From: Conrad
Subject: Announcement: FringeDC meeting, Next Sunday Nov 26th
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FringeDC is a group interested in cutting edge programming languages
such as Lisp, Haskell, Scheme, Smalltalk and Prolog.

Sunday Nov 26th:

"Lisp is the Red Pill" by Conrad Barski, M.D. (Title taken from John
Fraser's c.l.l. post of long ago) at Ebenezer's Coffee House (They have
this awesome conference/party room in the basement...). An attempt will
be made to introduce people to Lisp and to give them a flavor of the
crown jewels of Lisp/Scheme: closures, true macros, continuations, etc.
We will create a small video game and use examples from my Lisp Comic
Book Casting SPELs in Lisp! Then, I'll give a sneak peek at my followup
comic book- A web-based game that illustrates the essence of Scheme
continuations! Also, Beer and Pizza at a nearby deep dish pizzeria
after the presentation :)

Hope to see you there!

-Conrad Barski, M.D.