From: Javier
Subject: Lisp/Slime development idea, how to implement it
Message-ID: <>
Imagine the following situation:

I'm navigating throw a Lisp source code. I have opened Slime. There are
a lot of symbols which I don't know what are doing, so I push C-c C-d
C-d everytime I need to know what every symbol do, and a new window
appears showing the result of calling (describe 'symbol) on the Lisp
side. This is nice.

Now, my idea is:

Having a separate frame with the "describe" output, I would like to
have the buffer automatically updated whenever I move the cursor over
another symbol (both using the arrow keys in the keyboard and the mouse
click). Even I would like it to be updated everytime I finish writing a
symbol, for example writing "(format" + space would describe the format
Now, also in the another window of the same frame as the above, I would
like to have an autocompletion window (the same as Slime autocompletion
window), and also I would like it to be automatically update at the
same time I'm writing the function name (just as a "normal"
autocompletion of any IDE).

My question is: do you have ideas on how to do so, what Slime functions
to call from Emacs, what hooks to use, etc?