From: Tamas Papp
Subject: algorithm question: how to traverse an array column-major
Message-ID: <>
Suppose I have a simple-array (rank not known beforehand), and I want
to traverse its elements in column-major order (for example, I want to
print the elements, or do something like reduce, etc).

If the rank was known beforehand, I would simply write nested loops
with dotimes, but I am looking for a general solution.



From: Willem Broekema
Subject: Re: algorithm question: how to traverse an array column-major
Message-ID: <>
On Aug 9, 5:40 pm, Tamas Papp <······> wrote:
> Suppose I have a simple-array (rank not known beforehand), and I want
> to traverse its elements in column-major order (for example, I want to
> print the elements, or do something like reduce, etc).

>From the message it is not clear whether you know about the prescribed
storage model for multidimensional arrays, which is row-major order.

If you knew about this but want column-major order, then I can't help
you. But if row-major is also acceptible because you just want a way
to access elements one by one, this is possible: create a 1-
dimensional array displaced to the original array, and loop across the
vector. Look up the :displaced-to argument of make-array, and function

Apropos, O'Reilly has just published an enjoyable book titled
"Beautiful Code", and in there is a chapter by Travis E. Oliphant on
implementing iterators for subarrays of multi-dimensional arrays, as
part of NumPy (numerical lib for Python).
 ISBN 10: 0-596-51004-7
 ISBN 13: 9780596510046

- Willem
From: Thomas A. Russ
Subject: Re: algorithm question: how to traverse an array column-major
Message-ID: <>
Willem Broekema <········> writes:

> On Aug 9, 5:40 pm, Tamas Papp <······> wrote:
> > Suppose I have a simple-array (rank not known beforehand), and I want
> > to traverse its elements in column-major order (for example, I want to
> > print the elements, or do something like reduce, etc).
> >From the message it is not clear whether you know about the prescribed
> storage model for multidimensional arrays, which is row-major order.
> If you knew about this but want column-major order, then I can't help
> you. But if row-major is also acceptible because you just want a way
> to access elements one by one, this is possible: create a 1-
> dimensional array displaced to the original array, and loop across the
> vector. Look up the :displaced-to argument of make-array, and function
> array-total-size.

Even easier is to use ROW-MAJOR-AREF together with ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE.

Thomas A. Russ,  USC/Information Sciences Institute
From: Matthias Benkard
Subject: Re: algorithm question: how to traverse an array column-major
Message-ID: <>

I wonder whether the following, which I arrived at by pure
experimentation and with the least amount of reasoning possible, is
completely broken :)

(defun column-major-aref (a i)
  (apply #'aref a
         (nreverse (loop for dimension in (reverse (array-dimensions
                         for dim-no downfrom (1- (array-rank a))
                         for mod-size = (reduce #'* (butlast (array-
dimensions a)))
                             then (/ mod-size (array-dimension a dim-
                         collect (truncate i mod-size)
                         do (setf i (mod i mod-size))))))

It wouldn't surprise me to see that this is complete nonsense.  I have
to admit I'm actually not sure I understand what exactly COLUMN-MAJOR-
AREF is supposed to do.

SEQUENCES> (let ((a #2A((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8) (9 10 11 12))))
             (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}" (loop for i from 0 to (1- (array-
total-size a))
                                            collect (column-major-aref
a i))))
"1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11, 4, 8, 12"
SEQUENCES> (let ((a #3A(((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8) (9 10 11 12)) ((13 14 15
16) (17 18 19 20) (21 22 23 24)))))
             (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}" (loop for i from 0 to (1- (array-
total-size a))
                                            collect (column-major-aref
a i))))
"1, 13, 5, 17, 9, 21, 2, 14, 6, 18, 10, 22, 3, 15, 7, 19, 11, 23, 4,
16, 8, 20, 12, 24"

Mata ne,
From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: algorithm question: how to traverse an array column-major
Message-ID: <>
Tamas Papp <······> writes:

> Suppose I have a simple-array (rank not known beforehand), and I want
> to traverse its elements in column-major order (for example, I want to
> print the elements, or do something like reduce, etc).
> If the rank was known beforehand, I would simply write nested loops
> with dotimes, but I am looking for a general solution.

I already have this macro:

(defmacro rloop (clauses &rest body)
  (if (null clauses)
      `(progn ,@body)
      `(loop ,@(car clauses) do (rloop ,(cdr clauses) ,@body))))

(rloop ((for i from 0 to 3)
        (for j from 0 to 3)
        (for k from 0 to 3))
 (print (aref array i j k)))

But you want column-major, so:

(rloop ((for i from 0 to 3)
        (for j from 0 to 3)
        (for k from 0 to 3))
 (print (aref array k j i)))

Now the real problem is to build these embedded loops at run-time,
since you don't know before hand the dimensions of the array.  One
quick and dirty solution is to keep the macro, and use EVAL:

(let ((indices (loop repeat (length (array-dimensions array)) collect (gensym))))
  (eval `(rloop ,(mapcar (lambda (index dimension)
                            `(for ,index from 0 below ,dimension))
                         indices (array-dimensions array))
            (print (aref array ,@(reverse indices))))))

Of course, it's not a good idea to use eval, since the body (the
"print") will probably need to refer to some lexical variables.

What you need to implement, is an iterator.

(defun make-column-major-iterator (array)
  (let* ((dims    (coerce (array-dimensions array) 'vector))
         (indices (make-list (length dims) :initial-element 0))
         (done nil))
    (lambda ()
       (if done
          (values nil nil)
          (multiple-value-prog1 (values (apply (function aref) array indices) t)
                :for i :from 0 :below (length dims)
                :for index :on indices
                :do (incf (car index))
                :while (= (car index) (aref dims i))
                :do (setf (car index) 0)
                :finally (setf done (<= (length dims) i))))))))

C/CV[90]> (let ((a #3A(((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) ((7 8 9) (10 11 12)))))
            (loop with iter = (make-column-major-iterator a) 
                  for (i p) = (multiple-value-list (funcall iter)) 
                  while p
                  do (print i)))


__Pascal Bourguignon__           

NOTE: The most fundamental particles in this product are held
together by a "gluing" force about which little is currently known
and whose adhesive power can therefore not be permanently
From: Thomas F. Burdick
Subject: Re: algorithm question: how to traverse an array column-major
Message-ID: <>
On Aug 9, 5:40 pm, Tamas Papp <······> wrote:
> Suppose I have a simple-array (rank not known beforehand), and I want
> to traverse its elements in column-major order (for example, I want to
> print the elements, or do something like reduce, etc).
> If the rank was known beforehand, I would simply write nested loops
> with dotimes, but I am looking for a general solution.

I would do it by converting the column-major number to a row-major
one.  Something like the following:

(defun column-major-accessor (array)
  (let* ((dims (array-dimensions array))
	 (rdims (reverse dims))
	 (rm-scales (reverse (maplist (lambda (l) (apply #'* (or (cdr l)
	 (cm-scales (maplist (lambda (l) (apply #'* (or (cdr l) '(1))))
    (labels ((ref (i)
		(loop with source = i
		      with result = 0
		      for rm in rm-scales
		      for cm in cm-scales
		      do (multiple-value-bind (dim rest) (floor source cm)
			   (setf result (+ result (* dim rm))
				 source rest))
		      finally (return result)))))
From: Chris Russell
Subject: Re: algorithm question: how to traverse an array column-major
Message-ID: <>
On 9 Aug, 16:40, Tamas Papp <······> wrote:
> Suppose I have a simple-array (rank not known beforehand), and I want
> to traverse its elements in column-major order (for example, I want to
> print the elements, or do something like reduce, etc).
> If the rank was known beforehand, I would simply write nested loops
> with dotimes, but I am looking for a general solution.
> Thanks,
> Tamas
Given an array, you can write a do loop something like this:

(do init-clause
    ((= (last counter) (last (array-dimensions array))))
   (incf (Aref counter 0))
   (dotimes (tick (array-rank array)
      (if (= (elt counter tick) (elt (array-dimensions array) tick))
	       (setf (elt counter tick) 0)
	       (incf (elt counter (1+ tick))))

Where array is your array, and counter a list of your current
You can then access the appropriate element inside the loop with
(apply #'aref array counter)

The all-singing, all-dancing macro I used to implement a base layer
for APL/J style array access is below.
But it's uncommented, needs rewriting, and probably overkill for what
you need.
However it should be relatively obvious how it is used, upper-bound,
init and lower-bound all take arrays as arguments and array can be
either the name of an array used to keep track of where you are or a
list of individual bindings for the co-ordinates.
Apologies for google groups destructuring of whitespace.

(defmacro meta-dotimes((array upper-bound &key (init nil) (lower-bound
nil) (reverse nil) (increment 1)) &rest body)
  (let* ((last (gensym)) (final (gensym)) (tick (gensym)) (lower
(gensym)) (temp (gensym)) (upper (gensym))
	 (lbound  (if (null lower-bound)
		      `(:initial-element ,(if reverse -1 0)  :element-type 'fixnum)
		      `(:initial-contenets ,(if reverse `(mapcar #'1- ,lower-bound)
lower-bound) :element-type 'fixnum)))
	 (int (if (null init)
		  (if reverse
		      `(:initial-contents (mapcar #'1- ,temp)  :element-type
		      `(:initial-element 0 :element-type 'fixnum))
	  	  `(:initial-contents ,init :element-type 'fixnum)))
    (when (listp array)
      (let ((tick -1) (new-array-name (gensym)))
	(setf name-binds (mapcar (lambda(x) (list x (list 'aref new-array-
name (incf tick)) (list 'aref new-array-name tick)) array))
	(setf array new-array-name)))
    (when reverse
      (! - increment))
    `(do* ((,temp ,upper-bound)
	   (,last (1- (length ,temp)))

	   (,upper ,(if reverse
			`(make-array (1+ ,last) ,@lbound)
			`(make-array (length ,temp) :initial-contents ,temp  :element-type
	   (,lower ,(if reverse
			`(make-array (length ,temp) :initial-contents (mapcar
#'1- ,temp) :element-type 'fixnum)
			`(make-array (1+ ,last) ,@lbound)))
	   (,array (make-array (1+ ,last) ,@int))
	   (,final (elt ,upper ,last)))

	  ((= (aref ,array ,last) ,final))


       (incf (Aref ,array 0) ,increment)
       (dotimes (,tick ,last)
	 (if (= (aref ,array ,tick) (aref ,upper ,tick))
	       (setf (aref ,array ,tick) (aref ,lower ,tick))
	       (incf (Aref ,array (1+ ,tick)) ,increment))