From: ················
Subject: Type casting in Lisp
Message-ID: <>
Paul Graham says that compiled, tail recursive and type cast LISP code
runs faster than C code, so I'm wondering if anybody can explain to me
how you declare a variable as a certain type in clisp.  The real
problem is that the following code (designed to find the first
fibonacci number with 1000 digits) gives me a floating point overflow,
which is weird because I don't see why LISP would assume I'm dealing
with floating point numbers.
(defun fib (flist)
    (( = (floor (log (car flist) 10)) 999)
     (cons (cadr flist) (list (car flist))))
    (t (fib (cons (+ (car flist) (cadr flist)) flist)))))

Thanks in advance.

From: Bill Atkins
Subject: Re: Type casting in Lisp
Message-ID: <>
In article <························>,
 ·················" <················> wrote:

> Paul Graham says that compiled, tail recursive and type cast LISP code
> runs faster than C code,

This might sometimes be the case, but it's hardly guaranteed that 
type-declared Lisp code will always run faster than C code.  Using type
declarations here is probably a bad idea, because Fibonacci numbers
quickly get big enough that you need to use a bignum to store them.
Certainly the element you're looking for (the first element with
more than 1000 digits) is not going to fit into a machine word.

> so I'm wondering if anybody can explain to me
> how you declare a variable as a certain type in clisp.  

CLISP is an implementation of Common Lisp; "clisp" is generally
used to mean that implementation only and not Common Lisp

> The real
> problem is that the following code (designed to find the first
> fibonacci number with 1000 digits) gives me a floating point overflow,
> which is weird because I don't see why LISP would assume I'm dealing
> with floating point numbers.
> (defun fib (flist)
>   (cond
>     (( = (floor (log (car flist) 10)) 999)
>      (cons (cadr flist) (list (car flist))))
>     (t (fib (cons (+ (car flist) (cadr flist)) flist)))))
> Thanks in advance.

This code is pretty obscure.   What about this:

(defun first-fibonacci-satisfying (test-fn)
  "Loop through the Fibonacci numbers, returning the first element
that satisfies TEST-FN and the zero-based index of that element in the
  (loop for a = 1 then b
        and b = 1 then (+ a b)
        for index from 0
        when (funcall test-fn a)
        do (return (values a index))))

;; or, if you don't like LOOP

(defun first-fibonacci-satisfying (test-fn)
  (do ((a 1 b)
       (b 1 (+ a b))
       (index 0 (1+ index)))
      ((funcall test-fn a) (values a index))))

(first-fibonacci-satisfying (lambda (x) (> x 5)))  ;; => 8, 5
(first-fibonacci-satisfying #'evenp)  ;; => 2, 2

 (lambda (num)
   (>= (length (princ-to-string num)) 1000)))
;; => 
492520348473874384736771934512787029218636250627816, 4781

Although you probably don't want type declarations here (as explained
above), here is how you write optimized Lisp code:

(defun add-numbers (a b c)
   ;; unoptimized version
   (+ a b c))

(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
  (disassemble 'add-numbers))

       0:      80FD03           cmpb  ch, 3
       3:      7535             jne   L2
       5:      3B25EC330020     cmp   esp, [200033EC]  ; 
      11:      762D             jbe   L2
      13:      55               push  ebp
      14:      89E5             move  ebp, esp
      16:      50               push  eax
      17:      8B5D0C           move  ebx, [ebp+C]
      20:      0B5D08           or    ebx, [ebp+8]
      23:      F6C303           testb bl, 3
      26:      7532             jne   L4
      28:      8B7D0C           move  edi, [ebp+C]
      31:      037D08           add   edi, [ebp+8]
      34:      702A             jo    L4
L1:   36:      89FB             move  ebx, edi
      38:      0B5DFC           or    ebx, [ebp-4]
      41:      F6C303           testb bl, 3
      44:      7511             jne   L3
      46:      89F8             move  eax, edi
      48:      0345FC           add   eax, [ebp-4]
      51:      700A             jo    L3
      53:      FD               std   
      54:      C9               leave 
      55:      C20800           ret   8
L2:   58:      E841D40400       call  20111482         ; #<Function 
L3:   63:      897D0C           move  [ebp+C], edi
      66:      8B45FC           move  eax, [ebp-4]
      69:      C9               leave 
      70:      8F0424           pop   [esp]
      73:      E9AABF0400       jmp   2010FFFA         ; #<Function 
L4:   78:      FF750C           push  [ebp+C]
      81:      8B4508           move  eax, [ebp+8]
      84:      E89FBF0400       call  2010FFFA         ; #<Function 
      89:      89C7             move  edi, eax
      91:      EBC7             jmp   L1
      93:      90               nop   

(defun add-numbers-optimized (a b c)
  ;; optimized version
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
  (declare (type fixnum a b c))
  (the fixnum (+ a b c)))

(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
  (disassemble 'add-numbers-optimized))

       0:      55               push  ebp
       1:      89E5             move  ebp, esp
       3:      50               push  eax
       4:      8B5D0C           move  ebx, [ebp+C]
       7:      8B7D08           move  edi, [ebp+8]
      10:      53               push  ebx
      11:      B502             moveb ch, 2
      13:      89F8             move  eax, edi
      15:      FF156CF81B20     call  [201BF86C]       ; SYSTEM:+$FIXNUM
      21:      89C3             move  ebx, eax
      23:      0B5DFC           or    ebx, [ebp-4]
      26:      F6C303           testb bl, 3
      29:      750E             jne   L1
      31:      89C7             move  edi, eax
      33:      037DFC           add   edi, [ebp-4]
      36:      7007             jo    L1
      38:      FD               std   
      39:      89F8             move  eax, edi
      41:      C9               leave 
      42:      C20800           ret   8
L1:   45:      89450C           move  [ebp+C], eax
      48:      8B45FC           move  eax, [ebp-4]
      51:      C9               leave 
      52:      8F0424           pop   [esp]
      55:      E954860100       jmp   2010FFFA         ; #<Function 
      60:      90               nop   
      61:      90               nop   

The optimized, type-declared code will save a lot of assembly 
instructions and a lot of potentially expensive calls, but there is a
price: the code is significantly uglier, you no longer get
automatic bignums (i.e. integers can overflow, just like C), and +
no longer checks its arguments to make sure they're actually numbers.

In short, you should only optimize where absolutely necessary
(i.e. where profiling indicates a bottleneck), and focus instead on
making higher-level improvements to your algorithms and data structures.

From: Alan Crowe
Subject: Re: Type casting in Lisp
Message-ID: <>
·················" <················> writes:

> Paul Graham says that compiled, tail recursive and type cast LISP code
> runs faster than C code, so I'm wondering if anybody can explain to me
> how you declare a variable as a certain type in clisp.  The real
> problem is that the following code (designed to find the first
> fibonacci number with 1000 digits) gives me a floating point overflow,
> which is weird because I don't see why LISP would assume I'm dealing
> with floating point numbers.
> (defun fib (flist)
>   (cond
>     (( = (floor (log (car flist) 10)) 999)
>      (cons (cadr flist) (list (car flist))))
>     (t (fib (cons (+ (car flist) (cadr flist)) flist)))))

The overflow is coming from (log (car flist) 10). Log is
converting its argument to a floating point number with a
view to using a polynomial approximation to compute the
logarithm, but doesn't get that far.

Alan Crowe
From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Type casting in Lisp
Message-ID: <>
·················" <················> writes:

> Paul Graham says that compiled, tail recursive and type cast LISP code
> runs faster than C code, so I'm wondering if anybody can explain to me
> how you declare a variable as a certain type in clisp.  The real
> problem is that the following code (designed to find the first
> fibonacci number with 1000 digits) gives me a floating point overflow,
> which is weird because I don't see why LISP would assume I'm dealing
> with floating point numbers.
> (defun fib (flist)
>   (cond
>     (( = (floor (log (car flist) 10)) 999)
>      (cons (cadr flist) (list (car flist))))
>     (t (fib (cons (+ (car flist) (cadr flist)) flist)))))

Implementations are allowed to use floating point numbers to compute
LOG, even if the input is an integer.

So, when the argument is an integer too big to be coerced to a
floating point, this function may complain, even if the result would
be integer or stand in a floating point value.

You could use: 

(= (integer-length (car flist)) 3318)

__Pascal Bourguignon__           
Grace personified,
I leap into the window.
I meant to do that.
From: ················
Subject: Re: Type casting in Lisp
Message-ID: <>
Thanks to everyone for responding.  I feel dumb for not catching the
log problem, but I was only computing logs of integers and I didn't
care about how precise the values were.  I replaced the code with
  (( = (floor (/ (car flist) (expo 10 998))) 1) which does the same
thing more efficiently.  As for type casting, can anybody tell me all
the types in LISP, how much typecasting will actually optimize code,
and how typecasting alters the compilation process (I realize this is a
tall order but would appreciate any answers at all).
From: Bill Atkins
Subject: Re: Type casting in Lisp
Message-ID: <>
In article <························>,
 ·················" <················> wrote:

> Thanks to everyone for responding.  I feel dumb for not catching the
> log problem, but I was only computing logs of integers and I didn't
> care about how precise the values were.  I replaced the code with
>   (( = (floor (/ (car flist) (expo 10 998))) 1) which does the same
> thing more efficiently.  As for type casting, can anybody tell me all
> the types in LISP, how much typecasting will actually optimize code,
> and how typecasting alters the compilation process (I realize this is a
> tall order but would appreciate any answers at all).

Listing all of the types in Lisp is a tall order indeed, since all
of the following are types:

  (integer 0 200) ;; an integer greater than 0 and less than 200
  (integer -1 3000) ;; etc, etc.
  (or integer float)
  (or string symbol (satisfies my-custom-object-p))

Lisp objects can be members of quite a few types:

CL-USER 4 > (typep 3 '(integer 0 1000))

CL-USER 5 > (typep 3 '(integer -1 1000))

CL-USER 6 > (typep 3 'rational)

CL-USER 7 > (typep 3 '(member 1 2 3))

CL-USER 8 > (typep 3 '(satisfies oddp))

When it comes to optimizing code for efficiency, you are probably
going to be concerned with only a few types, like FIXNUM (almost always 
an integer that can fit in a machine word), SINGLE-FLOAT, and

Declaring types often involves trial and error, and your code loses
a lot of readability when you decide to do so.  There is a good
description of optimization in the last chapter of Peter Seibel's book:

Only certain type declarations will actually have an effect on
efficiency.  For example, this code:

(let ((x 2))
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0))
  (declare (type fixnum x))
  (the fixnum (* x 2)))

will probably compile to very efficient machine code, because the
compiler can assume that X will never hold a number bigger than
what fits in a machine word (technically, the standard doesn't specify
that a FIXNUM must fit in a machine word, but this is almost always
the case) and can use the CPU's ADD instruction.

On the other hand, replacing FIXNUM with INTEGER in the THE form and 
the type declaration won't help you much, because the compiler
can't make very many optimizations with such a vague declaration (an
integer has to be able to transform into a bignum, which precludes
representing X as a machine word and using the CPU's arithmetic
instructions to manipulate it).

Type declaration should be a last resort, and should only be done in
parts of your code that a profiler has singled out as wasteful - if it
ain't broke, don't fix it.