From: Vladimir Zolotykh
Subject: *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*, how it works?
Message-ID: <>
Under which circumstances setting *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* may not cause a
debugger to be entered when the appropriate condition is raised?

I thought that setting *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* to, for example, CONDITION
will unconditionally cause any (WARN "Something") to enter a debugger.

It works that way when I do in REPL (Lisp listener)

  cl-user(1): (setq *break-on-signals* 'condition)
  cl-user(2): (warn "Something")
  Break: Something
  break entered because of *break-on-signals*.

  Restart actions (select using :continue):
   0: return from break.
   1: skip warning.
   2: continue processing.
   3: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart).
   4: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process.
  [1c] cl-user(13): 

However, setting *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* seems doesn't affect the compiled
code. It is rather inexact expression. I have a project which I
ASDF:LOAD-OP, this project has a call to WARN, and when after loading
the project I set *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* to CONDITION I still get just a
warning when WARN is called, no break at all.

Am I missed something about how setting *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* works?

Using ACL80

Vladimir Zolotykh

From: sross
Subject: Re: *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*, how it works?
Message-ID: <>
> Am I missed something about how setting *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* works?
  Nope, it seems that your understanding of *break-on-signals* is fine,
  the problem (at a guess) is that warn is getting called at a
  different time than what you expect.

 Do you have a small test case that illustrates the problem?
 ie. a small file that when compiled ignores *break-on-signals*
From: Vladimir Zolotykh
Subject: Re: *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*, how it works?
Message-ID: <>
On 4 May 2006 02:41:15 -0700
"sross" <······> wrote:

>  Do you have a small test case that illustrates the problem?
>  ie. a small file that when compiled ignores *break-on-signals*

The application in question is a CLIM application.  The one thing I've
already discovered:

  (setq *break-on-signals* 'simple-warning)
  (find-application-frame 'sid :create :force)
  ---> No break <---

  (make-application-frame 'sid)
  (let ((*break-on-signals* 'simple-warning)) (run-frame-top-level *))

  Break: Xt: 
      Name: xmScrollBar
      Class: XmScrollBar
      The specified scrollbar value is greater than the maximum
      scrollbar value minus the scrollbar slider size.

  break entered because of *break-on-signals*.

May be now you'll see my problems in composing "test case". Knowing
next to nothing (at present) about FIND-APPLICATION-FRAME (I mean what
it does inside) it is difficult for me to decise what should be in the
"test case".

Vladimir Zolotykh
From: sross
Subject: Re: *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*, how it works?
Message-ID: <>
The two examples seem to be doing different things...

I'm guessing (I'm not on my own machine right now) that
(find-application-frame 'sid :create :force)  will either
find an existing frame of class 'sid or call make-application-frame.
The code which actually signals the warning is the call to
run-frame-top-level so theoretically the following code should
also cause a break.

(setf *break-on-signals* 'simple-warning)
(run-frame-top-level (find-application-frame 'sid :create :force))

From: Vladimir Zolotykh
Subject: Re: *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*, how it works?
Message-ID: <>
On 5 May 2006 04:41:49 -0700
"sross" <······> wrote:

> The two examples seem to be doing different things...
> I'm guessing (I'm not on my own machine right now) that
> (find-application-frame 'sid :create :force)  will either
> find an existing frame of class 'sid or call make-application-frame.
> The code which actually signals the warning is the call to
> run-frame-top-level so theoretically the following code should
> also cause a break.
> (setf *break-on-signals* 'simple-warning)
> (run-frame-top-level (find-application-frame 'sid :create :force))

You're quite right

  (setf *break-on-signals* 'simple-warning)
  (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'sid :create :force))

causes a break.

  (find-application-frame 'sid :own-process nil)

also breaks and the last one gives the solution of my little problem.

  (defun foo ()
    (warn "Something"))

  (defun test-2 ()
    (let ((*break-on-signals* 'simple-warning))
      (mp:process-run-function "foo" #'foo)))

TEST-2 doesn't break.

  (defun test-3 ()
    (let ((*break-on-signals* 'simple-warning))
	   :name "foo"
	   :initial-bindings `((*break-on-signals* . ',*break-on-signals*)))

TEST-3 happily causes a break.

What I still don't understand is why TEST-4 

  (defun test-4 ()
    (let ((*break-on-signals* 'simple-warning))
	   :name "foo"
	   :initial-bindings `(,@excl:*cl-default-special-bindings*))

contains *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* and according to ACL Doc (Multiprocessing,
section 4.0 Processes and their dynamic environments)

	 `(:name ... 
	    ((*readtable* . ',*readtable*) 

I'd think that TEST-4 shall cause a break as well as TEST-3. But in
reality it doesn't. I took a glance at
EXCL:*CL-DEFAULT-SPECIAL-BINDINGS* (I've included it in the end) and
realized that I don't understand at all how
EXCL:*CL-DEFAULT-SPECIAL-BINDINGS*, being used as as proposed in
Multiprocessing doc, might be usefull in the sence of obtaining in the
new ("child") process the same value of *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* as it was
in the parent process. Would you mind throwing a little light on this?

Vladimir Zolotykh

cl-user(303): (pprint excl:*cl-default-special-bindings*)

((inspect::*inspector-hook* . inspect::*inspector-hook*) (excl.scm::*ed-hook* . excl.scm::*ed-hook*)
  . #S(excl::pprint-dispatch-struct :conses-with-cars #<eq hash-table with 73 entries @ #x7112b96a>
                                    :structures #<equal hash-table with 0 entries @ #x7112b992>
                                    :others (#S(excl::entry :test #<Function function-call-p>
                                                            :fn #<Function alternative-fn-call>
                                                            :full-spec ((-5) (satisfies excl::function-call-p)))
                                             #S(excl::entry :test #<Function consp>
                                                            :fn #<Function pprint-fill-no-annotation>
                                                            :full-spec ((-10) cons))
                                             #S(excl::entry :test #<Function always-true>
                                                            :fn #<Function default-use-print-object>
                                                            :full-spec ((-10) t)))))
 (excl::*break-on-warnings* . excl::*break-on-warnings*) (*break-on-signals* . *break-on-signals*) (*random-state* make-random-state nil)
 (excl::*case-translation* if (eq *current-case-mode* :case-insensitive-upper) :common :local) (*package* find-package :user) (*print-lines*)
 (*print-miser-width* . 40) (*print-right-margin*) (*print-readably*) (*print-gensym* . t) (*print-array* . t) (*print-case* quote :upcase)
 (*print-circle*) (*print-length*) (*print-level*) (*print-radix*) (*print-base* . 10)
 (*print-pretty* system:global-symbol-value '*print-pretty*) (*print-escape* . t)
 (excl::*debug-enclose-printer-errors* . excl::*debug-enclose-printer-errors*) (*enclose-printer-errors* . *enclose-printer-errors*)
 (*print-nickname* . *print-nickname*) (*read-base* . 10) (*read-default-float-format* quote single-float))
From: sross
Subject: Re: *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*, how it works?
Message-ID: <>
According to the franz multiprocessing docs you have to
explicitly supply new values for initial-bindings otherwise
everything is evaluated in the dynamic environment of the
new process (so you lose the binding you created)

This requires you to do
  :name "foo"
  :initial-bindings `((*break-on-signals* . ',*break-on-signals*))

From: Vladimir Zolotykh
Subject: Re: *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*, how it works?
Message-ID: <>
On 5 May 2006 09:51:44 -0700
"sross" <······> wrote:

> According to the franz multiprocessing docs you have to
> explicitly supply new values for initial-bindings otherwise
> everything is evaluated in the dynamic environment of the
> new process (so you lose the binding you created)
> This requires you to do
> (mp:process-run-function
>   (list
>   :name "foo"
>   :initial-bindings `((*break-on-signals* . ',*break-on-signals*))
>                        ,@excl:*cl-default-special-bindings*))))

The another solution might be to use TPL:SETQ-DEFAULT

  cl-user(1): (defun bar ()
		    `(:name "foo"
		      :initial-bindings (,@excl:*cl-default-special-bindings*))
		  #'(lambda () (format t "~&*break-on-signals* = ~S~%" *break-on-signals*))))
  cl-user(2): (bar)
  #<multiprocessing:process foo(3) @ #x715fb5ea>
  *break-on-signals* = nil

  cl-user(6): (tpl:setq-default *break-on-signals* 'simple-warning)
  cl-user(7): (sys:global-symbol-value '*break-on-signals*)
  cl-user(8): (bar)
  #<multiprocessing:process foo(3) @ #x715fe49a>
  *break-on-signals* = simple-warning


I must confess that I knew nothing about these "global values" and
that is why it was so difficult for me to catch the meaning of the
(*break-on-signals* . *break-on-signals*) pair and like in the
excl:*cl-default-special-bindings*. The CDR of the pair is the "global
value" and the CAR is the value in the sense of CL:BOUNDP. Mistakenly
thinking that both were in CL:BOUNDP sense I couldn't make neither
head nor tail of it.

Vladimir Zolotykh