From: Ken Tilton
Subject: [ANNC] Celtk2 alpha release
Message-ID: <1ucag.1939$RM1.407@fe12.lga>
Under here:

Grab modules: Cells and Celtk. And Gears if you like OpenGL

The install notes for Celtk will tell you what else to grab (CFFI and 
cl-opengl), after I write them in a couple of hours and upload. The 
install notes, I mean.

No, there is not any frickin' documentation, just lotsa examples. Get 
over it.

Credits: Celtk2 and its predecessor Celtk exist only because of the fine 
trailblazing example set by Peter Herth with LTk. Thanks, Peter!

History: Celtk sat atop the LTk core, which talked to a separate Tk 
(wish) executable over stdin/stdout. Very effective, but FrankG and I 
like OpenGL. Frank found Togl (a nice Tk OpenGL widget best 
characterized as freeglut-in-a-wdget), but if one does not want to do 
OpenGL via an interpreted scripting language (one does not), one needs 
to have the Tcl interpreter running in the same process so you can get 
at the OpenGL context. Frank did the bindings to call Tcl_Interp, and 
Celtk2 was born.

The advantages over Celtk are:
  - OpenGL (duh)
  - true callbacks
  - full event handling (easier/finer control)
  - thx to CFFI, the C API is as easy or easier than pipes
  - faster C API (not a big deal over pipes, really)
  - one process, not two. Not sure if that matters.

The advantages of Celtk were and still are:
  - Cells
  - Tcl -- portable stuff like sockets, file management
  - Tk -- portable yet native GUI



"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
    Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
    minister husband, when asked if the couple had
    marital problems.