From: Oyvin Halfdan Thuv
Subject: [ANN]cl-ctrnn
Message-ID: <>
I have made a library for CTRNN simulations available at

Short info:
- Simulates CTRNNs (Contiuous-Time Recurrent Neural Networks)
- Useful for artificial life and genetic algorithms/programs
- BSD license
- Written for readability (but should be reasonably fast too ... speed of the
  CTRNN is usually not the problem in complex simulation environments anyway)

Comments are extremely welcome.

Long info:
Se docs and the example.lisp file:

;;;; Assuming that the library is loaded

(defpackage #:ctrnn-example
  (:use "COMMON-LISP" "CTRNN"))

(in-package :ctrnn-example)

;;;; First example: Test the interplay of two random neurons
(defun example-1 ()
  ;; Create a network
  (let ((net (make-instance 'neural-network))
        (neuron-1 (make-instance 'neuron 
                                 :bias (- (random 40) 20)
                                 :time-constant (+ (/ (random 10) 10) 
        (neuron-2 (make-instance 'neuron 
                                 :bias (- (random 40) 20)
                                 :time-constant (+ (/ (random 10) 10)
    ;; Add the neurons to the network
    (add-neuron! net neuron-1)
    (add-neuron! net neuron-2)
    ;; Add some synaptic connections between the neurons
     neuron-1 (make-instance 'synapse
                             :from-neuron neuron-2 
                             :strength (random 5)))
     neuron-2 (make-instance 'synapse
                             :from-neuron neuron-1 
                             :strength (random 5)))
    ;; Simulate the network for 20 (simulated seconds)
    ;; and see (every 3 seconds) how the firing frequency of the neurons change
    (let ((*timestep* 0.001)) ; Set simulation precision to 1 msec
      (dotimes (var 20)
        ;; Update potential for 3 seconds
        (dotimes (var 300)
          (synchronously-update-membrane-potentials! net))
        ;; Se what the firing-frequency for each of the neurons are
        (format t "t=~2,'0D:~%" (+ var 1))
        (format t "  Neuron 1: ff=~,6F~%  Neuron 2: ff=~,6F~%"
                (firing-frequency neuron-1)
                (firing-frequency neuron-2))))))

;;;; Second example: Se how firing freq. changes by sensor reading
(defparameter *my-sensor-reading* 1.0)
(defparameter *my-motor-force* 0.0)

(defun example-2 ()
  ;; Reset
  (setq *my-sensor-reading* 1.0)
  (setq *my-motor-force* 0.0)
  ;; Create a network
  (let ((net (make-instance 'neural-network))
        (neuron-1 (make-instance 'sensor-neuron
                                 :bias 1.0
                                 #'(lambda (self)
                                     (setf (neuron-external-current self) 
                                 :time-constant 0.1))
        (neuron-2 (make-instance 'motor-neuron 
                                 :bias -2.0
                                 #'(lambda (self)
                                     (setf *my-motor-force*
                                           (* 10 (firing-frequency self))))
                                 :time-constant 0.2)))

    ;; Add the neurons to the network
    (add-neuron! net neuron-1)
    (add-neuron! net neuron-2)
    ;; Add some synaptic connections between the neurons
     neuron-1 (make-instance 'synapse
                             :from-neuron neuron-2 
                             :strength 2))
     neuron-2 (make-instance 'synapse
                             :from-neuron neuron-1 
                             :strength -3))
    ;; Simulate the network for 20 (simulated seconds)
    ;; and see (every 3 seconds) how the firing frequency of the neurons change
    (let ((*timestep* 0.001)) ; Set simulation precision to 1 msec
      (dotimes (var 20)
        (when (> var 10)
          (setf *my-sensor-reading* 0.0))
        ;; Update potential for 3 seconds
        (dotimes (var 300)
          (synchronously-update-membrane-potentials! net))
        ;; See what happens to the motor
        (format t "motor force = ~A~%" *my-motor-force*)))))
