From: John Thingstad
Subject: Re: Setting a value programatically given the name of an accessor.
Message-ID: <>
On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 13:13:06 +0100, Madhu <·······> wrote:

> Helu. Given the name of an accessor, how best to set the value
> programatically?  For example:
> * (defstruct struct1 slot1)
> * (setq $a (make-struct1))
> * (defun setslot (object slot-name new-value)
> 	(funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,slot-name)) new-value object ))
> * (setslot $a 'struct1-slot1 10)
> 10
> Is this (i.e. guessing the setf function name, and funcalling its
> fdefinition) the only route available? Do you know any other way to do
> this?
> --
> Madhu

defstruct defines it's own accessors

(defstruct name
   (slot1 nil)
   (slot2 nil))

(defparameter *name* (make-name))

(setf (name-slot1 *name*) value))

If you don't like the default name you can use :conc-name

(defstruct (position-info (:conc-name pos-))
   (found nil)
   (previous nil)
   (space nil))

(setf (pos-found *var*) t)

Works for individual variables too.

For more flexibillity use defclass.
The advantage of defstruct is mainly that it has less overhead.

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