From: Tamas Papp
Subject: how to indent (defclass, :initarg)
Message-ID: <>
I would like to indent definitions like this nicely:

(defclass hsv ()
  ((hue :initform 0 :type (real 0 360) :initarg :hue :accessor hue)
   (saturation :initform 0 :type (real 0 1) :initarg :saturation
						     :accessor saturation)
   (value :initform 0 :type (real 0 1) :initarg :value :accessor value)))

but the first keyword on the next line gets aligned with the last on
the previous one.  I am curious about how to indent this "properly" --
maybe I am breaking lines at the wrong place, or is there a special
SLIME/Emacs setting?

