From: Daniel Janus
Subject: WITH-BITFIELDS: handling of C99-like structures of packed bitfields
Message-ID: <>
Hello Lispniks,

I just stumbled upon the following problem: how to quickly read and parse
a binary file containing fixed-size structures of bit fields, written by
a C program on a little-endian architecture?  

I started with writing a function that parses several consecutive bytes
from a given array, then twiddled it around for some time until
it worked reasonably fast and with as little consing as possible.
Then I realized it could be reasonably generalized to a macro.  
Here it is; feel free to use it for anything (I place the code into
public domain):

(defmacro with-bitfields (sequence ofs bit-descriptions &body body)
  "Bind variables as integer values of bit fields in a given SEQUENCE.

SEQUENCE should be an array of integers (most likely 8-bit bytes).
OFS is the starting offset of a bit-field structure.  Each field 
description in BIT-DESCRIPTIONS is a two-element list: first element
specifies the name of a variable, while second elements marks the
number of bits in a corresponding bit field.  BODY is executed with
variables bound to values of their respective bit fields."
  (let ((%offset (gensym)))
    `(let ((,%offset ,ofs))
      ,(iter outer 
	     (for (name length) in bit-descriptions)	
	     (with offset = 0)
	     (with byte = 0)
	     (let ((summed-bytes
		      (for i from offset below length by 8)
			  (let* ((x (- length i))
				 (aref-expr `(aref ,sequence ,(if (= byte 0) %offset `(+ ,%offset ,byte))))
				  (if (< x 8)
				      `(ldb (byte ,x 0) ,aref-expr)
			    (if (= i 0) 
				`(ash ,shifted-expr ,i))))
		      (incf byte)
		      (finally (setf offset (- i 8))))))
		   `(,name ,(if (cdr summed-bytes)
				`(+ ,@summed-bytes)
				(car summed-bytes)))
		 into let-clauses))
	     (decf offset length)
	     (if (= offset -8)
		 (setf offset 0)
		 (decf byte))
	      (return-from outer
		`(let ,let-clauses ,@body)))))))

Using WITH-BITFIELDS, I have been able to parse my structure
(four unsigned bitfields: one 1-bit and three 21-bit, 8 bytes 
total) in the following way:

(with-bitfields array ofs
    ((field-1 1)
     (field-2 21)
     (field-3 21)
     (field-4 21))
  (do-something field-1 field-2 field-3 field-4))

which does no consing except for what DO-SOMETHING does,
and is very fast (around 60 million decoded structures per second
on my Celeron 2.4GHz) when compiled with SBCL 1.0 with maximum
speed settings and DO-SOMETHING a noop.

I hope somebody will find it useful.  Comments are welcome.

Daniel 'Nathell' Janus, GG #1631668, ············
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be
      -- The Tao of Programming