)
             (list stream-var))))))

(with-binary-output-to-vector (out)
  ;; write ascii "abc"
  (write-byte 97 out)
  (write-byte 98 out)
  (write-byte 99 out))

(in-package "CL-USER")

(defmacro with-binary-output-to-string
    ((var &optional string &key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) &body body)
  "TESTING. Portably use a temporary file /tmp/xyz. If STRING is
specified, it must be a vector with a fill pointer."
  (if string
           (with-open-file (,var "/tmp/xyz" :direction :output
                                 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
                                 :if-exists :supersede)
         (with-open-file (stream "/tmp/xyz" :element-type ,element-type)
           (setf (fill-pointer ,string) (file-length stream))
           (let ((nchars (read-sequence ,string stream)))
             (assert (= nchars (fill-pointer ,string))))))
      `(progn (with-open-file (,var "/tmp/xyz" :direction :output
                                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
                                    :if-exists :supersede)
              (with-open-file (stream "/tmp/xyz" :element-type ',element-type)
                (let* ((file-length (file-length stream))
                       (string (make-array file-length
                                           :element-type ',element-type))
                       (nchars (read-sequence string stream)))
                  (assert (= nchars file-length))

(with-binary-output-to-string (out)
  ;; write ascii "abc"
  (write-byte 97 out)
  (write-byte 98 out)
  (write-byte 99 out))